Gotham Knight's Batman Fan Fic

Started by Gotham Knight, Sat, 4 Oct 2008, 17:23

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I had to comment.  That.  Is.  AWESOME!  I have never seen them do that with Batman, with the two sides to the Bat cowl and all that.  Very original.

I have wanted to do a Batman Fan Film for years.  My good friend had a production company and made commericals for a living and offered to do it FREE with me.  Then he sold his company and got rich.

THEN, last year he started a NEW production company and I laugh, because my wife was happy that I had given up on doing a short film.  LOL

Now I want to do it again.


Anyway, great work on that poster! 


Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sun,  5 Oct  2008, 16:17

----It's not who I am inside, but what I do that defines me!!!!!!

I know its been awhile since I posted anything about the story, but that's only because I haven?t started yet (I know, I suck.). I?ve been distracted by other projects and have been struggling with ideas. However, I?m prepared to start pre production now, which in my terms is writing a treatment. Before I do that I want to reveal some plot details.

First and foremost, this story will actually be two stories combined in one as an Act I and Act II.

Act I will revolve around the fall of Grissom?s remaining empire and Two Face. It begins with Alicia Hunt?s body finally coming into police custody and the circumstances around her death being tied to a new wave of mob killings rather than to the Joker.

Act II will be about Bruce coming to terms with the possibility that Napier didn?t kill his parents and the end of his relationship with Vicki Vale.

It will be a slow, but thoughtful process. I will be writing this story as I write others, so do not expect speed. Tehe.

Sorry man, dont like your concept. Dont ruin the original!!!

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Mon, 15 Jun  2009, 18:35
I know its been awhile since I posted anything about the story, but that's only because I haven?t started yet (I know, I suck.). I?ve been distracted by other projects and have been struggling with ideas. However, I?m prepared to start pre production now, which in my terms is writing a treatment. Before I do that I want to reveal some plot details.

First and foremost, this story will actually be two stories combined in one as an Act I and Act II.

Act I will revolve around the fall of Grissom?s remaining empire and Two Face. It begins with Alicia Hunt?s body finally coming into police custody and the circumstances around her death being tied to a new wave of mob killings rather than to the Joker.

Act II will be about Bruce coming to terms with the possibility that Napier didn?t kill his parents and the end of his relationship with Vicki Vale.

It will be a slow, but thoughtful process. I will be writing this story as I write others, so do not expect speed. Tehe.

I look forward to it Gotham Knight.  It sounds very interesting, and whilst the revelation that Napier is not the killer of Bruce's parents may not please everyone, it certainly sounds intriguing to me.

Just a heads up.  I'm doing my own fanfic at the moment which I would really like you to take a look at.  It's in the fanfic section. 

However, I suspect there may be some cross-over with your story since Two-Face is at the root of my fanfic, and there will be references to Vicki and Bruce's relationship, along with a brief reference to Alicia Hunt in one of my forthcoming chapters.  I hope that's ok with you.  As far as I'm concerned, there is room for more than one fanfic story dealing with the events that followed the first Batman film.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Of course, there will always be different adaptations of BATMAN and post BATMAN stories. I will deff take a look at your fic if you want.


I was looking through some old files and found a 'chapter one' of what was going to be the first chapter of the rewrite, entitled BATMAN: Fall of the Grissom Empire. It's obvious now, after these many passages of months, I have no intention of trying to dive into this again with my limited hack skill, but I thought it would be fun to at least share this first chapter with you guys just for the sake of it.

QuoteChapter One.

   Gotham, a pinnacle of stylish failure, was a city in the middle of a long exhale.

   The Gotham Globe sometimes resembled a tabloid rather than a journalistic broadsheet. The mob families? desperate search for a new leader as Harvey Dent and Batman (The Globe?s unwritten policy on the matter was to focus solely on Dent) hammered them from separate angles was the only topic worth a damn. That and the rumor swirling that the Maroni family was a front-runner to take over, but there was heavy opposition from at least three other clans. War was brewing.  The Globe milked it for all it was worth. Even if the buzz was false, the paper?s fanning of it was sure to get one started on the basis of he said, she said. Today was no different. As the morning lingered on, reporters in the newsroom scurried around like mice, pitching ideas on how to keep the story alive. Paper flew and ink stained. The editor was feeling the heat going lukewarm as he watched the catastrophe unfold from the door of his office. A child of 68, bent over and lethargic, he?d never seen the cramped floor that frazzled. No, that wasn?t true. The bits of his overheated memory came prickling back. Every time they went to bat against the Gazette things turned ugly. How ugly? Well, to put it concisely, rival staff of either broadsheet had, on more than one occasion, become the story. Fist fights, road rage, property damage. The thought sent tiny specks of pain spraying along what was left of his graying hairline.

