Superman Reboot

Started by Silver Nemesis, Fri, 26 Feb 2021, 19:37

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Warner Bros. is rebooting Superman yet again. This time the movie will focus on a black Superman, which presumably means Calvin Ellis rather than Ka-El. Novelist and comic book writer Ta-Nehisi Coates is penning the script and Jar Jar Abrams is producing.

Quote"To be invited into the DC Extended Universe by Warner Bros., DC Films and Bad Robot is an honor," said Coates in a statement to Shadow and Act, a website dedicated to the African diaspora in the arts. "I look forward to meaningfully adding to the legacy of America's most iconic mythic hero."

"There is a new, powerful and moving Superman story yet to be told. We couldn't be more thrilled to be working with the brilliant Mr. Coates to help bring that story to the big screen, and we're beyond thankful to the team at Warner Bros. for the opportunity," said J.J. Abrams in the statement to S&A.

According to sources, the project is being set up as a Black Superman story. This is something that the studio has been trying to wrap its head around for months, if not a year or two. Michael B. Jordan tried to develop a Black Superman project when he first arrived at the studio with his deal in 2019, but that did not go very far at the time, according to sources. It is possible that the studio could return to him to star down the line.

Coates is a superstar author whose books include We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy, The Beautiful Struggle, The Water Dancer and Between the World and Me, the latter of which was adapted by HBO. In the comic book space, he has worked on Captain America and Black Panther, with Disney's Bob Iger crediting his influential run on the latter in the decision to greenlight the groundbreaking film starring Chadwick Boseman.

Superman first flew onto the big screen with filmmaker Richard Donner's 1978 film Superman: The Motion Picture, which starred Christopher Reeve. The actor appeared in three subsequent films, with Brandon Routh donning the cape for 2006's Superman Returns and Henry Cavill stepping into the role for 2013's Man of Steel, 2016's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and 2017's Justice League.

This is the first DC feature known to be in development under Abrams' expansive WarnerMedia deal, but he has several DC series in the works for streaming service HBO Max, including Justice League Dark and Constantine.

So far the only cinematic Superman to get more than one solo movie was Reeve. I wonder if this new version will break that trend.

The guy who wrecked Star Trek and then went on to wreck Star Wars is directing a movie written by one of the wokest authors in the entire world about a "Superman" nobody gives two flaming you-know-whats about. Probably starring Michael B. Jordan because there's no telling what Ray Fisher or John Boyega might say on pressline.

48 hours. That's all it took. Only 48 hours for me to think Tyler Hoechlin maybe isn't so bad after all. Hell, even Blandon Routh isn't looking so terrible anymore.


What a predictable kick in the guts. The fanbase need to shun this like the plague and send it into the abyss, as happened with Girlbusters 2016. We get this lame project that nobody is asking for, a new Supergirl that nobody was asking for either, but nothing for Cavill. Or at best relegating him to cameos while Superman in name only gets the limelight. We truly do live in a clown world. Superman is one of the most mismanaged properties in existence and the trend now continues one hundred fold.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 26 Feb  2021, 21:06
What a predictable kick in the guts. The fanbase need to shun this like the plague and send it into the abyss, as happened with Girlbusters 2016. We get this lame project that nobody is asking for, a new Supergirl that nobody was asking for either, but nothing for Cavill. Or at best relegating him to cameos while Superman in name only gets the limelight. We truly do live in a clown world. Superman is one of the most mismanaged properties in existence and the trend now continues one hundred fold.
Well, it is just a matter of time until the woke mob comes for Batman too and demand either (A) a black Bruce Wayne in film or (B) Luke Fox as Batman in film.

Eventually, one of those or the other will happen.

How's that marketing supposed to go? "A character so amazing that we just HAD to give him someone else's name!" Yeah, I'll line right up for that, sure.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 26 Feb  2021, 19:47
The guy who wrecked Star Trek and then went on to wreck Star Wars is directing a movie written by one of the wokest authors in the entire world about a "Superman" nobody gives two flaming you-know-whats about. Probably starring Michael B. Jordan because there's no telling what Ray Fisher or John Boyega might say on pressline.

If this is going to be an Elseworlds type of movie like Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie was, fine, go ahead.

But if this is going to reboot Superman on film altogether, nah, f*** that.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, cynical, whatever, but I reckon this is a sneaky ploy by WB Pictures. Not only are they trying to downplay any attention from ZSJL, which is now less than a month away now - as well as this news being announced on the eve of Zack Snyder's appearance on IGN Fan Fest to promote the film, but also to distract from the negative attention they're getting because of Ray Fisher speaking out against them.

For what it's worth, The Cultured Nerd reckons the details of this project is too early to tell and claims there is a fair bit of misinformation going around, but said this.

