Batman '89 (2021)

Started by Silver Nemesis, Tue, 16 Feb 2021, 21:05

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I've read issue one. I like it, though have to admit all of the teases by the artist were counterproductive. It would've been better going in cold turkey. I won't spoil anything plot wise yet, as I'll let others read it themselves first.

I've read issue 1 as well. Loved it, and wont spoil it just yet. My only problem is that it felt way too short. Maybe I'm just desperate for more. Loving the take on Robin. Robin hood! Clever, Sam. Very good. The colors rock.

I wonder when it will be appropriate to discuss this at length. Should a new thread be started or should we simply wait a few days and then launch into it?

This is a lovely tribute to the work done, delivered by one of the editors. Apparently, the book has sold VERY well, which is a good thing.

Finished the first issue, am very interesting to see where Dents going

I bought it digitally. I'll read it sometime today when I get a chance.

I'll put this in white just to be safe.

After several re-reads the introduction of Harvey feels similar to B89's treatment of Napier, I think. He has a love interest, as Jack did with Alicia, and it's also causing problems. Barbara doesn't talk much with her father, and he heard about their engagement via second hand information. Gordon thinks Dent is a jerk, and Dent has beef with Gordon's connection to Batman. There's fertile ground to harm already strained relationships.

Dent is a political figure but there's a mobster vibe about him in the way he confronts things. Punching and pulling guns, and of course gunning for Batman. The comic establishes it's all or nothing with him - either be a "big man or a bum." Which opens things up to possibly having an excessive God complex. When things hit the fan, we'll see how big of a man he really is. Billy Dee has always had a mix of charm and darkness, and so far they've captured that.

Other observations:

Bruce telling Harvey "they recovered 31 million bucks from the armored cars" feels similar to his defence of Batman to Selina in Returns, when he mentioned Batman prevented property damage, thus justifying his exploits.
The batsignal being lit to lure Batman, and Bruce and Alfred knowing so, is just like Penguin's television appeal to Batman in Returns.
Loved seeing the Returns fireplace room again, even though we have the B89 outside aesthetic for Wayne Manor. It's possibly believable it's just another room in the same house. Same goes with the B89 kitchen area.
It's early days with this Robin, but I'm feeling good about it so far.

I liked it. The beginning reminded me of the intro to Batman Forever.

Can't wait to see more Harvey Dent.

Jerry Ordway art definitely worth sharing.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."