Batman '89 (2021)

Started by Silver Nemesis, Tue, 16 Feb 2021, 21:05

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Thu, 1 Apr 2021, 02:35 #70 Last Edit: Thu, 1 Apr 2021, 22:43 by The Dark Knight
Quote from: BatmanFurst on Thu,  1 Apr  2021, 02:26
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu,  1 Apr  2021, 02:23
The synopsis also says "Batman '89 is set in a truly gothic Gotham City and features colorful villains including The Joker, Two-Face, and many more." Are we about to see Nicholson's Joker resurrected? Could very well be the case. And the promise of "many more" villains makes me wonder who they'll be. Catwoman seems likely. Based on nothing I feel Poison Ivy could be possible.
I hope Joker doesn't come back.
Groundwork has been laid for the idea. It would really depend on how they explained it.

Our first tease for Max Shrek's erstwhile personal assistant.

It seems that the conceptual we saw in February has been officially confirmed as Bruce Wayne's look for the series. It is most interesting how much gray is in Bruce's hair. What's more is the return of the glasses. No more, it seems, are they for weakening eyes during batcave study. They now seem to be a permanent part of Bruce's day to day look. I'm curious how many years have passed since RETURNS. Batman seems to be still active, so I can't imagine the time jump is too severe, but enough to stress that time is passing, and passes much more freely than in typical comic book continuities where Spider-Man is still 26. Worth noting, of course, that the Earth-89 Batman was not a young man when he started. Keaton was in his late thirties when he did 89, and was at least 40 when they did Returns.

Maybe that's why Robin is being introduced. We may have a Batman who looks to be nearing 50, and whose nightly exploits have accelerated some of the aging process. Robin may be a sidekick who is being groomed as an eventual replacement.

First thought: Keaton's Bruce didn't have that type of muscular build.

I'm cool with him wearing glasses. I always liked him doing so, and that goes for Kilmer. Forever had Kilmer wearing them during the Wayne Enterprises sequences and generally out and about as a more permanent fixture. I'm okay with a time jump of some kind because it seems a logical way to reveal a wider range of villains, and to show the changes Bruce and the world went through. But only if the period after Returns is adequately addressed. 

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu,  1 Apr  2021, 02:23
The synopsis also says "Batman '89 is set in a truly gothic Gotham City and features colorful villains including The Joker, Two-Face, and many more." Are we about to see Nicholson's Joker resurrected? Could very well be the case. And the promise of "many more" villains makes me wonder who they'll be. Catwoman seems likely. Based on nothing I feel Poison Ivy could be possible.

Ehh.. hope its just Nicholson's Joker appearing in flashbacks and/or nightmares Bruce may  be dealing with in the story arc. This along with the Burtonverse Jokerz gang keeps Nicholson's Joker's presence palpable, without actually resurrecting him.

If a merging of the DCAU's Batman Beyond Return of the Joker and Burton's Batman transpires for a live action film, Nicholson's Joker resurrected should be held off until then. Makes it more impactful and all that jazz.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I'm getting to the stage where I don't want to see any more from this. It's looking pretty good but I think the artist has shown enough now.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri,  9 Apr  2021, 00:39
I'm getting to the stage where I don't want to see any more from this. It's looking pretty good but I think the artist has shown enough now.
Esp when the comic isn't even coming out until July.