Superman Reboot

Started by Silver Nemesis, Fri, 26 Feb 2021, 19:37

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Brandon Routh sat down for an interview with Michael Rosenbaum and mentioned there are several Superman projects far along in development.

He might be only referring to the two black Superman movies as well as the Superman and Lois show that's already streaming, and might not even know beyond what's already been publicly announced. Unless Discovery is doing preliminary work in developing new Superman projects prior to the completion of the merger, I really doubt Warner has the vision to expand Superman's prospects as a franchise. Not with Clark Kent anyway.

But if Toxic WB really are planning on developing another Superman project, they will likely have Routh starring in a HBO Max series, instead of Henry Cavill making a comeback.

As lame as that would be, I can only imagine colors' reaction to such news:

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


For God only knows what reason, Routh does have a fan following. Not a big one and they're not super devoted. But he does have a following.

Mind you, I maintain that Smallville has a much huger fanbase and it makes infinitely more sense to pursue a Smallville continuation than a Superman Returns/Routh continuation. That was my opinion back in 2008 and it remains my position now.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 30 Dec  2021, 18:52
For God only knows what reason, Routh does have a fan following. Not a big one and they're not super devoted. But he does have a following.

Mind you, I maintain that Smallville has a much huger fanbase and it makes infinitely more sense to pursue a Smallville continuation than a Superman Returns/Routh continuation. That was my opinion back in 2008 and it remains my position now.
It makes me wonder how a Superman crossover would go down, in a hypothetical world where all actors were alive and able to appear. Reeve would get a huge reaction. But the rest? Eh. They have niche followings but nothing that seems universally accepted like Reeve. I think Cain would've had a positive fan response a decade or longer ago. But not now. His commentary on the modern world would see him excluded and hated upon by the woke section of the fanbase. As for Welling, I don't think he has those problems. I could be wrong, but I suspect time has taken the steam out of Smallville somewhat. A statement I think applies to the Superman brand as a whole. There's the Superman and Lois show, but the franchise still feels like it's treading water. Especially in comparison to Batman and Spider-Man.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 31 Dec  2021, 23:38A statement I think applies to the Superman brand as a whole. There's the Superman and Lois show, but the franchise still feels like it's treading water. Especially in comparison to Batman and Spider-Man.
I somewhat disagree with that. We live in strange times, Y'know, in terms of politics. And it is true that the Superman IP's owners haven't known what to do with him for decades. Maybe ever.

And I think it says a lot about how strong the brand actually is that Superman has survived and (somewhat) thrived when his owners don't understand him or might even actually hate him. Generally, Batman and Spider-Man have been managed by parties who deeply care about those characters and want them to be the best they can be.

There are not very many characters that could survive the storms that Superman has weathered. He's not in a great place at the moment. But show me another character who could even survive this kind of dry spell.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sat,  1 Jan  2022, 00:30
There are not very many characters that could survive the storms that Superman has weathered. He's not in a great place at the moment. But show me another character who could even survive this kind of dry spell.
When all is said and done, all that remains is the red and yellow logo. Even through the most ferocious of storms that will remain, sitting there waiting to be taken and used properly on the big screen. We've still got black Superman films to endure yet before that conversation can be had. Because the longer time draws out like a blade, it's apparent WB is intent on keeping Cavill on the sidelines.

I caught this montage of three tweets sh*tting on the idea of a No Way Home scenario for Superman. Look at the like ratios approving the comments saying how awful such an idea would be.

God knows how people will react to The Flash.

Speaking of which, you would think Henry Cavill will be in The Flash now that Michael Shannon and Antje Traue are coming back as Zod and Faora respectively. But the way this wretched studio is operating...
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


It's hard to make Routh look physically imposing. But Hoechlin manages it. Dude's a skinny little toothpick. So, Routh looked kind of impressive standing next to Hoechlin.

Nobody. Zero. Literally f***ing nobody wants to see a NWH movie with those three. Even the doofus calling for it is just being a good little shill. But don't kid yourself, he's not buying a ticket to that abortion of a movie either.

