The Rocky Thread

Started by Silver Nemesis, Fri, 1 Oct 2021, 12:46

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The trailer for Stallone's director's cut of Rocky IV has been released.

I'm looking forward to this, but I'm also slightly apprehensive. Rocky IV isn't the best entry in the Rocky series, but it is my personal favourite. There isn't much I'd want to change about the theatrical cut (except have 'Sweetest Victory' play over the end credits). But Sly's put a lot of effort into this, and I trust he knows what he's doing.

A re-edit of Rocky V is more warranted IMO. Here's an alternate version of the final street fight taken from an earlier work print. Most fans seem to consider this superior to the version in the finished film, and I'd have to concur.

In this version of the fight Tommy Gunn comes across slightly more sympathetically, and Rocky's patience and compassion towards him are touchingly demonstrated when he helps him up after the fight. The flashback footage of Clubber Lang is a welcome addition, as it emphasises the psychological scars their first match left on Rocky. In general, Rocky's behaviour here is also more consistent with his usual characterisation – he initially refuses to fight back against Tommy, and he doesn't rise to Duke's provocation the way he does in the theatrical cut. Hopefully Sly will turn his attention to fixing Rocky V next.

I like that workprint Rocky V fight. Rocky tried showing some mercy. But then Tommy went and unlocked the warrior. I never had a major problem with any of the Rocky movies, honestly. But of them all, I have to come down with the rest of the fans, Rocky V is probably the one that needed another pass.

Then again, I could understand if Stallone might have complicated feelings about messing with Rocky V.

As to recutting Rocky IV, I guess I always thought that was the Rocky movie that needed the least help. The USA/USSR thing is what it is and that element of the movie either works for you or it doesn't. I don't see what's gained in tinkering with Rocky IV at this stage of the game. Still, I've learned the hard way to never bet against Stallone. If he thinks something is worthwhile, odds are it's worthwhile.

More than once, I've wondered if Stallone wasn't talked into recutting at least one of the Rocky movies so that HBO Max would have more content.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Fri,  1 Oct  2021, 12:46
The trailer for Stallone's director's cut of Rocky IV has been released.

I'm looking forward to this, but I'm also slightly apprehensive. Rocky IV isn't the best entry in the Rocky series, but it is my personal favourite. There isn't much I'd want to change about the theatrical cut (except have 'Sweetest Victory' play over the end credits). But Sly's put a lot of effort into this, and I trust he knows what he's doing.

A re-edit of Rocky V is more warranted IMO. Here's an alternate version of the final street fight taken from an earlier work print. Most fans seem to consider this superior to the version in the finished film, and I'd have to concur.

In this version of the fight Tommy Gunn comes across slightly more sympathetically, and Rocky's patience and compassion towards him are touchingly demonstrated when he helps him up after the fight. The flashback footage of Clubber Lang is a welcome addition, as it emphasises the psychological scars their first match left on Rocky. In general, Rocky's behaviour here is also more consistent with his usual characterisation – he initially refuses to fight back against Tommy, and he doesn't rise to Duke's provocation the way he does in the theatrical cut. Hopefully Sly will turn his attention to fixing Rocky V next.
Has Sly said that he prefers this new cut?

I watched Creed III on Amazon Prime last night, and it was better than I expected. I'd heard rumours that it was dark in a way that betrayed the spirit of the franchise, and that Stallone was refusing to cooperate in fixing it. I don't know if those reports were true, but the version I watched was fine. It wasn't any darker than Rocky V or the first two Creed films. It has a compelling character-driven storyline and Michael B. Jordan does a decent job directing. I don't think it's quite as good or intense as the first two Creed movies, but it's a satisfying addition to the series.

I've said before that Rocky is probably the best film franchise in terms of consistency, and Creed III continues that winning streak. There are now nine movies in this saga, and I don't think any of them are bad. Not even Rocky V, which has grown on me with time.

I just wish Stallone could have been involved. Then again, if the Creed movies are to stand on their own then they needed to break out from under Rocky's shadow eventually.