Gotham Knight's Batman Fan Fic

Started by Gotham Knight, Sat, 4 Oct 2008, 17:23

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Chapter Four: Dedication to Pat Hingle is up

A nice tribute to Mr. Hingle.

The "Batwing was a prototype with a faulty targeting system" was my way of addressing common complains to B89, too,  ;D.
Love the explanation about the blueprints, as well.

Keep 'em coming.
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Chapter 5: Big Bad Harvey Has A Party is up.

Also as a tease for the future in upcoming chapters where Bruce's destiny will lead him:

I was struck with inspiration to make something that showed a Burtonsque Wayne Enterprises so I created this and found a font that screamed "Burton" but not one he'd actually used before so it looks new, but Burtony.

have a wallpaper size as well if anyone is interested

where does he get those wonderful fonts?

Keep up the good work.  One small note is that I believe you mention her "capture" drugged her, when I believe you meant "captor."

Wayne logo looks great.  Wouldn't mind trying it out as a wallpaper.
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Quote from: BatmAngelus on Mon, 16 Mar  2009, 21:50
Keep up the good work.  One small note is that I believe you mention her "capture" drugged her, when I believe you meant "captor."

Wayne logo looks great.  Wouldn't mind trying it out as a wallpaper.

D'Oh. Thanks for catching it. Chapter went up awful fast. Usually I let it sit for a while and check it for misspellings fresh. Thank you for being kind enough to point it out.