Superman (2025)

Started by Travesty, Tue, 27 Jun 2023, 20:37

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Brosnahan gives me Kidder vibes in some moments of that teaser.

I'm willing to give the movie a day in court. If nothing else, Guy Gardner is representing, which counts for a lot in my book.

I don't wish to pour a steaming pile of Krypto dung over the project too much because I know Superman fans are crying out for some quality content. So this is just my opinion as a casual at best observer. The trailer fell flat for me. I don't feel a huge sense of excitement or hype after seeing the new footage. I'll check it out when the day comes, but I'm not counting down and having sleepless nights. The way the film looks is off putting to me. Just not feeling it right now. I don't know what I was expecting exactly but I don't think it was this.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 19 Dec  2024, 14:23I don't wish to pour a steaming pile of Krypto dung over the project too much because I know Superman fans are crying out for some quality content. So this is just my opinion as a casual at best observer. The trailer fell flat for me. I don't feel a huge sense of excitement or hype after seeing the new footage. I'll check it out when the day comes, but I'm not counting down and having sleepless nights. The way the film looks is off putting to me. Just not feeling it right now. I don't know what I was expecting exactly but I don't think it was this.

I think, at least for me, it's not overly stylized like the Superman we've had the last 10 or so years but a lot not really as flat as a lot of the MCU movies. It's kind of in between and feel like a step down visually from the Snyder films since much of that was filmed in a studio and this looks to have a good amount of practical shooting (drones/onset). Visually it reminds me of Wonder Woman 84

Something else is Guy Gardner. I'm not sure I'd call him my favorite Green Lantern. But I do love Gardner. Cool character.

So, if nothing else good comes from this film, at least Guy Gardner will FINALLY make his theatrical debut.

Thu, 19 Dec 2024, 17:17 #66 Last Edit: Thu, 19 Dec 2024, 17:19 by Silver Nemesis
Initial gut reaction – I like it.

The teaser didn't blow me away or anything, though it's hard to imagine any CBM trailer doing that at this point, what with the genre being so played out. But I'm not detecting any major red flags so far. It's the third attempt at a cinematic Superman reboot in the past twenty years, and I'm hoping this time we'll get some solo sequels and not just JLA movies. It could be a misfire, or it could be the beginning of an exciting new era for cinematic Supes. Time will tell.

I'm happy for them to reuse the iconic Williams theme and other familiar elements that were successful in earlier films (if it ain't broke, don't fix it), just so long as they break new ground when it comes to the storyline. I don't want a repeat of a Lex real estate plot, a Zod invasion plot, or a Doomsday plot. Those stories have been told, and there are many other great Superman villains and comic arcs they could adapt. The potential's all there.

The worst I'd say about this trailer is that it feels a bit generic, as though it's pieced together from all the other superhero movies that have come out over the past twenty-five years. But when you're this late to the party, that's probably inevitable. Still, I'm cautiously optimistic.

One thing I've noticed is the overall friendly reception the film seems to be getting. From the set pics to yesterday's teaser of the teaser, the response looks to have been mostly positive on X. People seem pretty interested.

In today's world, it's rare to see a lot of enthusiasm for any comic book movie. It's rarer still for a DC property. And it's practically unheard of for a DC property other than Batman. And for the specific character to be Superman, we're pretty much in unknown territory now.

Yes, there's a huge difference between social media impressions and a big opening weekend at the box office. I'm just saying that the warm reception the movie has been getting is hard not to notice.

As for comic book influences, Kingdom Come seems obvious. But All-Star Superman is prominent as well. Both of those stories are The End Of Superman in some form or another. That could be a coincidence. But the film's original title was "Legacy". So, make of all that what you will.

By this equivalent point in Superman Returns's production, we generally knew that Singer was adhering (to whatever degree) to the Donner canon and that the story of the film would revolve around Superman returning to Earth after a prolonged absence. We know FAR less about Gunn's film so far.

So, I personally am not ruling out the possibility that Gunn is essentially resurrecting Superman on film to remove him from the DCU franchise. Maybe that's cynical on my part. But there it is anyway.

