The Best Burton Batcave

Started by The Dark Knight, Fri, 24 Oct 2008, 11:27

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Which is better?

If you want to see bats flying around at night, just go to any lake or pond in the summer and you'll get lots of sightings as they fly over the water to catch the flies, midges & moths etc...

Quote from: raleagh on Fri, 31 Oct  2008, 09:19
Anyone ever seen a bat in real life?

Yup, i was driving home one night and one of them flew on through the car window lol.

Mon, 3 Nov 2008, 00:02 #52 Last Edit: Wed, 5 Nov 2008, 11:13 by raleagh
We had one fly through an open window a few years ago.  It just hung on to the curtain until I grabbed it and threw it out.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun,  2 Nov  2008, 12:05Point is, you can get away with it more in Burton's universe, where as if something looks out of place in Nolan's realistic universe, it sticks out like a sore thumb.
I sort of agree, except that you can't have live bats flying around on a movie set.  That means you have to use effects of some kind.  Nolan had no choice but to use CG bats.  No way around it.  You know my views of the Nolan films in general and BB in particular but I never understood why he was criticized for this... particularly when he may not have had quite the budget for bat effects that he might've liked.

In my mind, it's like criticizing the matte paintings in Burton's films.  What other technology could he have possibly used???  Ya know?

Right, but did he need to have thousands upon thousands swarm like that? That's where the un-realistic vibe comes from.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue,  4 Nov  2008, 07:23
Right, but did he need to have thousands upon thousands swarm like that? That's where the un-realistic vibe comes from.
Not when thats how they actually flock in caves in big numbers like that in real life, plus Nolan did try real bats for those scenes and they never worked out, you cant train a bat like most other animals.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

It's very hard to decide. I like the Returns batcave better b/c it seemed bigger than the BATMAN batcave. Plus, it had the huge room full of batsuits. How awesome is that!? ;D

It's funny how "state of the art" this collection of multiple SRT screens looked back then.

This promo pic with Batman standing in front of multiple screens showing the Joker is one of my favorite images from the film, so I have to choose B A T M A N's batcave.