Superman Reboot

Started by Silver Nemesis, Fri, 26 Feb 2021, 19:37

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Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 15 Dec  2022, 05:52But the casting is going to be vital for me.
I think we'd better batten down the hatches on that.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 15 Dec  2022, 11:55
The Cavill situation was very poorly handled by the studio. They instructed him to announce his return two months ago, which might well have influenced his decision to quit The Witcher. He's now rumoured to be up for a part in one of James Cameron's Avatar sequels (knowing Cameron, he'll probably cast Henry as an evil colonialist toxic male soldier who hates the natural world).
This was done without him having a contract as well. He put himself out there via their instruction without any protection. Man of Steel 2 was simply an idea they were exploring at that point. Even when it was announced he was coming back, while I was happy, given the past I somehow still couldn't believe it was actually happening. And here we are, back in reality.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 15 Dec  2022, 11:55
I'd like him to get a shot at being the next James Bond, but I don't think that's going to happen. The truth is, modern Hollywood hates traditional alpha males like Cavill. They'll tolerate people like Momoa, Hemsworth and Dwayne Johnson as long as they're making money off them, but they'd much rather push scrawny androgynous actors like Timothée Chalamet, Harry Styles and Ezra Miller in an attempt to redefine masculinity as something weak, emasculated and nonthreatening.
I wouldn't be against him getting the Bond job. But putting my Bond fan hat on, I'm not sure if he's exactly the man I'd want. I like the idea of a new Bond being a blank canvass. An emerging talent that becomes a name due to the franchise. That isn't Henry as he will always be associated with Superman. And I'd be wanting him to slim down. Craig was built in Casino Royale, but Cavill is on a whole other level and that's not how I envision Bond looking. But again, if he got the role I wouldn't be against it. There are worse options out there. Far worse.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 15 Dec  2022, 11:55
Cavill's still in his thirties and in excellent physical shape. I reckon he could have continued playing Superman for at least another five to ten years before his age became an issue.
I agree, however the issue for me would have been the longevity of the supporting cast, especially Amy Adams. Would have they used her again? I'm getting the feeling they would have leaned heavily on recasting due to her age. That would have been unacceptable to me in terms of receiving an authentic Cavill era experience. Fishburne didn't even appear in Justice League - what would happen there? And would he even want to come back if asked? Either way that's all a moot point now. The DCEU died when Snyder was removed.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 15 Dec  2022, 12:16
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 15 Dec  2022, 05:52But the casting is going to be vital for me.
I think we'd better batten down the hatches on that.

I'm not a huge fan of Angry Joe, and I strongly disagree with some of the things he said, but otherwise, his reaction captures the mood among many Superman fans right now.

If you read the comments, the sentiment is overwhelmingly upset. Very angry people out there today, even among those that like Cavil but are otherwise Snyder detractors.

Anyway, I just read that Blue Beetle is supposed to be coming out next August, a couple of months before Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. So that means there are FOUR movies next year. Three of them are produced by Peter Safran.

Yes, that's right. Peter Safran, the other DC Studios co-CEO, is producing three out of four films that are now diminished thanks to this reboot announcement.

Why in the hell is Safran trying to destroy every chance for all of his 2023 films from making money? That means he's trying to kill off the Aquaman franchise, despite he also produced the 2018 film that was a billion-dollar success.

Seriously...what sense does that make? What other producer would do this?

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Former WB CEO Greg Silverman has criticised James Gunn.

Quote from: Greg Silverman
I really wish James had hired someone to write this [Superman reboot]. He has a job. He's an exec now. He missed an opportunity to support someone else & bring a new voice into the fold. He could guide, share his ideas, mentor. Giving the first big job of your new tenure to yourself is a bad look.

The conflict of interest doesn't end there. Gunn is promoting GOTG 3 at the same time. Seeing as his wife plays a recurring role in TSS, Peacemaker and Black Adam, will he have the principle to write her out of the reboot? I really doubt it.

At the moment, Gunn is getting slaughtered on social media by all pro-Cavill fans, and many people are saying they won't ever support DC again. After the farce that happened yesterday, can you blame them?

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.



Hows everyone doing today? lol

Sat, 17 Dec 2022, 00:20 #95 Last Edit: Sat, 17 Dec 2022, 00:24 by The Laughing Fish
Quote from: Travesty on Fri, 16 Dec  2022, 15:48

Hows everyone doing today? lol

I'm good mate, how are you?

I saw a tweet by Angry Joe Vargas yesterday that said: "I'm f***ing pissed off and it's @JamesGunn fault. I hate yesterday and I hate today". It gave me a good chuckle, seeing his contempt for BvS had indirect long-term consequences for Cavill getting treated badly by Warner.

Here is the latest report by THR:

The sunsetting of Cavill's time as Superman was the clearest indication yet that Gunn and Safran are mounting a substantial overhaul of DC, a reboot that will cut significant, if not most, ties to the previous regimes that handled DC movies for Warner Bros. Cavill also shot a cameo in The Flash, one of four DC movies set to release in 2023, but sources say that cameo, along with that of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, is now being cut given that the studio chose to not go forward with director Patty Jenkins' version of Wonder Woman 3.

Cavill found himself in a confluence of different headwinds at the studio. Dwayne Johnson pushed for his return via the much-hyped cameo in Black Adam and a potential linchpin for Johnson's own DC universe franchise. But Black Adam has grossed $389 million worldwide, its soft performance calling into question Johnson's much-touted plans for a sequel and an eventual Adam vs. Superman movie even before Gunn's decision. The studio had its own plan as new film co-chiefs Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy wanted to make a Man of Steel sequel, having Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight to write the treatment. (Classic character Brainiac was to have been the villain of that piece, a source says.)