   Across the office, he found another reason to whimper. A curly headed, goofy looking skeezicks with a striped tie knotted too tight. So much so that it made his head look like it was inflating. Alexander Knox, the master of idle chitchat and hearsay journalism had his can plopped on his desk pinning up a picture onto his wall divider, next to a few scribbled notes and a map of Gotham. Even with his shaky sight, he could see it, the blurry illustration of the city?s latest fad. ?Get off the bozo in the mask!? He called across the room. ?I put you on the Warren White scandal!? The whole office went silent before the intense excitement resumed, now with a slightly lighter mirth aimed at Knox. ?I was going to do a follow up on the chemical syndicate thing,? Knox declared as if he had no obligation to do the stories his editor told him to do.

   ?I buried the first piece for a reason, Knox!? The chemical syndicate was a pet name of a string of murders amongst a group of men tied together by a co-ownership of the Apex Chemical Corporation. Alfred Stryker, local mogul and eccentric, orchestrated a conspiracy for murder, wishing to be the sole owner of the company, for a reason having something to do with being bound contractility to fore fill a monetary obligation to the other owners. According to the sole surviving victim of the scheme, the whole thing fell through because of Batman, who rescued him. It was later learned that the supposed tycoon had zero income and was on the verge of bankruptcy when he hatched the plot. The complete story was never broken. Stryker didn?t survive to tell his side of the tale. ?The case is closed. DA Dent confirmed the whole thing.?

   ?Batman was there chief,? Knox interjected. ?Don?t you think that?s worth looking into??

   ?No,? he expressed flatly. ?He?s a fad, Knox. A trend. A goober in a cape won?t mean much when the mob finally punches his ticket. Management doesn?t want Batman. Dent or the Mob. Dent! Dent! Dent! Mob! Mob! Mob!?

   The typical rigmarole followed. Knox insisting that Dent never would have gotten close to the murder without Batman?s participation and that an arch criminal like the Joker, whose exploits seemed to be fading from the newsroom?s consciousness fast, would have never been stopped on the practice of good law alone. His editor halted him with the orders from on high. Word from upstairs was no Batman. No question. No kidding. He also ripped the drawing of him off of Knox?s wall. ?Hey! That?s new!? Unlike the first variation, a bat in a dress suit, this one was more man less rodent. ?New, huh?? He inspected. ?From Bob in the art department? Tell him to stick to the strips!? 

   Red nailed fingertips snatched the picture back. Instead of handing it to Knox, however, the blond and beautiful Vicki Vale crumbled it up and shot into the trashcan by Knox?s desk. Vale wrapped her arms around the much shorter editor and pecked him on the cheek while Knox gutted his garbage of its contents. The older man let out a yelp. Vale?s camera was burrowing into his back. She pulled away and took the leather strap from around her neck and set the camera down nearby. Her hair was pulled back and her glasses made her look like she?d just come from her nerds anonymous meeting. ?Vale, tell your screw up buddy??

   ?No Batman, no Batman, no Batman,? she repeated, knowing the morning routine like the back of her hand. As the editor disappeared into the crowded office, Knox stood up and meekly acknowledged his partner while he unfolded the crinkled up sketch. ?Weren?t you the one dying to get his picture??

   ?I nearly did trying.? This was the literal truth. The roller coaster ride it took her on was one she would never forget and never try again. The pay off of the whole ordeal had been pleasant enough despite the rough journey getting there. True, she was sitting on a huge story. Batman unmasked. But, being his girlfriend was a conflict of interest, bringing whole new meaning to crapping where one eats. Bad photojournalism? Maybe. That was the price of loving him.

   ?You wore that black turtleneck yesterday,? Knox observed, gesturing to the fuzzy wrinkles on it. ?You spent the night with him again, didn?t you??

