Worst Moments From Batman Films!

Started by WingedFreak71, Tue, 28 Oct 2008, 18:24

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Here's mine (although some are things other than moments):

BATMAN: Billy Dee Williams seemed rather dull as Harvey Dent.

Batman Returns: The part when the poodle catches the batarang. I was hoping to see more of it (super batarang!). What's funny is that I sort of find it funny at the same time. :D

Batman Forever: I'm not very fond of Chase Merdian's hooker & stalker behavior.

Batman & Robin: There's a lot of moments, but Bane's characterization was... horrible. There's just no excuse for this.

Batman Begins: Again, there's many moments, but the times Rachel spoke bothered me the most.

The Dark Knight: I thought that most of the Tumbler-to-Batpod scene was useless, & it had Batman doing things that were too out of character.

Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 05:02 #91 Last Edit: Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 07:26 by gordonblu
I completely forgot about Rachel in Batman Begins! "I'm an assistant district attorney, let me pass." She said as if she was saying, "I'm a high school cheerleader, whatever!" Yeah, she was pretty bad. The character wasn't any better in the Dark Knight, but at least Maggie can act!
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 23:50 #92 Last Edit: Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 23:52 by silenig
Quote from: gordonblu on Wed, 25 Mar  2009, 04:26
Batman Returns: Anytime Penguin is wearing that stupid grey jumpsuit! Put him in a coat or something, I don't care if you wanted to show off the bodysuit he was wearing, give him a shirt, pants with suspenders or something, but at least make him dress somewhat like the character in the comics!

HAHAHAHA, I think he's quite funny in that jumpsuit.  ;D

Quote from: gordonblu on Wed, 25 Mar  2009, 04:26
I actually have a bootleg score to Batman and Robin (no Bat-Fanatic should be without it) and I actually think it is an improvement on the Batman Forever score. Goldenthal didn't just cut and paste the music from Forever(and Demolition Man) into the movie, he acutally re-orchestrated it a tad and as a whole it comes across slightly more serious than the previous score. I think Goldenthal picked up on the fact that Freeze, Ivy, and Bane are not as inherently zany as the Riddler, so while Schumacher was pushing them in the zany direction, Goldenthal was actually scoring them more appropriately to their original characteristics. That is not true across the board, there are some stupid moments in the score, Ivy in particular gets some pretty stupid cues, But overall I found it to be little bit more mature than Forever musically.

I totally agree. The music is newly recorded (not & paste) and an improvement over Forever. The bad saxophone music used for Poison Ivy is maybe the only lowpoint - it always grates on my nerves, both on film and on CD. Skip button material. I think Goldenthal himself has talked about this in interviews, irritated that his work didn't get a proper CD release as it deserved. The film's failure had to do with the absence of a score CD, and the official B&R CD had a simple cut-&-paste job of Forever cues.

I think there's a number of film score fanatics that want to have this CD. I only have an mp3 version, at a pretty mediocre rate (160 kbps)

Guess it never hit me that we could post Nolan moments here too.  Cripes, here goes!

-- Begins
Batman- "I won't kill you... but I don't have to save you."
Ghul- "All I can say is that you should be thankful this isn't an episode of Seinfeld or you'd be screwed."
Batman- "And you should be thankful that this isn't Star Wars cuz the last d00d dressed all in black that you fought ended up impaling you and you died instantly.  Trust me, you're getting off light."
Ghul- "Gotcha, bouncing around like a basketball in a subway car crash before getting roasted to death is SO much more compassionate and merciful than just shooting me in the head!  Glad you're here to tell me these things!"

And so forth.  Kill or don't kill dude, but don't wuss out like that.

Nice coat/Can you drive stick?/Sorry!/I've got to get me one of those/Nevermind!/etc.  All those ridiculous one-liners that even Joel Schumacher would've nixed just tick me off.  It was never funny and the fact that Goyer wrote so damn many of them tells you all you need to know about his writing "talents".

Fear/panic/terror/fear/fear/fear/afraid/fear/dread- We get it, dear Lord make it stop!

