Couple Of Questions

Started by WingedFreak71, Thu, 6 Nov 2008, 04:01

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Exactly. Alfred assumed he's feel better now that he knew he was right, but Bruce actually felt worse, because he was right. Cobblepot is actually a threat, whereas Bruce would have prefurred him to be squaky clean.

At first on the TV news report about the Penguin, notice that Bruce is unassuming. When Cobblepot starts talking about his parents, Keaton looks down, remembering his own parents, and begins to feel sad for himself, and Cobblepot, feeling a certain kinship. When he says "His parents... I hope he find them," He means it. However, it's when Shreck goes right up to him and stands buddy-buddy with the Penguin, that Keaton's face turns to a look of suspicion, as he knows Shreck is no good.

Brilliant character moment.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Does anyone know if the Joker having an interest in art in '89 was written because Jack is an art lover in real life?

Not to my knowledge.

Although it was completely within the makeup of his character, as the Joker has always been vain.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

On the subject of the Joker's interests, where did the report on the Jack Napier's aptitude for 'art and chemistry' come from?  His high school class report?  I can't imagine there was a chemical lab in prison where I assume the psych who compiled the report was based; I can't see it being a good idea for the inmates to experiment with explosive chemicals. ;)
It seems like a pity that someone as academically talented as Jack Napier decided to become a hood - even other Batman villains like Poison Ivy, Two-Face and the film version of The Riddler at least flirted with a respectable career before their descent into full-blown villainy.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

At one point in the '89 commentary, Tim Burton starts to talk about Bob Kane and it clearly gets edited. Anybody know why it was cut?

There are many spots that sound like that, I'm sure it's just someone cutting to help Tim get to the point.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Thu, 19 Mar 2009, 22:23 #76 Last Edit: Wed, 16 Feb 2011, 00:02 by THE BAT-MAN
Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Thu, 29 Jan  2009, 04:42
I have a question. In Batman Returns, why does Batman throw a tube of napalm at Catwoman's arm? How come he just didn't throw a batarang?

It wasn't nepalm according to the official magazine of the movie.  Instead it was acid and if you remember correctly.  Batman had to shake it up before throwing it so that it can cause a chemical reaction. 

I honestly don't know. why he didn't throw a batarang?  Maybe it had more to do with the position he was in.  He probably felt that he couldn't get a direct hit, and if he were to use acid instead he would have better results.

Now, what I really would like to know is why did Tim Burton decide not to have any scenes with penguin smoking a cigarette from a cigarette holder?

Considering, all the marketing with promotional posters, magazines, and photo galleries you clearly see penguin smoking a cigarette.  I believe that this was the one element missing in the film.

Thu, 19 Mar 2009, 22:35 #77 Last Edit: Thu, 19 Mar 2009, 22:58 by Dark Knight Detective
Quote from: THE "BAT-MAN" on Thu, 19 Mar  2009, 22:23
Now, what I really would like to know is why did Tim Burton decide not to have any scenes with penguin smoking a cigarette from a cigarette holder?

Considering, all the marketing with promotional posters, magazines, and photo galleries you clearly see penguin smoking a cigarette.  I believe that was the only element missing in the film.[/color]

It would have made no sense for him to have smoked before running for mayor (it would probably have been considered too human for him). And to add more to this, the strange thing is that there were those posters of him smoking a cigarette, even though he never did so in the film, like you said.

Thu, 19 Mar 2009, 22:44 #78 Last Edit: Wed, 16 Feb 2011, 00:03 by THE BAT-MAN
If you remember they did try putting a cigarette holder in his mouth.  Apparently they were encouraging him to smoke.  I think penguin smoking  was needed because its all part of how Bob Kane got the idea for creating him.  Bob created penguin from looking at a pack of cigarettes.

Thu, 19 Mar 2009, 22:50 #79 Last Edit: Thu, 19 Mar 2009, 23:05 by Dark Knight Detective
Quote from: THE "BAT-MAN" on Thu, 19 Mar  2009, 22:44
If you remember they did try putting a cigarette holder in his mouth.  Apparently they were encouraging him to smoke.  I think penguin smoking  was needed because its all part of how Bob Kane got the idea for creating him.  Bob created penguin from looking at a pack of cigarettes.

I knew that, but I just thought that the posters were pretty strange (but then again, I've seen this before in the real world).

Quote from: THE "BAT-MAN" on Thu, 19 Mar  2009, 22:23
Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Thu, 29 Jan  2009, 04:42
I have a question. In Batman Returns, why does Batman throw a tube of napalm at Catwoman's arm? How come he just didn't throw a batarang?

It wasn't nepalm according to the official magazine of the movie.  Instead it was acid and if you remember correctly.  Batman had to shake it up before throwing it so that it can cause a chemical reaction. 

She did claim that it was indeed napalm, but since when was she ever a scientist or a veteran?