Batman '89 (2021)

Started by Silver Nemesis, Tue, 16 Feb 2021, 21:05

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Finished the Returns comic and forgot that Catwoman actually died in it, that kinda dings putting this in the comic universe if The Flash ignores what this established lol

Also, I think this is the first heavy-handed McDonalds plug (ironic it's Returns let alone the comics that tried to be more kid-friendly but kind of didn't) and that Forever follows up

Also forgot this came out

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Wed,  4 Aug  2021, 18:58
Finished the Returns comic and forgot that Catwoman actually died in it
Did she tho?

And since I'm here (and since I have no idea where else to put this), the BR comic adaptation presents some scenes in a different order for some reason.

-- The Comic
Selina realizes she forgot the file
Max and the Penguin join forces
The Penguin "rescues" the mayor's baby
The Penguin gathers names of the first born babies
Max finds Selina working late at the office and things go sideways

-- The Movie
Max and the Penguin join forces
Selina realizes she forgot the file
Max finds Selina working late at the office and things go sideways
The Penguin "rescues" the mayor's baby
The Penguin gathers names of the first born babies

Thought it was weird. Don't understand why this happened. But here you go.

Wed, 4 Aug 2021, 19:52 #223 Last Edit: Wed, 4 Aug 2021, 20:08 by eledoremassis02
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed,  4 Aug  2021, 19:24
Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Wed,  4 Aug  2021, 18:58
Finished the Returns comic and forgot that Catwoman actually died in it
Did she tho?

There are two bodies in the pannel whereas in the film, script and movie novel, it was just Max when Bruce was trying to find Selina.

     Catlike screams of joy waft out off the mysterious mist of

               Se-li-na Kyle...

     Bruce frantically searches the thickening mist...
     but finds only Max's body, not Selina

She also "dies" in the video game (Genesis ver. which was released in 92 where the SNES ver was released in 93 and follows the films official ending)

In Shadow of the Bat, Returns editor mentions a studio note about (possibly) keeping Catwoman alive (
). The script seems pretty clear that she did but perhaps something changed during production (like the adlibbed Batman blowing someone up). I think there are some arguments (pre-release) on if she lived or died and that's reflected not only in the last-minute reshoot but within the tie-ins as well.

Totally missed that "Didn't find her" line which really makes no sense with the previous pannels and confirmation that it was Selina and Max?
Edit 2: [HQ Scan]There are clearly two bodies..could also have just been a bodyswap (somehow) and that would clear that up. There were definitely some odd changes in the comic as you noted

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Wed,  4 Aug  2021, 19:52
There are two bodies in the pannel whereas in the film, script and movie novel, it was just Max when Bruce was trying to find Selina.
I have to put that down to an artistic choice to create an element of doubt. Bruce says "I didn't find her", and we later see Catwoman's shadow on the wall. That's two pieces of evidence against one.

Wed, 4 Aug 2021, 23:12 #225 Last Edit: Wed, 4 Aug 2021, 23:19 by eledoremassis02
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed,  4 Aug  2021, 22:26
Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Wed,  4 Aug  2021, 19:52
There are two bodies in the pannel whereas in the film, script and movie novel, it was just Max when Bruce was trying to find Selina.
I have to put that down to an artistic choice to create an element of doubt. Bruce says "I didn't find her", and we later see Catwoman's shadow on the wall. That's two pieces of evidence against one.

I think it's more of just confusion/translation error mixed with what seems to be late stage changes from the studio. As thecolorsblend showed, scenes are moved around in an odd order and this overall pace of this adaptation feels much more rushed compared to the 89 adaptation.

To bring it around back to the Batman'89 (I derailed this enough) I was thinking how Batman'89 should flow much better because it was written as a comic in mind and not condensing a film.

Also, Look what Sam Hamm got in the mail yesterday!

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Wed,  4 Aug  2021, 23:12
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed,  4 Aug  2021, 22:26
Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Wed,  4 Aug  2021, 19:52
There are two bodies in the pannel whereas in the film, script and movie novel, it was just Max when Bruce was trying to find Selina.
I have to put that down to an artistic choice to create an element of doubt. Bruce says "I didn't find her", and we later see Catwoman's shadow on the wall. That's two pieces of evidence against one.

I think it's more of just confusion/translation error mixed with what seems to be late stage changes from the studio. As thecolorsblend showed, scenes are moved around in an odd order and this overall pace of this adaptation feels much more rushed compared to the 89 adaptation.

To bring it around back to the Batman'89 (I derailed this enough) I was thinking how Batman'89 should flow much better because it was written as a comic in mind and not condensing a film.
I can pretty much confirm that. 'Selina's alive!' was a VERY late change. They added it in a rush after the shoot was complete. The studio was interested in a spinoff and wanted the audience to leave with no ambiguity. So, they asked Burton to come up with something. They actually made a puppet Catwoman first, but ended up using a stand in. It was so close that they had to rush. Cost a quarter of a million bucks.

The first 3 pages are here:

Babs Gordon has been confirmed. Prince is indeed the new 'Joker.' He's the leader, anyway. Takes place on Halloween.

Awesome find!!

I added the other preview pages (now a total of 7) for fluid reading

Less than 24 hours now.