Gotham Knight's Batman Fan Fic

Started by Gotham Knight, Sat, 4 Oct 2008, 17:23

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Not bad. I love the art work with Billy Dee Williams.

Ah, dealing with Harvey's father issues I see.  Very nice.
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney... page is up. First chap is a brief word explaining to readers what exactly the story is. Chapt 2 is actually chap one.

Here is the link:

Love the small recap in the beginning of Gotham's view on the events of Batman Returns, as well as how Batman's tactics changed since then.
Interesting choice with Gordon...
You've set up a cool world with your descriptions on the East End.  I especially liked the contrast in Richard's friends reactions to D.A. Dent and then their reactions to Two-Face.

Looking forward to more.
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Quote from: BatmAngelus on Fri,  2 Jan  2009, 18:29

Interesting choice with Gordon...

Looking forward to more.

Haha! I knew I'd get mixed reactions with that bit! tehe

QuoteBruce didn?t buy it and had on at least a dozen occasions tried to explain that people weren?t looking for Batman in a guy who could barely clear six feet. They only looked for him in men that were a head and shoulders taller than Bruce Wayne and looked like they could bench press five hundred pounds like that?s what amounted to actual strength. In Bruce?s mind that wasn?t strength, that was force. It took more than huge muscles and a square jaw to do what he did, but the shallow thinking of the Gotham gossip column ultimately benefited the fa?ade without him having to act like an ass and dance for the glitterati.

Nice shout out  ;)
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Thank you so much! Glad to see someone's reading it! ;D

Chapter Three: Unavoidable Delay is up.