I'm probably somewhere in the royal elite of Cavill/Superman fans in the entire world. And even I don't want to see him suit up again as Superman if it means he'll be sharing the screen with those two benchwarmers.

Sun, 2 Jan 2022, 08:21 #37 Last Edit: Sun, 2 Jan 2022, 08:24 by The Dark Knight
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sun,  2 Jan  2022, 03:55
I'm probably somewhere in the royal elite of Cavill/Superman fans in the entire world. And even I don't want to see him suit up again as Superman if it means he'll be sharing the screen with those two benchwarmers.
I don't think you'll have to worry about that. Apart from appearing in Snyder continuity, I'd like to know exactly what Henry Cavill did to rub WB the wrong way so hard. Did he rape the mothers and grandmothers of senior management and then skin them alive? We had fans banging the drum for literally anything for Cavill and they wouldn't even give them a two second cameo in Shazam. Grace Randolph has been wrong before, but her statement that Cavill has a final appearance in The Flash via old footage that's shown on a television sounds very believable. Apparently Cavill didn't get to film anything new for his last hurrah, and his continuity gets wiped. That would be beyond an insult, and again makes me wonder why the treatment has been excessively rough. They're not hiding the disrespect in their eagerness to wipe their hands of him. For the life of me I can't see the majority of Superman fans rallying behind Supergirl and these black Supermen after what will have transpired. Fans of specific continuities are tribal and not forgiving, especially those who enjoyed the Snyderverse. Which again puts into perspective just how well The Matrix Resurrections handled their iconic heroes. Sections of the fanbase who are complaining have no idea how good they have it in comparison.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun,  2 Jan  2022, 08:21I don't think you'll have to worry about that. Apart from appearing in Snyder continuity, I'd like to know exactly what Henry Cavill did to rub WB the wrong way so hard. Did he rape the mothers and grandmothers of senior management and then skin them alive?
Gotta be honest, I hadn't considered the possibility that Cavill might have made enemies of his own with someone at WB. And yet, it does seem like a good explanation all of a sudden.

The very most that I can think of is how the weird CG mouth he had in Josstice League became the posterboy for all of that movie's flaws. And the reason it happened (as you probably remember) is because Cavill was contractually forbidden from shaving off his Mission Impossible moustache. But it's not like that's his fault or anything. Contracts are contracts, wtf was he supposed to do? But studio execs can be a vindictive bunch.

The whole thing is just odd since Cavill has always come off like the Happy Company Man who will say whatever some flack coaches him to say. I just can't picture what he said or did for things to go sideways like this.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sun,  2 Jan  2022, 08:58
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun,  2 Jan  2022, 08:21I don't think you'll have to worry about that. Apart from appearing in Snyder continuity, I'd like to know exactly what Henry Cavill did to rub WB the wrong way so hard. Did he rape the mothers and grandmothers of senior management and then skin them alive?
Gotta be honest, I hadn't considered the possibility that Cavill might have made enemies of his own with someone at WB. And yet, it does seem like a good explanation all of a sudden.

The very most that I can think of is how the weird CG mouth he had in Josstice League became the posterboy for all of that movie's flaws. And the reason it happened (as you probably remember) is because Cavill was contractually forbidden from shaving off his Mission Impossible moustache. But it's not like that's his fault or anything. Contracts are contracts, wtf was he supposed to do? But studio execs can be a vindictive bunch.

The whole thing is just odd since Cavill has always come off like the Happy Company Man who will say whatever some flack coaches him to say. I just can't picture what he said or did for things to go sideways like this.
I think something else went on behind the scenes because they're doing Cavill dirtier than Shawshank's sewerage pipe. Making him crawl through excrement only to be guillotined once his head exits the tunnel. If you want him to appear in movies you make it happen. They don't want to. It makes me hope Cavill gets the James Bond role, if it isn't already locked up by some black actress who identifies as non binary - whatever that is. It would be cathartic to see him succeed in another big franchise where he's treated with respect with a bunch of films, because there's already a built in fanbase for him. I like him in Mission: Impossible - Fallout. Though I think he'd have to slim down just a tad from his muscular frame.