But I will say this, [WB Pictures President] Toby [Emmerich] and [DC Films President] Walter [Hamada] over at @wbpictures must be really petty and bitter toward @ZackSnyder to drop the news of a #Superman reboot on the world..during the final countdown for the release of the #SnyderCut . They must really be scared of #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague

By the way, remember when I mentioned Ray Fisher? Well, a couple of days ago, a writer called Nadria Tucker worked on Superman & Lois and Krypton, and she revealed she had participated in WarnerMedia's JL investigation to corroborate the allegations that apparently took place during the reshoots, and it appears the alleged toxic workplace environment is prevalent in other DC productions that Tucker worked on. She also accused of Geoff Johns trying to dictate some things on black culture, which Fisher claims he knows all too well.

Now yes, you might roll your eyes at her Twitter bio and see her describing herself as an SJW. But the fact of the matter is, there had clearly been serious issues behind the scenes JL reshoots, and instead of WB being transparent in their investigation and sorting these issues out, they're pulling news like this to distract any negative attention, in addition to their attempts to downplay ZSJL. It's very f***ing dodgy, to say the least. So far, all that investigation has resulted in throwing Joss Whedon over the bus, removing Fisher's Cyborg from The Flash, as well as still protecting Johns, who is apparently involved in S&L and is reportedly producing Shazam 2.

Forgive me for the pun, but if anyone hasn't woken up yet, they should by now. EVERY little thing that WB announces going forward should be looked at with intense scrutiny, and this Superman project should be no exception. Not only do they want to sabotage the Snyderverse, but they want to cover up any workplace issue they have instead of actually addressing it. I'm not naive to think Hollywood isn't full of corruption, but WB is very transparent about it. As time goes by, I'm more concerned about how The Flash will turn out.

Finally, Fisher may be right to say it's disgraceful that people who participated in the investigation are putting their careers on the line by speaking out publically, but I'm afraid they might have no other choice. If they want to hold these culprits accountable, more will have to start speaking out, because it's clear that WarnerMedia is not going to fulfill its responsibilities.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 26 Feb  2021, 22:33
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 26 Feb  2021, 21:06
What a predictable kick in the guts. The fanbase need to shun this like the plague and send it into the abyss, as happened with Girlbusters 2016. We get this lame project that nobody is asking for, a new Supergirl that nobody was asking for either, but nothing for Cavill. Or at best relegating him to cameos while Superman in name only gets the limelight. We truly do live in a clown world. Superman is one of the most mismanaged properties in existence and the trend now continues one hundred fold.
Well, it is just a matter of time until the woke mob comes for Batman too and demand either (A) a black Bruce Wayne in film or (B) Luke Fox as Batman in film.

Eventually, one of those or the other will happen.

How's that marketing supposed to go? "A character so amazing that we just HAD to give him someone else's name!" Yeah, I'll line right up for that, sure.
Everything is on the chopping block these days for ruination, and hopefully we have enough of a buffer with Pattinson and Keaton to at least delay that eventuality. But who the F was asking for this right now? One guy, Michael B Jordan, who appeared in critical and financial flop Fantastic Four, pitches a black Superman movie and suddenly that must become a reality? And the army of eager fans who want a continuation of Cavill are ignored and given something else instead? Superman had a great last run with Cavill, but the character's race has now been run. The will of countless fans is being denied in such a brazen manner and I don't see why they should care about the cinematic brand now. Let it decay into farce. The only energy that should be exerted onto this movie is the most negative kind.

I would love to share my true opinions on it, but I don't want a certain-someone to strawman me, and claim I'm the worst of the worst.

But with that said: sure, just burn it to the ground. It's time. Just do it. I'm down for this experiment.

Quote from: Travesty on Sat, 27 Feb  2021, 17:20
I would love to share my true opinions on it, but I don't want a certain-someone to strawman me, and claim I'm the worst of the worst.

But with that said: sure, just burn it to the ground. It's time. Just do it. I'm down for this experiment.
On paper this is a bigger dumpster fire than DisneyWars ever was because at least that project started with excitement before the penny finally dropped. Here, the fanbase is offside from the start. Nothing about this says it's a good idea.

It's more important than ever to support the hell out of ZSJL to show where the real energy is. The fact they're really going to ignore a popular actor that even haters of Snyder's storytelling like is dumb business beyond belief. They're really going to shell out millions of dollars on this experiment but classify a Cavill solo film as a risk? Do they really think this is what the fans want?

Whether WB likes it or not, the Snyder base is devoted, sizeable and won't support the Abrams wokefest. I can see this getting rave reviews from the critics but the fans being offside, much like The Last Jedi.

If the Abrams movie flops they'll put the character on the back burner again for years and say how hard the character is to adapt. While they poisoned the well of Henry Cavill, the perfect modern Superman. Or alternatively, they pig heatedly barge ahead with the new era and truly burn everything to the ground.

Ray Fisher sums up what many people are thinking:

Do ya'll remember that time Walter Hamada and @wbpictures tried to destroy a Black man's credibility, and publicly delegitimize a very serious investigation, with lies in the press?

But hey, Black Superman...


Anyone who doesn't see that WB are trying to kill two birds with one stone with this Superman news is a fool. What a rotten studio.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Henry Cavill's agent uploaded this on her Instagram story. If this is referring to Superman then maybe we shouldn't worry about Cavill's future just yet.

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.
