Superman Reboot

Started by Silver Nemesis, Fri, 26 Feb 2021, 19:37

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Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Sun, 28 Feb  2021, 19:42
Henry Cavill's agent uploaded this on her Instagram story. If this is referring to Superman then maybe we shouldn't worry about Cavill's future just yet.

That's a promising sign.

I'm reminded of older characters who fell out of vogue. And the thing is, The Shadow, Doc Savage and all the rest became less popular in the face of more exciting characters, new media, generally changing tastes, etc. But the thing to remember is The Shadow (for example) was bigger in the 1940s than Batman is today. No joke. The Shadow was IT.

But tastes changed.

That's not what's happening with Green Lantern, Superman and so forth. Those characters are just as exciting today as ever. The issue is the IP holders are poisoning the well to win woke points. If you want Superman to be successful, just tell Superman stories and let the rest take care of itself. Same with most other characters.

The thing to remember is SJW's are broke. So trying to appease them wins nothing. They don't buy comics, they don't collect action figures, they don't play video games, etc. They issue their ransom demands on schedule but they never patronize whatever they demand. Trying to win their favor is a fool's errand.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sun, 28 Feb  2021, 19:50
That's a promising sign.
Hopefully I'm wrong but my initial instinct was to read it the opposite way. That 'Henry has been treated poorly by the studio, I can't say anything right now because of NDAs, but all will be revealed'.

Rumour has it: Henry Cavill could star in a Superman sequel on HBO Max, as long as ZSJL is a success.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


We now have another pro-Snyderverse account on Twitter - #MakeManOfTomorrow.

On february 26 of 2021 the internet woke up with the news that a cinematic reboot of Superman (that no one asked) is in works by Warner Bros. and JJ Abrams. That's a clear attempt to erase Man of Steel and bury the Snyderverse at once. Remember, there wouldn't be a Snyderverse without Man of Steel. It all started in june 12 of 2013 with Man of Steel, then nothing more fair than the next solo Superman movie to be a sequel to Man of Steel, starred by Henry and preferentially directed or produced by @ZackSnyder

We must not let what happened to The Batman repeat with the Superman franchise. We must not let Warner Bros. sell a Superman movie we DON'T want. We must tell them that the Superman movie we WANT is a sequel to Man of Steel. So on june 12, Superman Day, we must trend the hashtag #MakeManOfTomorrow

In my mind, the JL2 and 3 would conclude the Superman arc. But if we can't get that, I'd definitely be supportive of a solo Superman sequel.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


I caught a screenshot from a THR article - which was conveniently published on Henry Cavill's birthday - saying this reboot will definitely feature a black Superman, and the deadbeat rotten studio is looking to hire a black director for it. Funny thing is, it's looking likely to be another story about Kal-El.

I got a better idea, how about we scrap this and go make a Steel movie, so we can introduce John Henry Irons and tie him with Cavill's Superman. You could take some inspiration from Reign of the Supermen for that.

Oh wait, I forgot, they're trying to erase all traces of the Snyderverse.


This whole project, to me, is a dirty tactic to divert any accusations of discrimination going on at the studio recently. Don't be surprised if the studio doubles down and starts calling people racists if you're not on board with the idea.

Again, wankers.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Ray Fisher has once again called out the agenda behind the black Superman project.

I usually have to tweet before @wbpictures will release this kind of performative info.

Notice how NO ONE from the studio wanted their name on the piece?

Hiring more Black people doesn't negate or erase the terrible way you've treated your Black employees.

Just apologize.


A writer from Empire magazine - Hanna Innes Flint - has called the timing very strange.

I'm totally for a Black Superman but the timing of this, after Geoff Johns allegedly said Superman couldn't have a Black grandfather and Ray Fisher shared his experience on Whedon's Justice League, all seems a bit sus.

What better way to distract from accusations of anti-Black prejudice?

She did an interview with Fisher for the magazine, and it should be coming later this month or so.