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Thu, 19 Dec  2024, 15:21
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 19 Dec  2024, 14:23I don't wish to pour a steaming pile of Krypto dung over the project too much because I know Superman fans are crying out for some quality content. So this is just my opinion as a casual at best observer. The trailer fell flat for me. I don't feel a huge sense of excitement or hype after seeing the new footage. I'll check it out when the day comes, but I'm not counting down and having sleepless nights. The way the film looks is off putting to me. Just not feeling it right now. I don't know what I was expecting exactly but I don't think it was this.

I think, at least for me, it's not overly stylized like the Superman we've had the last 10 or so years but a lot not really as flat as a lot of the MCU movies. It's kind of in between and feel like a step down visually from the Snyder films since much of that was filmed in a studio and this looks to have a good amount of practical shooting (drones/onset). Visually it reminds me of Wonder Woman 84
I don't think the success of this is guaranteed at all. How much of this is real, genuine hype vs just wanting this to be good? Superman on film has been mixed at best in terms of finances and getting sequels. There is a risk to announcing big shared universes but I get the feeling they'll push ahead regardless of what happens here. So yeah. This trailer doesn't grab me like it should. Seems rather generic and I'd say the supposed leaked plot is pretty much it, so nothing really groundbreaking in terms of new plot lines differing from the past despite obvious departures like Krypto and other heroes being around. My prediction is that the final reviews will be decent but the movie itself won't set the world on fire.

Honestly? I can't say that I am all that interested in this. I wanted to reserve judgement until I saw a actual trailer, and ehhhh ... it just looks like more of the same. A fanciful and whimsical "world" where Superheroes are literally all over the place. So, effectively, just like what we've already been getting for nearly 20 years with the Disney's MCU now? Doesn't exactly scream fresh does it? I get that the film will try and make Supes the standout amongst the established heroes and all that jazz (Gunn literally cannot help himself in littering his superhero films with a mosaic of characters), but it's just a little too "Smallville: The Movie" to my liking.

If anything, I can't help but get Bryan Singer "Superman Returns" vibes from this. Another film that had positive reactions from teasers/trailers/ect, and why wouldn't it? Singer was coming off of X1 and X2, so he certainly had the wind to his back with Superman (I also distinctly remember if you said anything contrarian about Singer's SR, you were usually met with a Kevin Spacey Lex Luthor "WRONG" meme ad nauseam lol).

Then the film came out, and there was a element of stodginess to the proceedings. Which I can't shake with this as well. As it comes across as a barrage of "best of", rather than going with something truly bold, unique, and unwonted by what we've already seen. That, I think, was just one of the major mistakes with Bryan Singer's take, and it could very well hold true here as well. Since, yeah, we're getting crystal Krypton/Fortress (again), goofy/clumsy Clark Kent (again), a variation of the John Williams theme (again ... which let's say I am of two minds. One it's a masterful theme, but at the same time, I very much think the same of Danny Elfman's Batman theme. Do I think it should've been included in Nolan's films, or in the Reevesverse? Not particularly. We're back to the stodgy point again with this.), and a (again) a more whimsical world compared to Sndyer's MOS. Which, unfortunately, isn't anything new these days since we've been absolutely saturated with that sort of "superhero cluttered world" with all the stuff that's happened with the MCU narrative of movies from 2008!

I also agree with TDK about nothing being a sure thing with it comes to Superman. To expand upon this, when SR came out in the summer of 2006, it was accompanied with merchandise and promotional tie in products up the wazoo. Also, it enjoyed the distinction of having a director who previously enjoyed major success within the comic movie genre, and outside of the genre as well (Usual Suspects). SR also had the distinction of being the very first cinematic Superman since Christopher Reeve about 19 years prior to 2006. Yet, it was the slowest crawl to $200 million domestic in recent memory. Where I think it finally hit that milestone just a week or two prior to the DVD release that Nov. Snyder's MOS was somewhere in the $600 million range I think, and that was during the height of the Superhero movie craze. We're on the other side of that, so yeah, I get that WB has essentially bet the farm on this, so to say they have a lot riding on this is an understatement.

Wasn't super surprised the trailer didn't mention anything about "The Suicide Squad", are you?

Colors, I think I would be a little more enthusiastic if Guy looked a little bit more like how EVS depicted him during the GL Rebirth era, and not like as if he literally just walked off the CW back lot. Or to a lesser extent, a SNL skit. I guess we gotta get those chuckles in there somewhere.
"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."