Batman '89 (2021)

Started by Silver Nemesis, Tue, 16 Feb 2021, 21:05

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Eavesdropping outside Gordon's office?

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 29 Jul  2021, 03:37
Eavesdropping outside Gordon's office?
That would be a reasonable assumption, considering that the police are going to actively against Batman now.
Fun little fact is that Hamm establishes in BATMAN II that Bruce literally has the GCPD (Gordon's office at least) bugged.But, then again, in that script they don't seem to have a familiar relationship as I recall (been a while now since I read it). Though it isn't a huge point in Returns, Batman is clearly at Adam West levels (something that people forget) with the cops in Returns, so there is a pretty up front aspect to the relationship, which is why the batmobile blueprints never bothered me. So he wouldn't need to bug anybody, though the idea was always pretty compelling.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Thu, 29 Jul  2021, 13:58
Though it isn't a huge point in Returns, Batman is clearly at Adam West levels (something that people forget) with the cops in Returns, so there is a pretty up front aspect to the relationship
There was an element of Trust (other than the Prince song) as per the finale of B89. The relationship is much different to Adam West, though. At the beginning of Returns, Keaton doesn't look at Gordon, speaks minimally and keeps walking. He's on their side but he's his own man, which I think makes the Penguin's framing of him more believable. It's still early days in Batman's career and the GCPD don't know him all that well. Only that he stopped the Joker. A degree of lingering scepticism would be natural with someone so mysterious. The comic series tapping into that would be welcome. Gordon himself, however, at least wanted to give Batman a chance to plead his case with his "hold your fire" comment. Even then I believe he trusted him more than the others.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 29 Jul  2021, 14:41
There was an element of Trust (other than the Prince song) as per the finale of B89. The relationship is much different to Adam West, though. At the beginning of Returns, Keaton doesn't look at Gordon, speaks minimally and keeps walking. He's on their side but he's his own man, which I think makes the Penguin's framing of him more believable. It's still early days in Batman's career and the GCPD don't know him all that well. Only that he stopped the Joker. A degree of lingering scepticism would be natural with someone so mysterious. The comic series tapping into that would be welcome. Gordon himself, however, at least wanted to give Batman a chance to plead his case with his "hold your fire" comment. Even then I believe he trusted him more than the others.
I've wondered how that conversation between Batman and Gordon would've played out. Gordon logically would've asked for Batman's side of the story. Batman would've naturally answered with the truth: an admired hero, orphan, up-and-coming mayoral candidate and city-wide darling had set a trap, sprung out of nowhere, tossed an umbrella full of bats at the Ice Princess with the specific intention of framing Batman and then the Ice Princess plummeted to her death... who was the one who kidnapped her in the first place, again, in an effort to frame Batman.

After Oswald's fall from grace, Gordon probably would've believed anything. But before that point, I wouldn't have held it against Gordon if he found parts of Batman's story a little hard to believe.

Goes a long way toward illustrating how important it is for Gordon to have a more solid relationship with Batman, I think.

Another Keaton cycle to compare too

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sun,  1 Aug  2021, 22:39

I'm torn. I'm frustrated as Alfred begins to look less and less like Michael Gough, but as a cat person I love it!

Well issue #1 is out a week from now, Tuesday the 10th. I'm curious about something. Who among you is going to rewatch the Burton Duology? Perhaps you'll be rereading the comic book adaptations as well? I haven't decided yet. I've seen the films so many times that I'm just not sure. Aw heck, I probably will. What about the rest of you? Will you try and fit any celebrations into schedules this weekend?

Read the 89 comic adaptation and now and reading returns :D

I'll probably just rewatch B89 and maybe returns if I have time.