More pressure and bad PR for the studio, the better. It's what they deserve.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


When you have woke blogs like The Mary Sue questioning the agenda behind this project, you know WB have self-inflicted yet another black eye. What will it take for AT&T to step in and stop the constant PR debacle?

Meanwhile, more people are catching on over THR's latest puff piece on the project and how it was disrespectful to publish it on Cavill's birthday. If this video is correct, Cavill unfollowing WB and DC on Instagram might be an indication the working relationship has been strained.

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 26 Feb  2021, 21:06
What a predictable kick in the guts. The fanbase need to shun this like the plague and send it into the abyss, as happened with Girlbusters 2016. We get this lame project that nobody is asking for, a new Supergirl that nobody was asking for either, but nothing for Cavill. Or at best relegating him to cameos while Superman in name only gets the limelight. We truly do live in a clown world. Superman is one of the most mismanaged properties in existence and the trend now continues one hundred fold.
I'm still shaking my head at this new project.

SuperWoke needs to fail even harder than Girlbusters. If it succeeds it gives other studios more incentive to hijack other long established iconic characters. The dumb thing is that Calvin Ellis and Val Zod exist if the studio really want a black actor in the role. But instead they're going with Kal-El. When has Kal-El ever been depicted as a black man? Why does it need to be him? At least Marvel use Miles Morales to scratch their itch and leave Peter Parker alone, for the time being.

Fact is, they get a thrill out of taking something and distorting it to their liking. Cultural appropriation only seems to go one way apparently, and no one is allowed to complain about it too loudly for fear of baseless tags being applied. This whole venture is so obviously a public relations, political exercise. All the polls I've seen regarding the idea have landslide NO results.

We need that to translate at the box office. You don't pay when the restaurant screws up your order. We didn't ask for this.

For the sake of providing further context why Toxic WB is so full of sh*t with this black Superman project, Ice Cube revealed he has his own issues with the studio, and claims they have a racial bias when it comes to budgeting and star power.

In the case of "Straight Outta Compton," the 2015 biopic about the rise of N.W.A., New Line would only make the movie for less than $15 million, he said in an interview. Ice Cube was told it was a niche film that wouldn't have wide success or do well overseas, he added. Comcast Corp.'s Universal Pictures, which ended up making the movie, spent nearly $30 million, and the film generated more than $200 million in world-wide box office.

With "Ride Along," starring Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, Ice Cube said he was told by Warner Bros. executives that an action movie with two Black stars wouldn't do well, particularly overseas. Again, Universal made it in 2014 for $25 million, and it made $135 million in U.S. box office and another $20 million abroad plus a successful sequel.

"an action movie with two Black stars wouldn't do well"...this sounds like the same attitude Toxic WB had over not wanting ZSJL's Cyborg because "we can't have an angry black man" at the center of the film.

But sure, this Superman production is a really good demonstration of how progressive Toxic WB is. What a laugh!

Before anyone says anything, yes, I know this racial bias issue is commonplace throughout Hollywood. It was revealed today that Fox didn't want Will Smith to play one of the leading roles in Independence Day because they thought him being black would've hurt the international box office.

Evidently, this historical account of discrimination isn't exclusive to WB. But it becomes farcical when these companies play the woke card in an attempt to appear progressive, when we know it is a blatant PR lie. It makes it even funnier when this sh*t doesn't even work, hence the term "go woke, go broke".

One more thing, Ice Cube doesn't think very highly of WB Pictures President Toby Emmerich either:

I really apologize to my friend for not getting the next Friday movie made," he said. "It's not my fault. Some dumbass people in Hollywood at New Line Cinema, if you wanna ... you can email Toby Emmerich and Richard Brener if you feel like I feel.

"Yeah, you punks had two scripts and you didn't wanna do them. That's the real. We were tryin' to make that movie for years and we couldn't get it done. We got the other three and we got our memories."

Would you believe it, the Snyderverse isn't the only series that is in limbo thanks to this jackass.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Mon,  5 Jul  2021, 16:04
For the sake of providing further context why Toxic WB is so full of sh*t with this black Superman project, Ice Cube revealed he has his own issues with the studio, and claims they have a racial bias when it comes to budgeting and star power.

