
Started by Silver Nemesis, Sun, 12 Feb 2023, 23:04

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Quote from: The Joker on Wed, 15 Feb  2023, 03:55
Plus ... Isn't the "Let's get nuts" line reportedly said within Bruce's kitchen shortly after meeting the two Barry's?

That's what I've read. The leaks indicate he says the line before attacking the two Barrys when they first approach him. If true, this means we could get our first scene of Keaton's Bruce fighting out of costume.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 15 Feb  2023, 05:46
Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Wed, 15 Feb  2023, 04:25
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 15 Feb  2023, 03:25
You're right, that's very possible. In that case perhaps Bruce has the Batwing on remote control and flicks the lever from the cave? In any case, Keaton looks like he means absolute business.

The thing in the sky doesn't fit the Batwing's shape, it's a Bat logo shaped kite!

Bruce is all about that branding!
The leaks referenced that, and I automatically assumed the film went a different direction for the same purpose. A Bat kite is cheesy in a good way. It's like how you mentioned the batwing and batcave being more stylish, and colors saying you can't beat the yellow oval (he's right). This stuff, including the bookcase entrance, gives the character and universe more personality, and let's hope it continues.

I love the fact he bothered to build it in the shape of a bat. Of course if this was West's Batman, he'd have gone as far as to stick a 'BAT KITE' label on it.

Here's a terrific fan-made TV spot focusing on Keaton. The studio should release an official TV spot exactly like this.

It's funny to reflect on all those times fans speculated about which villains Keaton might have faced in his third Batman film. Would it be the Riddler? Two-Face? Scarecrow? Mr Freeze? Did anyone, anywhere, in their wildest imagination, guess the villains would be General Zod and Black Flash? Maybe Nostradamus saw that coming, but I doubt anyone else did.

It's a pretty big step up in terms of threat, going from penguin commandoes with rockets strapped to their backs to a full blown alien invasion. But I'm sure our man's up to the challenge.

Another tid bit from the tv spot is that supposedly if you strain your eyes enough you can make out pictures of Alfred and Selina in the book case shot.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Mon, 13 Feb  2023, 12:55

My biggest concern is the script. I'm not a fan of the screenwriter's previous work (except Bumblebee, which was good), and I think we're in for a very jokey, sentimental and nostalgic screenplay in the vein of The Force Awakens. They already turned the "I'm Batman" line into a joke by having Barry faint after Keaton says it, and the leaks claim Bruce will also say the "let's get nuts" line at some point. Supposedly there's also a joke about him not being able to turn his head, which I'm not keen on. I expect this will be full of nostalgic throwbacks that make you smile the first time you watch the movie, but annoy you on repeated viewings.

But on balance, I remain optimistic. I don't expect a masterpiece here, but I'm looking forward to seeing it. And I am thrilled to see Keaton back in action.

Ugh, really? I'm fine with them using the "I'm Batman" line as in "Ok, you've convinced me to help you" but leave that other stuff out of it. Within the world of the Burton films the neck area was never addressed as some issue so I always assumed that within the reality of that world it's not a problem. Him addressing it in the movie is a fourth wall break moment where they're actually having him talk about an on set issue. Also, the whole "I can't turn my head in the Batsuit" issue is not exclusive to Keaton. Bale couldn't move it in Begins, Affleck couldn't move it in Justice League, and Pattinson barely moves his head in The Batman as well.

I hope it's not in the same vein of No Way Home. Part of the reason I didn't like that movie is because of how they treated some of the "legacy" characters. For example Tobey Maguire never felt like the Sam Raimi Peter Parker to me in that film. It felt like the writers didn't know how to write that character so they instead relied on the only thing they know which are old lines from the movies and memes. I hope that's not what this is, and I hope that Keaton was allowed some creative freedom like being adamant that Batman doesn't talk too much.

Putting that aside though, as an 89 fanboy I love some of the attention to detail. I like the battle damaged 89 suit being in the armory, him using the 89 Batarang, and having an updated Batwing. It's also nice to see where he stores his secondary vehicles.

Th Batcave seems to be its own thing, but it's taking inspiration from the 89 Cave as well.

Quote from: BatmanFurst on Wed, 15 Feb  2023, 22:54
Ugh, really? I'm fine with them using the "I'm Batman" line as in "Ok, you've convinced me to help you" but leave that other stuff out of it. Within the world of the Burton films the neck area was never addressed as some issue so I always assumed that within the reality of that world it's not a problem. Him addressing it in the movie is a fourth wall break moment where they're actually having him talk about an on set issue. Also, the whole "I can't turn my head in the Batsuit" issue is not exclusive to Keaton. Bale couldn't move it in Begins, Affleck couldn't move it in Justice League, and Pattinson barely moves his head in The Batman as well.
I don't mind the B89 dialogue references from the point of view this is a victory lap for Keaton. I'm not sure the other cinematic Batman actors have lines that have seeped into the fanbase as much as those to be reused in the first place. I'm less keen on the head turning reference like both of you, but if it happens I'll pass judgement under the chosen circumstances. Barry can make a joke comment but Batman doesn't have to agree with him.

