Batman '89 (2021)

Started by Silver Nemesis, Tue, 16 Feb 2021, 21:05

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A few thoughts.

I enjoyed the first issue. Hamm's clearly lifting some elements from his unproduced Batman II script, as we expected he would. These include the subplot about the Batman copycats and the storyline about Bullock leading the taskforce that's hunting Batman. The scene where Robin attacks Batman is also somewhat similar to their first meeting in Hamm's Batman II script, where Robin attacked Bruce because he thought he was stealing his belongings.

I'm enjoying Dent's storyline a lot. I lately revisited Denny O'Neil's comic adaptations of B89 and BR, and I was disappointed to note that Dent was almost entirely absent from the former. He only appears in about two panels, and all of his lines were given to other characters. But now he's finally getting his chance to shine. His antagonistic relationship with Gordon is a departure from what we saw in the 1989 movie, however their alliance in that film predated Batman's collaborations with the GCPD. Batman seems to be the central point of contention between them (or is it Harvey's relationship with Babs?) and the main reason their friendship has soured. I always thought Harvey sounded pleased when he read Batman's letter at the end of B89, but his attitude's certainly changed since then. Presumably the copycat vigilantes are to blame for that. The Nolanverse Dent was a vocal supporter of Batman, so it makes for an interesting contrast to have the Burtonverse Dent be one of his most vocal critics.

On the negative side, I have to say that the art isn't really evoking the Burton aesthetic for me so far. I mostly like the character designs, and it was fun spotting all the Easter egg references to his other films (is Barbara modelled on Winona Ryder or Sean Young?), but the city itself feels a tad generic. Maybe it's the lack of shadows or the brightness of the colours, but it just doesn't evoke the dark gothic scary Gotham from the movies. Maybe that'll change in later issues.

Overall though, it's off to a good start.

Just read the first issue, I like what I'm seeing so far. The biggest highlight is the setup of Dent. I liked seeing his home life. The stories take on the double life of Dent is clever. The character beat of him being in between the high class political world, and his humble beginnings is a good starting point for Two-Face. Can't wait to read more.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 11 Aug  2021, 22:37
I always thought Harvey sounded pleased when he read Batman's letter at the end of B89, but his attitude's certainly changed since then. Presumably the copycat vigilantes are to blame for that. The Nolanverse Dent was a vocal supporter of Batman, so it makes for an interesting contrast to have the Burtonverse Dent be one of his most vocal critics.
The bat signal has not been used in six months. The ending of B89 gave the impression it was a public gift for all of the City. Batman is being summoned but in an alternate way, which gives the impression he's Gordon's private security.

Dent being someone who will turn on people and enter uncomfortable areas in his pursuit of justice feels true to his character. A man of results has to be that way sometimes. This Dent was willing to do that even before his transformation.

The Penguin's gang drove the city nuts in Returns and the mayhem is still going afterwards, just with different members doing the damage. I think it's natural for frustrations/resentment to boil over at some point, and blame assigned while looking for solutions.

A few other things:

"So far, the crowd has been rowdy, but peaceful." I read this comment with something else in mind. I doubt it's a reference to that, but I still take enjoyment from it.

"There's no room on the streets for law abiding citizens" reminds me of Jacks' "decent people shouldn't live here, they'd be happier some place else."

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 11 Aug  2021, 22:37
A few thoughts.

.... but the city itself feels a tad generic. Maybe it's the lack of shadows or the brightness of the colours, but it just doesn't evoke the dark gothic scary Gotham from the movies. Maybe that'll change in later issues.

Overall though, it's off to a good start.

Yeah, I agree with that. I did like how Batman was in shadow for the last few frames. That evoked the look oh him in Burton's films.

Thu, 12 Aug 2021, 23:34 #244 Last Edit: Fri, 13 Aug 2021, 03:06 by eledoremassis02
I wonder if there will be any mention of Schreck or what easter eggs we'll get

I read the first issue last night. Not too bad, although my only criticism is there is already quite A LOT happening while this saga is just getting started. I felt there is a lot to take in and read a few scenes again.

Spoilers in white:

I read some theories elsewhere that speculated the female cop who was gathering all the Batman evidence would be Barbara Gordon, but I was expecting something a lot less predictable. That doesn't necessarily make it a criticism though. I am a bit surprised that Harvey Dent is her fiance, and Commissioner Gordon doesn't think too fondly of him.

I do enjoy how Harvey Dent is getting an arc, which was expected. Some people may feel at odds over his agenda against Batman, but I think it would make sense over time. In B89, it's possible he was willing to put aside any skepticism towards Batman during the Joker crisis. But as time goes on and the events of BR appear to start a pattern, I don't think it would be too surprising that Harvey now perceives Batman as a menace to society. Not only does Batman cause collateral damage, which is even more costly as the crime he stops, there are times when people may resent him for not being around when they need him, such as Harvey and Barbara looking at the Batmobile passing by, right after they survived a mugging attempt.

