Batman: Broken Promises (animated)

Started by Travesty, Sun, 2 Apr 2023, 14:56

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So this just got recommended to me on YT, and I have to say, this is without a doubt, the best fan project I have ever seen. I'm beyond impressed! The animation was slick, the voice acting was top notch, it had an original score that was great, the sound effects were amazing, etc. You guys have to check this out. I'm actually shocked by what I just watched. It was that good.

I'm floored.

Thanks for posting that. You're right, it's very good for a fan project. If other Batman media resembled this in terms of tone and action I wouldn't be disappointed.

Yeah, I loved the overall tone and aesthetic. And I liked the sound effect for little things like the lights turning on and the Batmobile roaring to life. It looked like something that could be in a 90s MTV show, like The Maxx or AEon Flux.

I hope we see another episode from this guy.