Quote from: BatmanFurst on Wed, 15 Feb  2023, 22:54
I hope that Keaton was allowed some creative freedom like being adamant that Batman doesn't talk too much.
In the context of the film I don't think it's really possible to have Batman silent for a lot of the time. He's helping three other people and going into battle with them. I do think there's a way to retain his character's integrity, though. The facial expression when he's using the lever is a good example. His true nature is to be private, and that's reflected in long haired loner introduction. He just wants to be left alone. But circumstances require him to suit up again and work in a team. I'm inclined to say a subtle suicidal element could be there too, as in he has nothing left to lose so he's going all in with this new mission.

Quote from: BatmanFurst on Wed, 15 Feb  2023, 22:54
Putting that aside though, as an 89 fanboy I love some of the attention to detail. I like the battle damaged 89 suit being in the armory, him using the 89 Batarang, and having an updated Batwing. It's also nice to see where he stores his secondary vehicles.
The Batwing storage area is perfect. Much like the waterfall exit for the Begins cave, but this makes more practical sense with an aerial vehicle.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Wed, 15 Feb  2023, 20:24
Another tid bit from the tv spot is that supposedly if you strain your eyes enough you can make out pictures of Alfred and Selina in the book case shot.
We're going to see Joker's laugh box too.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Wed, 15 Feb  2023, 20:24
Another tid bit from the tv spot is that supposedly if you strain your eyes enough you can make out pictures of Alfred and Selina in the book case shot.


If that's the case, hopefully those pictures will a bit more focused upon in the final film. Perhaps the photos are something Keaton is seen regarding as he slowly contemplates that despite his self imposed retirement, Batman must return...

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Thu, 16 Feb 2023, 14:50 #55 Last Edit: Thu, 16 Feb 2023, 14:52 by eledoremassis02

Can't see it but the top left almost looks like the 40s Batman....or could it be Thomas Wayne in a Batsuit?!

But, the most interesting this is the fact the button to access the vault is VERY similar to the 89 Belt buckle.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 13 Feb  2023, 03:24
I'm a happy fan at the moment, but have to admit the exclusion of Keaton from the ending makes me nervous about his ultimate fate. But right now, I like what I see.
Back to this - if they're going to leave the film with Keaton dead then they're going to have to do the same with Supergirl, who apparently gets her neck snapped in contrast to what Superman did to Zod. I'd be amazed if they allowed both characters to go out like that, regardless of what universe they're from. It would be a depressing end for what is overall meant to be a fun crowd pleaser. The original ending had both Supergirl and Keaton appearing to meet Barry, so the intention was to show them again after their supposed deaths in some fashion. Fingers crossed they keep that idea before the credits roll and we see the new final scene.

Fri, 17 Feb 2023, 14:37 #57 Last Edit: Fri, 17 Feb 2023, 14:58 by Gotham Knight
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 17 Feb  2023, 12:54
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 13 Feb  2023, 03:24
I'm a happy fan at the moment, but have to admit the exclusion of Keaton from the ending makes me nervous about his ultimate fate. But right now, I like what I see.
Back to this - if they're going to leave the film with Keaton dead then they're going to have to do the same with Supergirl, who apparently gets her neck snapped in contrast to what Superman did to Zod. I'd be amazed if they allowed both characters to go out like that, regardless of what universe they're from. It would be a depressing end for what is overall meant to be a fun crowd pleaser. The original ending had both Supergirl and Keaton appearing to meet Barry, so the intention was to show them again after their supposed deaths in some fashion. Fingers crossed they keep that idea before the credits roll and we see the new final scene.
This is my great concern as well. I'm very nervous about that. We know that some reshoots were done. And...Knowing that Keaton is the major selling point of the film, I imagine that they will find away for the return to status quo to leave things right, perhaps acknowledging that those characters have been restored as part of their native universes.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Fri, 17 Feb  2023, 14:37
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 17 Feb  2023, 12:54
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 13 Feb  2023, 03:24
I'm a happy fan at the moment, but have to admit the exclusion of Keaton from the ending makes me nervous about his ultimate fate. But right now, I like what I see.
Back to this - if they're going to leave the film with Keaton dead then they're going to have to do the same with Supergirl, who apparently gets her neck snapped in contrast to what Superman did to Zod. I'd be amazed if they allowed both characters to go out like that, regardless of what universe they're from. It would be a depressing end for what is overall meant to be a fun crowd pleaser. The original ending had both Supergirl and Keaton appearing to meet Barry, so the intention was to show them again after their supposed deaths in some fashion. Fingers crossed they keep that idea before the credits roll and we see the new final scene.
This is my great concern as well. I'm very nervous about that. We know that some reshoots were done. And...Knowing that Keaton is the major selling point of the film, I imagine that they will find away for the return to status quo to leave things right, perhaps acknowledging that those characters have been restored as part of their native universes.
I very much hope so. Deleting Keaton and Supergirl from the ending would be about not teasing anything afterwards for them to keep their story contained. Having Clooney appear instead would be played for laughs, in a 'here we go again' manner.

