Post your FAVORITE moment from the Burton Batman films!!

Started by DarkVengeance, Sat, 11 Oct 2008, 02:42

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I think the best Batman moment hands down is the museum scene where Vicki splashes the Joker with the water from a pitcher. Pretending to be in pain screaming "I'm melting, I'm melting, I'm melting!!" and Vicki starts padding his back, then Joker turns around and scares her with a simple "Boo!". Batman breaks through the glass and rescues Vicki. Classic confrontation between Joker and Batman. It's a classic moment and in my opinion, the best!
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

Quote from: Joker89 on Thu, 23 Oct  2008, 22:02
I think the best Batman moment hands down is the museum scene where Vicki splashes the Joker with the water from a pitcher. Pretending to be in pain screaming "I'm melting, I'm melting, I'm melting!!" and Vicki starts padding his back, then Joker turns around and scares her with a simple "Boo!". Batman breaks through the glass and rescues Vicki. Classic confrontation between Joker and Batman. It's a classic moment and in my opinion, the best!
thats one of the most iconic moments in Batman on film history if I dont say so myself!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Lot of time have passed sisnce i saw Returns,but there was a scene not mentioned in this topic that always stayed in my mind,i think that was when batman was on a roof top and decided to go down converting his mantle in wings that looked like those of a creature in an  intermediate state of a sort of dracula transformation ,  he planned a little with this dark,serious,evil appeal,then suddenly like in contrast of that moment landed on ground making  funny tumblings .... standed up..... and after all that... started elegantly walking like averything's normal....that was the best for me
Ah, the direct approach. I admire that in a man with a mask

when he needs to get off the roof and spreads that giant hard looking wing thing out onto his back in batman returns, that always seemed like the one time burton maybe dropped the ball - it was like no way his cape became THAT

cool though yea when he rolls into his landing

His cape is scalloped enough where it could possibly do that, the wingspan would've just been alot shorter in width!!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

that always seemed like the one time burton maybe dropped the ball

what about the cats resurrecting  celina?,and when she kisses max with high voltage cable?.....oh i forgot.... 9 lives!!... :)
or programming a display batarang that turns and curves while it's in the air going to 5 different targets with diffefrent angles,the gear had no propellers of any kind neither had rudders
and the penguins taking by hand devito in the short funeral scene leading his body from the ground to the water?

i think there was more than a ball dropped,but they were fiction and teatral dropped ones in Tim's movies,it have always been that way(batman:comics,games,cartoons,movies)we had something alternativly different in the last few years with the BG & TDK
so i don't think the "hey how he did that??? that's impossible" is a one time happening....

nothing against nolan's  realistic approach Fans
but i do dislike the chicago-gotham clean-modern city instead of the evil-corrupted one wich had been reflected on the atmosphere of a dark,ghothic,fascist,deco,burton city,but this is another story

Ah, the direct approach. I admire that in a man with a mask

The glider unfolding scene in Returns is iconic.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 26 Oct  2008, 12:44
The glider unfolding scene in Returns is iconic.
Thats one of the parts of the film I always look forward to,it sure is iconic, Im glad Burton actually used the glider!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

iconic yeah - but that glider is HUGE! - no way that thing was under his cape - i agree though on that target batarang - and how is it that it's about to hit that creepy dog woman in the head and her little poodle jumps about one inch and somehow catches it in its teeth??

i ensure you that the glider of BB is second to no others in dimensions,not considering the realistic factor,
stop considering that and  it will start appear not huge but apocalyptic

and yes it's iconic,and at the same time it may also involves advanced aeronautic engineering,creepy, and finally a good idea
not to go through the stairs if a clown cuts the electricity from gotham if you're on the top of a building.

but the point was :
-if the glider could have that dimensions under the cape?
and if not
-"was it the 1st act or bat-gadget that can't be translated to real world in tim's movies?"
or finally
"yes it happened only that once everything else could be reproduced in reality!!"

i think about it could be only first 2,without pointing fingers on tim for "fantasy exceeding ",specially if you consider that nolan made the same thing saying "we made everything look real".......good thing for WB he did not say something like..."otherwise tickets money back guarantee"

and again,i personally would not judge a batman movie or director considering this kind of things!!
i hope all of us agree on the fact that joel's bat-suit nipples and alicia silverstone running behind batman or him about to wear ray-bans because of (chicagotham city sunny days) of nolan  are very more disappointing than the glider's odyssey :)
Ah, the direct approach. I admire that in a man with a mask