Batman '89 (2021)

Started by Silver Nemesis, Tue, 16 Feb 2021, 21:05

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Quote from: The Joker on Tue,  6 Jul  2021, 03:09
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Tue, 29 Jun  2021, 15:21
I was thinking. Issue 2 mentions Burnside, which is a Batgirl side of town. Is it possible that lady detective is Babs?

Could be. Judging from this Taurin Clarke variant.

If that female cop is Barbara, then that bodes well for setting up Batman Beyond in the future.

Dent's got a shock of white hair like his B:TAS counterpart. I always imagined that Burton would have gone for a similar look had he depicted Two-Face in live action.

It makes sense for Selina to get a revised costume, since her original was badly damaged by the end of BR. The b&w preview art had me concerned that her upper thighs would be bare, but now that I know she's wearing tights I think her new outfit's actually pretty good. I like that she's got a belt similar to the one worn by the B:TAS Catwoman.

If Pfeiffer showed up wearing this ^ in The Flash trailer, the internet would melt.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Tue,  6 Jul  2021, 15:21

It would be hilarious if Marlon got royalties for this along with the residuals he receives from the DVD sales of BR and BF.

Quote from: Travesty on Tue,  6 Jul  2021, 16:05
Yeah....not a fan of the Scorpion/Robin design.

If you want to give him a hood, go for it, but don't make it look like a blatant MK-ripoff.

It seems the guess I made about Robin wearing the hood in my last post was correct after all.

The redesign might be derivative, but I don't mind it.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Quote from: Gotham Knight on Tue,  6 Jul  2021, 15:21

The obvious thing to comment on is the Scorpion influence, as Trav said. I do think it's probably too similar, but I get what they're going for: a warrior and less of a boy wonder. The trend with Robin is to make him more serious looking (Arkhamverse), and I expected as much here. I like that the traditional red, green and yellow are present.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Tue,  6 Jul  2021, 17:34
It makes sense for Selina to get a revised costume, since her original was badly damaged by the end of BR. The b&w preview art had me concerned that her upper thighs would be bare, but now that I know she's wearing tights I think her new outfit's actually pretty good. I like that she's got a belt similar to the one worn by the B:TAS Catwoman.
Honestly, the original costume was so perfect that I would've been happy getting it again. But in terms of an ongoing career, modifications make sense. The difference is minimal but quite substantial. Returns took place over the Christmas period. Selina needed an outfit ready to battle Batman right then are there, so she made the costume in one night and from materials already present in her apartment. Merging BR with BTAS seems appropriate.

One thing to consider when thinking about Robin. It is entirely possible that he begins his career on his own. That was how Hamm handled it in Batman 2 and that is the vibe I'm getting. Perhaps the costume evolves.

Thu, 8 Jul 2021, 13:23 #166 Last Edit: Thu, 8 Jul 2021, 14:21 by eledoremassis02
A pre-order for the Graphic Novel version is up (July 2022)

Do wonder if he'll get his Returns costume at come point?

Also, wonder if we'll see Chip Shreck at some point?

On a side-note. It's crazy that this is the only Billy Dee merchandise Tie-in with his Harvey/Two face. I wonder if this sells well, we may see more?

He's also wearing the exact suit he's wearing in 89'

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Wed,  7 Jul  2021, 12:45
One thing to consider when thinking about Robin. It is entirely possible that he begins his career on his own. That was how Hamm handled it in Batman 2 and that is the vibe I'm getting. Perhaps the costume evolves.

That's what I'm thinking (and hoping).

That the Scorpion-Robin costume is simply a preliminary to a more Neal Adams redesigned Robin costume. Kinda like how Marlon's Robin was going to wear oversized work overalls with a familiar looking R patch at one stage.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: The Joker on Fri,  9 Jul  2021, 02:53
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Wed,  7 Jul  2021, 12:45
One thing to consider when thinking about Robin. It is entirely possible that he begins his career on his own. That was how Hamm handled it in Batman 2 and that is the vibe I'm getting. Perhaps the costume evolves.

That's what I'm thinking (and hoping).

That the Scorpion-Robin costume is simply a preliminary to a more Neal Adams redesigned Robin costume. Kinda like how Marlon's Robin was going to wear oversized work overalls with a familiar looking R patch at one stage.
Agreed. Since Batman seems to be getting a final act redesign, I suspect Robin will get one as well.