So we missed out on a new Cavill Superman movie featuring Brainiac - that would've broken the Lex Luthor/Zod villain tradition - only to have that asshole Gunn write a reboot about a young Clark Kent working as a reporter.

We truly lost.

"In the end, he was a pawn in Dwayne's failed attempt to control a piece of DC," one insider observers.

Cavill, sources say, did not have a deal in place to return as Superman, only a verbal agreement that the studio would develop future projects. He was paid $250,000 each for his cameos. The actor in recent years had a resurgence thanks to starring in Netflix's popular fantasy series The Witcher, which saw him earning $1 million per episode. Cavill left the show this fall, although it's unclear if the promise of more Superman appearances were behind his exit.

If it really is true that Cavill didn't have a contract guaranteeing his return for the long term, that's still no excuse for WB to treat him poorly. Yes, Cavill should've known better than to trust the studio without a signed contract, but it's still pretty disgraceful that they told him his future is secure if it wasn't.

Just another example of a growing list of Warner's PR nightmares. Such a shame.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Quote from: Travesty on Fri, 16 Dec  2022, 15:48

Hows everyone doing today? lol
I loved yesterday and I love today even more. I love being alive. I went for a 32 mile bike ride, played some PlayStation and had a steak burger with lots of bacon. I don't get really angry about anything fictional anymore. Especially after the rollercoaster we've had in recent times. It is what it is, and it's out of my control. Of course it's a spectacular mess, but I'm just an observer and detached about a lot of things. Let's be honest and say a reboot isn't a bad idea when you look at the inconsistent jumble we had. People are venting now, but a lot will likely be following all the new developments and eventually buy a ticket. As Tarantino correctly said recently, the characters are the real stars and not the actors. And that's not ignoring the fact Henry was done dirty over a long period of time. It's like the World Cup in Qatar. People spoke about the thousands of workers who died building the facilities, and the obvious corruption in the country getting the event in the first place. But at the end of the day the love of soccer was too great for people.

When asked to clarify what he meant about Superman: Legacy and Creature Commandos being already in development before he was hired as DC Studios co-CEO, Gunn has revealed that he was hired to write the Superman reboot six months ago, and was always a separate project from any potential Cavill Superman project.

It was. I was hired to write Superman Legacy over six months ago.

That would mean this reboot was secretly greenlit last August - before Cavill was brought in for the Black Adam cameo. If rebooting Superman was planned all along then why the f*** did the studio give Cavill their assurance he was wanted back as Superman?! At the very least, all this tells me that was (and maybe still is) division within WBD's ranks, because Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy - the executives who were reportedly pro-Cavill and other Snyderverse actors - had a different agenda compared to Gunn and Safran.

Nevertheless, this episode has been a disgrace. Just when I thought the Cavill shafting couldn't get any more insulting. And to give the writing duties to Gunn, out of all people? Unforgivable.

^Only feedback I have for that image is Gunn was well in his forties when he wrote those vile comments, both on his personal blog and on Twitter. Which makes him look much worse.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


I can believe anything when it comes to Hollywood. Evidently, Henry Cavill's return to Superman for a MOS follow-up with WBD entirely banked on a "Black Adam" movie (of all things), and a 20 second cameo.

This reminds me of Paramount cancelling a "Friday the 13th" reboot back in 2017 because "Rings" didn't perform well enough. Or "Tron 3" being cancelled by Disney due to "Tomorrowland" being disappointing at the box office.

Makes perfect sense.

With Gunn, sometimes people accidentally out themselves. That's what it's coming across like. David Zaslav publicly stated in Nov that he didn't want four Batmen running concurrently with one another. A decision I'm sure was firmly cemented well before he made his strategy for the DCEU official. Yet, there was supposedly not one, not two, but three seperate Superman films (Cavill, Abrams, and Gunn's Legacy) actively being developed in October 2022?!?

Yeah, this ain't jelling. It's not coming together. Something's missing.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: The Joker on Tue, 21 Feb  2023, 14:51
I can believe anything when it comes to Hollywood. Evidently, Henry Cavill's return to Superman for a MOS follow-up with WBD entirely banked on a "Black Adam" movie (of all things), and a 20 second cameo.

This reminds me of Paramount cancelling a "Friday the 13th" reboot back in 2017 because "Rings" didn't perform well enough. Or "Tron 3" being cancelled by Disney due to "Tomorrowland" being disappointing at the box office.

Makes perfect sense.

With Gunn, sometimes people accidentally out themselves. That's what it's coming across like. David Zaslav publicly stated in Nov that he didn't want four Batmen running concurrently with one another. A decision I'm sure was firmly cemented well before he made his strategy for the DCEU official. Yet, there was supposedly not one, not two, but three seperate Superman films (Cavill, Abrams, and Gunn's Legacy) actively being developed in October 2022?!?

Yeah, this ain't jelling. It's not coming together. Something's missing.
What MIGHT be going on was Zaslav wanted to see which Batman was the most popular, and then pursue that one. I would imagine that Zaslav is under immense pressure to greenlight as many Batman projects as possible because he's the most successful DC character by far. So, my guess would be that eventually a choice will have to be made between the Reeves Batman and the BATB Batman

The idea of developing three Supermen simultaneously also makes a certain amount of sense. WB did something similar circa 1999-2001 when they developed Batman Beyond, Batman Vs. Superman (not the Snyder thing, something else) and a Year One film all the same time. There was probably never a chance of making all three films. Rather, WB wanted to evaluate which one had the most commercial potential and then produce that one.