Batman '89 (2021)

Started by Silver Nemesis, Tue, 16 Feb 2021, 21:05

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Sun, 22 Aug 2021, 03:54 #251 Last Edit: Sun, 22 Aug 2021, 17:06 by GBglide
Spoiler: I heard that Amazon just leaked that the Joker is coming back! I'm intrigued.

I'm having trouble verifying that, though.

Edit: Someone read some generic text and assumed. May or may not be true.

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Sat,  7 Aug  2021, 03:24
Awesome find!!

I added the other preview pages (now a total of 7) for fluid reading

SPOILERS: (I know this issue has been out for weeks now, but I thought I'd hide the following comment in white just in case nobody else has read it yet)

Some ScreenRant blogger has gotten his panties tied up in a bunch because he thought Batman killed those helicopter pilots on page six. But if you look at the bottom right corner of the page carefully, you can see two people (a man in full view and another man's leg) have jumped out of the helicopter as it explodes. This shows me the culprits have survived, albeit barely. The only other deaths that were reported during the news bulletin that Bruce and Harvey were watching confirmed a security guard who fell out from of the stolen vans and another guard who suffered a fractured skull.

Unless I'm missing something here, I think it's safe to say Batman didn't kill those hijackers.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


It appears that by issue 4 Barbara Gordon is going to at least know that Bruce Wayne and Batman have a connection, hence all of these teases of her looking at his stuff. I think issue 2 is going to feature Batman's unmasking during his escape from the national guard, and that is gong to be how Babs ends up with the cowl. I suspect the confrontation that Batman has with the troops will resemble the one he has with the police in BATMAN II, which was retooled for BATMAN RETURNS. In Hamm's version Batman is unmasked and ends up at Robin's hideout. Perhaps another encounter is coming, Batman also rides a horse, which is something Sam has been trying to get into the official canon forever. Be on the lookout.