1989 Filming Locations

Started by WingedFreak71, Mon, 27 Oct 2008, 13:22

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anyone ever visit pinewood or any filming locations? - i think wayne manor was knebworth castle yeah? - we should hold the screening at axis chemical! or maybe at gotham city cathedral in 5 minutes.....

but i wonder if there's a pinewood tour that might have any old stuff from the 1st film

at WB studios in LA they have the '89 batsuit costume with a big DO NOT TOUCH sign next to it - how unfortunate that when i went down to "tie my shoe" i "accidentally" touched the bat boot! - and then accidentally i pulled off the cowl and tried it on - perfect fit!!

ok i just touched the boot

Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 00:59 #1 Last Edit: Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 01:02 by Darrell Kaiser

I wish I could have been with these lads who broke into the set and wondered around!

Was 89 shot at Pinewood because it was cheaper to make it there at the time or was it because of the vast space?

Quote from: batass4880 on Sat,  8 Nov  2008, 23:12
Was 89 shot at Pinewood because it was cheaper to make it there at the time or was it because of the vast space?

From http://www.batmanmovieonline.com/articles.php?showarticle=2

BATMAN was filmed at Pinewood not so much for economy, but because Burton had always wanted to work in Britain. "To be honest, I wanted to get out of the States because of all the hype, hoopla, and controversy the film was attracting," he said. "It was happening in England too, but to a far lesser degree. I didn?t need any extra distractions and coming here pretty much removed the stress level in that area so I could focus on the movie. There are only two places you can make a movie like this- Los Angeles or London. In many ways the crafts-man and artists are better in Britain. Even though the dollar was iffy, I'm glad I decided to base operations at Pinewood. It wouldn't have been cheaper in L.A., just more problematic."