   ?Couples tend to spend time together, Allie,? she lied. Bruce spent the night out. He told her different, promised an evening devoted to being together. A promise he couldn?t keep. Duty?and obsession called. It turned into another night sharing a meal with Alfred, Bruce?s butler and only family. Not that she didn?t like him for his warm, kind hearted sensibility, lord knew if he were thirty years younger she?d consider a romp with the gentleman?s gentleman. The point was to get a chance to be with Bruce. Not do anything, not be bothered by anything, and not have something asked of him from the city and that cursed signal that washed over the sky, its reflection in the grand foyer window. It made her feel childish to have him jump up and pat her head and tell her everything would be all right.  The evening lost to worry and Bruce?s booze, she?d passed out on his couch. That didn?t keep her from making Alex squirm.

   ?So what?s up??

?I got put on the White thing,? Knox mumbled finding a seat in his chair. He crossed his feet up on the desk, still inspecting the ruined illustration.

?You?re not as good at it as I am,? Vale observed patting the sole of his shoe playfully as she parked herself on the desk. ?Warren White? The embezzler??

?Yeah, his case has been transferred to Gotham.?

?Sounds good.?

But not great, Knox lamented silently. I want Batman.

?Vicki,? called a voice. A hand immersed in a human traffic jam emerged over the top, waving amidst the rupturing congregation. Knox saw him first and groaned. Vicki, stunned to see Bruce, hopped off the desk and rushed into an embrace. Knox took a deep breath and prepared himself for the smiling couple coming back his way. He quietly cursed Wayne. What the hell did she see in that wobbly, detached fop? As if he didn?t know. Money. It made the world go round. Why did it make his partner?obtainable? Cause I thought she had better class than that. To his credit, Knox had an argument. She was in Gotham barely a week and she hopped on the first guy with money in a snap. Now, just a few months later, she was spending all her nights over at Wayne Manor. Money didn?t buy personality. The only character Bruce had was the Wicker King in his armory. He was so?dazed. Out of touch. You could talk to the guy and take one look in his eyes and know he was barely acknowledging you. Off in space. Then he?d stumble over a response like he?d only heard every other sentence.

?What brings Mr. Wayne to the Globe?? Knox asked, looking back down at his drawing. ?And in a suit no less?? He was wearing a long coat and sunglasses as well, as if someone would recognize a man who barely got out.

?Call me Bruce.? He?d told him that not six days ago when he?d invited him to the charity benefit for relief for the families of Joker?s victims. Knox forgot on purpose, making a habit never to call a host by his first name whose party he had to pay to get invited to even though he was friends with the girl he was bedding down with. ?Just wanted to stop by and apologize about last night. Had a?business meeting. Thought maybe I could con her into another date.? Knox looked up, meeting his eyes with Vicki?s, a smile slithering across his face. She hadn?t spent the night with him after all. Her eyes narrowed back at him. She knew she?d be hearing about it all day when Bruce was out of earshot. ?Really,? Knox faked sympathy so well. ?Cute stuff.?

?Yeah,? Bruce seemed oblivious to the jab.

?Vale!? Another disembodied voice shouted from the troubled sea of people behind them. ?Chief wants to know where your photos for the afternoon issue are!?

?Damn,? Vale cursed. She pecked Bruce on the cheek and scurried off. ?Wait here. Keep Allie company.?

The hustle and bustle of the room over took the two men?s silence. Bruce and Knox weren?t exactly sure what to say. It wasn?t like they were friends or even contemporaries. The usual chatterbox behavior of Knox failed to give him idle repartee. Bruce just gawked at people working with his hands in his pockets, twisting around, his face fixed in a shrug.  ?So,? he said finally, turning to Knox. ?What?s that?? He pointed to the paper.

?My picture of Batman. The only one I?m gonna get.? He flicked the paper over.

?You?re trying to get a photo of Batman??

?Vicki was for a while. I?m just after an interview.?

Bruce let out a quick chortle. Knox didn?t share the humor. ?Management doesn?t want any Batman stuff. All they want to know is when the Mob?s gonna tear itself up.?

?Got any leads??

?No?? The question surprised him. ?They have me working the another case. An embezzling thing.?

?Warren White. He?s bucking for a psycho. Thinks he can get off if he has the case heard here. He?s small time. Isn?t something I?d wor?? Bruce caught himself. He also caught a slightly stunned Knox off guard with a complete, concrete thought.

?You?follow crime stories??

?Nah, I just skim the headlines.?