Rachel- Largely I've made peace with Holmes in the part.  Good for the role?  That is in the eye of the beholder.  What ticks me off is her passive-aggressive BS with Bruce.  "Go back to swimming."  "Some of us have to WORK."  And so forth.  You just want Bale to scream "aw shaddup ya bloo'y ol' tart, we're DONE, okay?, PROFESSIONALLY, McG, get this !*!@&$( off the set, you pr$%@#ck!!"  And ya know something?  I think Batman would say that.  Well, maybe not curse her out but he'd tell her where she can stick it if she got too mouthy with him.  Grr, anyway, whatever.  Hacks.

-- TDK
Voice- OMFG Bale's voice was just OUT OF FREAKING CONTROL this time out.  Can you dig it?  Good film, fun, Ledger, blah blah blah, but hoooooooly crap on a crutch, someone get that man a throat lozenge!

Sonar- "You took my sonar concept... and applied it to every cell phone in the city!"  Whaaa?  Hey, I'm all about willful suspension of disbelief and getting out of the director's grill so he can tell the story but... THAT'S IT!?  THAT'S your answer?!  Why not just say "you connected the doo-dad to the gizmo, reversed the polarity of gadget and then did a rain dance around it so that now my sonar concept has been installed on every single cell phone in the entire city?!  It's diabolical!  It's deceitful!  It's a damn good idea, get President Bush on the phone, he'll LOVE this!"  SOMETHING, ya know?  Oy...

Joker- The performance was fine, the character had nothing to do with the comics, blah blah, but his motives... what exactly did he want with Batman?

Quote"I don't want to kill you!  What would I do with you?"
"But you thought Harvey Dent was me and you shot at his truck with a hand gun, a sub-machine gun and then a frackin' bazooka!"
"But I knew he wasn't really you though."
"Oh.  So what about when you shot my Bat-SUV with your bazooka?"
"Hey, you got in my line of fire!"
"Is that what you told yourself when you tried to run me over with a semi?"
"I knew you'd get away!"
"What about when you stood maliciously over my unconcious form wielding a knife?  And come to think of it, why did you try to beat me into bloody freaking senselessness with a lead pipe after siccing your dogs on me?"
"Chaos!  Anarchy!  Laissez-faire!  Ayn Rand!"
And so forth.  Like I said, TDK's a good movie but don't try to take it seriously.  You'll only end up hurting yourself.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 26 Mar  2009, 07:54
Sonar- "You took my sonar concept... and applied it to every cell phone in the city!"  Whaaa?  Hey, I'm all about willful suspension of disbelief and getting out of the director's grill so he can tell the story but... THAT'S IT!?  THAT'S your answer?!  Why not just say "you connected the doo-dad to the gizmo, reversed the polarity of gadget and then did a rain dance around it so that now my sonar concept has been installed on every single cell phone in the entire city?!  It's diabolical!  It's deceitful!  It's a damn good idea, get President Bush on the phone, he'll LOVE this!"  SOMETHING, ya know?  Oy...

I laughed out loud when reading that bit. Well said.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 26 Mar  2009, 07:54
Guess it never hit me that we could post Nolan moments here too.  Cripes, here goes!

-- Begins
Batman- "I won't kill you... but I don't have to save you."
Ghul- "All I can say is that you should be thankful this isn't an episode of Seinfeld or you'd be screwed."
Batman- "And you should be thankful that this isn't Star Wars cuz the last d00d dressed all in black that you fought ended up impaling you and you died instantly.  Trust me, you're getting off light."
Ghul- "Gotcha, bouncing around like a basketball in a subway car crash before getting roasted to death is SO much more compassionate and merciful than just shooting me in the head!  Glad you're here to tell me these things!"

And so forth.  Kill or don't kill dude, but don't wuss out like that.

Nice coat/Can you drive stick?/Sorry!/I've got to get me one of those/Nevermind!/etc.  All those ridiculous one-liners that even Joel Schumacher would've nixed just tick me off.  It was never funny and the fact that Goyer wrote so damn many of them tells you all you need to know about his writing "talents".

Fear/panic/terror/fear/fear/fear/afraid/fear/dread- We get it, dear Lord make it stop!

