12 months of 89 - 3 Batman 89 Live Chat

Started by Paul (ral), Sun, 12 Oct 2008, 23:50

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Sun, 12 Oct 2008, 23:50 Last Edit: Mon, 12 Jan 2009, 01:33 by raleagh
I took part in a similiar event a few weeks back and it was a great success.

Here is what it's all about.

We all watch the movie at the same time and log into a live chat room that I have set up and talk about it in real time.

Would anybody be up for it?

If the time is right, why not.

Sure that sounds like a bit of fun. But im the other side of the world so as long as it's not like 1 in the morning here lol.

We will discuss dates and times.  I just want to see what the turnout would be like.

I'd be interested Raleagh!! ;)

sounds pretty interesting, count me in!! ;D

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Sounds cool! Do we all watch it independently or will there be like a live stream of the movie?

We all watch our own copies, but are logged in to a dedicated chat room.

It's a great way to discuss the movie.