"Batman's Utility Belt"

Started by THE BAT-MAN, Fri, 14 Nov 2008, 20:45

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Fri, 14 Nov 2008, 20:45 Last Edit: Wed, 16 Feb 2011, 00:14 by THE BAT-MAN
I feel that this is one topic that never gets discussed.  I like to hear your thoughts about batman's utility belt.  I'll start, I first like to say that I think that The Utility belt in the Burton films is the best belt.   I was kinda dissapointed that the Special Edition Dvds never really talk about batman's utility belt, How it was made? How it functioned to hold all those gadgets? and if it can hold all those gadgets? I have read John Marriots Batman official book of the movie, the official collectors topps magazine, and Scott Beatty's official guide.  To be able to get an idea of how the belt could really function.  John Evans, the special effects supervisor explained in the book that Tim Burton wanted the belt to be able to move and that he didn't want Batman to look like a marine with all the gadgets being clamped in the front.  So the belt was made with a built in motor to slide batman's gadgets from back to front.  Scott Beatty's illustrations showed plausible ways for the 1989 utililty belt to function even with its condensed size.  There are scenes in (Batman) where we see Batman pull gadgets from his belt without zipping it from the back such as smoke capsules. voice activator for the batmobile(Batman Returns) and acid.  There are scenes where we see the gadget but we do not see him pull it from his belt The batarang with attached cable. And then there are scenes where the gadget just appears. The scene where Batman hooks a grapple on to a hoods coat,  the scene where he begins his descend to napier, its implied that he is using a zipline from his grappling hook but we don't see the gadget until he's halfway down. not to mention his bat gauntlet in the flugelheim museum.  In Batman returns we see him pull his new harpoon zipline gun from his belt but we never can see it on him. It's like its tucked under his cape.  My point is do you think they could've fit his gadgets on his belt or not? To me I can see plausible ways to fit those gadgets on his belt.  I thought I should also mention that we never saw batman put a  single gadget in his utility belt in any of the Tim Burton films.  In the beginning of Batman Forever we saw Batman grab gadgets but we never truly got to see him load gadgets on his belt. Where as in Batman Begins at the final suit up sequence we got to see him load gadgets to his belt.  Anyway there's more I want to discuss but I like to get some feedback first. 

Sat, 15 Nov 2008, 02:43 #1 Last Edit: Mon, 21 Sep 2009, 05:16 by batass4880

Yeah, in my view Batman's just a really smart dude, somewhat of a supreme human being (could I state the obvious any more). In my view he would just be one of those people with such a discipline and understanding of combat to know what was necessary for any given situation that he is getting ready for. The same way a grunt soldier out in the field has to prepare accordingly for days upon days perhaps out in the bush, Batman likely goes into situations with the upper hand likely because he already knows what he will/won't need.

Essentially he's got all these gadgets, but only hauls around the ones necessary for the job he is about to do in which he probably already knows of every one of the duties.

Anyways, that's my two-cents on the matter.

Anyone know where these are from?

That I would really like to know as well.
I find it crazy there hasn't been a book that covered Burton's Batman movies in detail.
A book full of pictures, production design artwork and storyboards.
Someone should release a huge coffee table book that includes only art department stuff from all of Tim Burton's movies.

Its a movie as far as a fuctional belt goes...But i do like the question how it was made. Ready for the answer......

the strap is GM truck molding

I don't have the book on me at the moment, but I believe those pictures are from Scott Beatty's Ultimate Guide to the Dark Knight from Dorling Kindersley.  It analyzes the comic book Batman and uses the Burton designs on the belt and, I believe, the Batmobile for dissection.
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Sat, 15 Nov 2008, 23:15 #9 Last Edit: Sat, 15 Nov 2008, 23:43 by DarkVengeance
Those pics are from "The Ultimate Guide to The Dark Knight" I like the 89 belt alot, but for me the BB and TDK belt is the best, it is much more realisitic and like said above at the end of BB we actually see how some of his gadgets fit onto the belt, with my Special Edition DC Direct Deluxe Christian Bale as Batman figure, you can put the gadgets on his belt and everything.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.