In the case of "Straight Outta Compton," the 2015 biopic about the rise of N.W.A., New Line would only make the movie for less than $15 million, he said in an interview. Ice Cube was told it was a niche film that wouldn't have wide success or do well overseas, he added. Comcast Corp.'s Universal Pictures, which ended up making the movie, spent nearly $30 million, and the film generated more than $200 million in world-wide box office.

With "Ride Along," starring Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, Ice Cube said he was told by Warner Bros. executives that an action movie with two Black stars wouldn't do well, particularly overseas. Again, Universal made it in 2014 for $25 million, and it made $135 million in U.S. box office and another $20 million abroad plus a successful sequel.

"an action movie with two Black stars wouldn't do well"...this sounds like the same attitude Toxic WB had over not wanting ZSJL's Cyborg because "we can't have an angry black man" at the center of the film.

But sure, this Superman production is a really good demonstration of how progressive Toxic WB is. What a laugh!

Before anyone says anything, yes, I know this racial bias issue is commonplace throughout Hollywood. It was revealed today that Fox didn't want Will Smith to play one of the leading roles in Independence Day because they thought him being black would've hurt the international box office.

Evidently, this historical account of discrimination isn't exclusive to WB. But it becomes farcical when these companies play the woke card in an attempt to appear progressive, when we know it is a blatant PR lie. It makes it even funnier when this sh*t doesn't even work, hence the term "go woke, go broke".

One more thing, Ice Cube doesn't think very highly of WB Pictures President Toby Emmerich either:

I really apologize to my friend for not getting the next Friday movie made," he said. "It's not my fault. Some dumbass people in Hollywood at New Line Cinema, if you wanna ... you can email Toby Emmerich and Richard Brener if you feel like I feel.

"Yeah, you punks had two scripts and you didn't wanna do them. That's the real. We were tryin' to make that movie for years and we couldn't get it done. We got the other three and we got our memories."

Would you believe it, the Snyderverse isn't the only series that is in limbo thanks to this jackass.
There are some thorny issues to work through here. Hollywood doesn't dare besmirch the CCP. But it is true that China is a major box office territory these days. And the simple fact of the matter is that Chinese people want to see two kinds of actors in films. Either Chinese people or else Europeans/whites generally and those of Nordic extraction especially. For whatever reason, the Nordic gene pool is considered exotic and extremely beautiful to a lot of Asians. But rly, the European descent is helpful (or at least not harmful) in Asian territories.

What the Chinese do not want to see is people of African extraction at all anywhere at any time ever.

You can call that racist or whatever else all you want. But those are the facts. Except, movie studios dare not speak that truth out loud. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. So, they typically fall on their own sword, promise to do better in the future and then largely don't do better in the future.

I have some personal experience with this. I am of Celtic extraction, myself. My pasty skin, red hair and blue eyes were a gigantic hit with the natives when I visited Tokyo and Kyoto. They don't see people like me very often in person. But I turned heads literally everywhere I went in Asia whereas in America, people who look like me aren't such a big deal.

But I digress. My point is that if Hollywood casts a certain number of black actors in a film, they may as well not release it in China. Straight Outta Compton lost money in China, for example.

Now, yes, around here we all know that it's ludicrous to argue that action films with dual black leads can't make money. The Bad Boys franchise proves that. From a combined $239 million budget, those movies have earned a combined $841,251,824 worldwide ( and that's not chump change or chump margin. That's SUCCESS by any standard. And yet, Bad Boys For Life also cratered in China.

Movie studios are caught between a rock and a hard place. They have to include enough "representation" to appear woke to American audiences. But they need a high enough concentration of Asian generally and Chinese specifically actors alongside white actors as well to appeal to Chinese audiences. The higher the budget, the more the scales have to tip toward non-black actors. Marvel not that Finn was the only black character with a large role in the Star Wars sequels. Those movies need to perform well in China, after all.

It's an impossible balancing act and I just adore it when the studios get called out.