Rachel- Largely I've made peace with Holmes in the part.  Good for the role?  That is in the eye of the beholder.  What ticks me off is her passive-aggressive BS with Bruce.  "Go back to swimming."  "Some of us have to WORK."  And so forth.  You just want Bale to scream "aw shaddup ya bloo'y ol' tart, we're DONE, okay?, PROFESSIONALLY, McG, get this !*!@&$( off the set, you pr$%@#ck!!"  And ya know something?  I think Batman would say that.  Well, maybe not curse her out but he'd tell her where she can stick it if she got too mouthy with him.  Grr, anyway, whatever.  Hacks.

-- TDK
Voice- OMFG Bale's voice was just OUT OF FREAKING CONTROL this time out.  Can you dig it?  Good film, fun, Ledger, blah blah blah, but hoooooooly crap on a crutch, someone get that man a throat lozenge!

Sonar- "You took my sonar concept... and applied it to every cell phone in the city!"  Whaaa?  Hey, I'm all about willful suspension of disbelief and getting out of the director's grill so he can tell the story but... THAT'S IT!?  THAT'S your answer?!  Why not just say "you connected the doo-dad to the gizmo, reversed the polarity of gadget and then did a rain dance around it so that now my sonar concept has been installed on every single cell phone in the entire city?!  It's diabolical!  It's deceitful!  It's a damn good idea, get President Bush on the phone, he'll LOVE this!"  SOMETHING, ya know?  Oy...

Joker- The performance was fine, the character had nothing to do with the comics, blah blah, but his motives... what exactly did he want with Batman?

Quote"I don't want to kill you!  What would I do with you?"
"But you thought Harvey Dent was me and you shot at his truck with a hand gun, a sub-machine gun and then a frackin' bazooka!"
"But I knew he wasn't really you though."
"Oh.  So what about when you shot my Bat-SUV with your bazooka?"
"Hey, you got in my line of fire!"
"Is that what you told yourself when you tried to run me over with a semi?"
"I knew you'd get away!"
"What about when you stood maliciously over my unconcious form wielding a knife?  And come to think of it, why did you try to beat me into bloody freaking senselessness with a lead pipe after siccing your dogs on me?"
"Chaos!  Anarchy!  Laissez-faire!  Ayn Rand!"
And so forth.  Like I said, TDK's a good movie but don't try to take it seriously.  You'll only end up hurting yourself.

HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! Hilarious, Colors. You speak the truth.  :D ;D 8)

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Thu, 26 Mar  2009, 14:51
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 26 Mar  2009, 07:54
Sonar- "You took my sonar concept... and applied it to every cell phone in the city!"  Whaaa?  Hey, I'm all about willful suspension of disbelief and getting out of the director's grill so he can tell the story but... THAT'S IT!?  THAT'S your answer?!  Why not just say "you connected the doo-dad to the gizmo, reversed the polarity of gadget and then did a rain dance around it so that now my sonar concept has been installed on every single cell phone in the entire city?!  It's diabolical!  It's deceitful!  It's a damn good idea, get President Bush on the phone, he'll LOVE this!"  SOMETHING, ya know?  Oy...

I laughed out loud when reading that bit. Well said.

Great stuff ;)

Just 5 things come to mind.....

"Holy Concrete, Batman!"

"It's the Hockey Team from Hell!"

"Never leave the cave without it"

....nipples, & crotches

"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

I didn't like the change of actress for rachels charactor. I haven't got anything against the replacement, it's just the fact that the film makers just didn't stick to the original actress. What was Kate doing at the time, was she not available?


Sat, 11 Apr 2009, 16:11 #99 Last Edit: Sat, 11 Apr 2009, 16:54 by Dark Knight Detective
Quote from: Knight-of-Darkness on Sat, 11 Apr  2009, 16:08
I didn't like the change of actress for rachels charactor. I haven't got anything against the replacement, it's just the fact that the film makers just didn't stick to the original actress. What was Kate doing at the time, was she not available?


The fact that she wasn't going to return brought out a sort of happiness inside of me. ;D