What makes me nervous is their deaths are played as a fixed point in time, meaning they just die in different ways each time. In that case the only way to handle things would be to save them by default via a reset. I don't think they could change those desert scenes, and it'd clash with the movie's themes - it'd have to be new content afterwards. Something as simple as him in the cave or overlooking the city would do the job. He remembers what happened and is re-energized about life again following the experience.

I'd also love it if even though the two of them in actuality die during the desert battle, Keaton pretty much makes a victory possible through his actions, making his ultimate return not pointless.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 14 Feb  2023, 18:46
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Tue, 14 Feb  2023, 18:28
This is believed to be the moment where Keaton says, 'Alright let's get nuts.' I love how he looks kinda unhinged. He has that dangerous edge that he has to let out.

I hope the bleed from the green screen isn't so obvious in the finished film.

I've watched the trailer dozens of times now, and I've spotted some green screen bleed in certain shots. For example, look at the side of Barry's face and neck in the following images.

His features should really be backlit and shadowed by the daylight shining through the window behind him. Instead his face is evenly lit and there are noticeable traces of green spilling across his face and neck. They should try to fix this before the film's release.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 17 Feb  2023, 22:53
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Fri, 17 Feb  2023, 14:37
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 17 Feb  2023, 12:54
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 13 Feb  2023, 03:24
I'm a happy fan at the moment, but have to admit the exclusion of Keaton from the ending makes me nervous about his ultimate fate. But right now, I like what I see.

Back to this - if they're going to leave the film with Keaton dead then they're going to have to do the same with Supergirl, who apparently gets her neck snapped in contrast to what Superman did to Zod. I'd be amazed if they allowed both characters to go out like that, regardless of what universe they're from. It would be a depressing end for what is overall meant to be a fun crowd pleaser. The original ending had both Supergirl and Keaton appearing to meet Barry, so the intention was to show them again after their supposed deaths in some fashion. Fingers crossed they keep that idea before the credits roll and we see the new final scene.
This is my great concern as well. I'm very nervous about that. We know that some reshoots were done. And...Knowing that Keaton is the major selling point of the film, I imagine that they will find away for the return to status quo to leave things right, perhaps acknowledging that those characters have been restored as part of their native universes.
I very much hope so. Deleting Keaton and Supergirl from the ending would be about not teasing anything afterwards for them to keep their story contained. Having Clooney appear instead would be played for laughs, in a 'here we go again' manner.

What makes me nervous is their deaths are played as a fixed point in time, meaning they just die in different ways each time. In that case the only way to handle things would be to save them by default via a reset. I don't think they could change those desert scenes, and it'd clash with the movie's themes - it'd have to be new content afterwards. Something as simple as him in the cave or overlooking the city would do the job. He remembers what happened and is re-energized about life again following the experience.

I'd also love it if even though the two of them in actuality die during the desert battle, Keaton pretty much makes a victory possible through his actions, making his ultimate return not pointless.

With regards to the final battle, one of the most iconic images from the Flashpoint comic is this.

I wonder if we'll get a version of this moment in the movie. Let's look at the following sequence of shots. We see a Kryptonian ship attacking soldiers on the ground.

We see the Batwing flying towards a Kryptonian ship and firing at it. Note that there are soldiers on the ground below, which indicates this could be the same ship from the previous shot.

We see a ship, possibly the same one, crashing in flames. We also see what appears to be Zod or another Kryptonian, armed with a retractable blade, moving towards it.

Now – and this is pure speculation on my part – could it be that Zod, Faora or another Kryptonian retaliates for the destruction of the ship by taking flight and attacking Keaton with that blade? Perhaps stabbing him with it and causing the Batwing to crash? There might then be a moment where Batman is lying in the burning wreckage like he did on the steps of the cathedral in B89, with everyone thinking he's dead, only for him to then return at the crucial moment and use his last burst of strength to stab Zod with that same Kryptonian blade.

None of this is mentioned in any of the leaks, so I'm not listing it as a spoiler. It's just how I imagine the scene might play out and I'm probably way off the mark. But if I'm right, this sequence would then be followed by the moment mentioned in the leaks where the Flash apologises for dragging Batman into the battle, and Bruce credits Barry with bringing him back.

Whether Keaton lives or dies, it will be in the service of the highest stakes possible. Kilmer, Clooney and Bale saved Gotham. West and Affleck saved the world. Keaton's about to help save the entire universe. Surely that will make him the most important live action Batman of all.