Notice that unlike the usual backstory we read of Harvey Dent, the coin is not a symbol of psychological and emotional abuse, but rather a fond memory growing up as a poor kid in the local community.

The call to bring in the National Guard to hunt down Batman while restoring peace in Gotham City reminds me of The Dark Knight Returns. You can still feel the Miller influence going by some of the Easter eggs, such as the Mutant goons in the background during the Halloween parade. I even spotted some Tim Burton references, I could've sworn I saw Wynona Ryder as Lydia Deetz in Beetlejuice in one of the panel, and even another kid looked he was dressing up as the Penguin.

Judging by Batman interrogating the guy stealing some goods to take care of his baby sister and Robin's introduction - as well as Dent visiting the local neighbourhood - I wouldn't be surprised if we get more social commentary within the black community. The man who Dent grew up with did mention that no kid looks up to Harvey as an example, but rather somebody who defected to the other crowd to impress. So maybe the next couple of chapters will explore more of the classism and social politics of Gotham City, together with the issues surrounding Robin going around and protecting the poorer neighbourhoods. That's not to say it will suddenly go full on SJW though. I believe the writing will be a lot more tactful than that.

I do wish we would've gotten more scenes of Batman and Commissioner Gordon before the they had cut off their communication lines. But I understand there is a big story ahead, and the first issue has already covered a lot of ground. For better or worse, this comic saga shows us these Burtonverse characters actually having a conversation for the first time, while they're under siege. We'll see Gordon again, so I expect to see him and Batman interact with each other once more.

I'll read the second issue whenever I get the chance.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Fri, 13 Aug 2021, 15:13 #246 Last Edit: Sat, 14 Aug 2021, 05:11 by eledoremassis02
Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Fri, 13 Aug  2021, 14:37
I read the first issue last night. Not too bad, although my only criticism is there is already quite A LOT happening while this saga is just getting started. I felt there is a lot to take in and read a few scenes again.

Spoilers in white:

I read some theories elsewhere that speculated the female cop who was gathering all the Batman evidence would be Barbara Gordon, but I was expecting something a lot less predictable. That doesn't necessarily make it a criticism though. I am a bit surprised that Harvey Dent is her fiance, and Commissioner Gordon doesn't think too fondly of him.

I do enjoy how Harvey Dent is getting an arc, which was expected. Some people may feel at odds over his agenda against Batman, but I think it would make sense over time. In B89, it's possible he was willing to put aside any skepticism towards Batman during the Joker crisis. But as time goes on and the events of BR appear to start a pattern, I don't think it would be too surprising that Harvey now perceives Batman as a menace to society. Not only does Batman cause collateral damage, which is even more costly as the crime he stops, there are times when people may resent him for not being around when they need him, such as Harvey and Barbara looking at the Batmobile passing by, right after they survived a mugging attempt.

Notice that unlike the usual backstory we read of Harvey Dent, the coin is not a symbol of psychological and emotional abuse, but rather a fond memory growing up as a poor kid in the local community.

The call to bring in the National Guard to hunt down Batman while restoring peace in Gotham City reminds me of The Dark Knight Returns. You can still feel the Miller influence going by some of the Easter eggs, such as the Mutant goons in the background during the Halloween parade. I even spotted some Tim Burton references, I could've sworn I saw Wynona Ryder as Lydia Deetz in Beetlejuice in one of the panel, and even another kid looked he was dressing up as the Penguin.

Judging by Batman interrogating the guy stealing some goods to take care of his baby sister and Robin's introduction - as well as Dent visiting the local neighbourhood - I wouldn't be surprised if we get more social commentary within the black community. The man who Dent grew up with did mention that no kid looks up to Harvey as an example, but rather somebody who defected to the other crowd to impress. So maybe the next couple of chapters will explore more of the classism and social politics of Gotham City, together with the issues surrounding Robin going around and protecting the poorer neighbourhoods. That's not to say it will suddenly go full on SJW though. I believe the writing will be a lot more tactful than that.

I do wish we would've gotten more scenes of Batman and Commissioner Gordon before the they had cut off their communication lines. But I understand there is a big story ahead, and the first issue has already covered a lot of ground. For better or worse, this comic saga shows us these Burtonverse characters actually having a conversation for the first time, while they're under siege. We'll see Gordon again, so I expect to see him and Batman interact with each other once more.

I'll read the second issue whenever I get the chance.

I agree 100% I think the socio-economical aspect of Dent is not only a bit refreshing (we did just get the Long Halloween adaptation not too long ago) but it makes Billy dee's Dent that much more unique. I'll have to find Samms Batman 2 script.

If this comic sells well it'll be interesting to see where this goes. I wonder if Daniel Waters would be interested in writing a story?


"Written by SAM HAMM
Variant cover by BABS TARR

Someone's hot on Bruce Wayne's heels, out to prove his connection to Batman once and for all! Meanwhile, Harvey Dent plans his next steps for Gotham with just the simple flip of a coin. What does he have in store for Gotham, and can Batman twist probability in his favor?"