Batman '89 (2021)

Started by Silver Nemesis, Tue, 16 Feb 2021, 21:05

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Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Fri, 16 Jul  2021, 13:32
It definitely does look as though they're taking some elements from the Schumacher movies, which is only fair. The helicopter scene has obvious parallels with the beginning of BF, and the wrist-mounted grapple shooter resembles the one used by the Kilmer and Clooney Batmen.
It's a broken record but using some BF elements would make the experience feel authentic. We need to remember the time period in which Batman 3 would have been made. The direction of stories change with new creative talent but action sequences and the like can carry over. The helicopter sequence is a good 'similar but different' example. I can believe a sequence like that would have eventually been scripted for Keaton, rather than Kilmer. Or in alternate universe, where Kilmer dropped out and Keaton returned.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Fri, 16 Jul  2021, 13:32
I hope they won't shy away from making Arkham Asylum look like the Schumacher version too, since that was by far the most Burtonesque aspect of BF and B&R.

It will be interesting to see if Arkham is introduced. Dent's presence could spur the creation or re-opening of such a facility. In any case, I'd be eager to see the aesthetic. Because Schumacher's Arkham is absolutely stunning. I mean, just look at it.

The Batcycle is a surprise to see and the design is perfect. The rear fin, jet turbine and cocoon shield system make it the genuine product, and a work of art like the car we all know and love. How absolutely awesome that it has a sliding canopy. I'd like a toy version to be released. Two-Face looks how I expected him to. The black and white scheme is perfect. There's a Burton influence not just here but in the side characters Silver has spotted in those panels.

Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Fri, 16 Jul  2021, 17:45
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 16 Jul  2021, 12:44

As for the full page previews, I like most of it. Some of the sequences we will see probably wouldn't have been adapted in live action, but the spirit seems accurate. The return of the BR cape glider brings a smile to my face. I feel like the remote control Batmobile is very much a Burton era trope, so it's nice to see it getting a workout again. Not sure how I feel about Keatonman having a more direct relationship with Gordon, but it is what it is.

Personally, I'm happy to see Keaton's Wayne start playing nicer with Gordon. That kind of detail is crucial to his evolution as a character. Despite the new attempt to separate the Schumacher movies from Burton's, that plot element the Batchelors and Goldsman brought makes the anthology Batman such a richer character. That he isn't just a killer because it would have been cooler on film (the real reason they did it), but because Wayne had to go from a vengeful figure back to a heroic one, that in Returns he had clearly lost his way.

If Hamm is willing to maintain even a semblance of that evolution, just covering it in a fresh coat of paint? I'm happy with that. With Hamm being a longtime, educated fan of the character, I expect he wants to subtly bring Keaton's Wayne closer in line with the man as written by O'Neil. I appreciate that.

The terse loner really appeals to me. It's true though that in terms of character development and expanding a roster of allies, such as Robin, things need to change in regards to that depiction. It's best suited to an early days Batman, which B89-BR was. Something like what Forever depicted but though the lens of Burton would satisfy me, because I think rather highly of Forever to begin with. However, I'd still prefer dialogue reduced where possible and a clear distinction that we're still dealing with Keaton's Batman - despite his evolution.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Fri, 16 Jul  2021, 14:27

Sat, 17 Jul 2021, 12:54 #191 Last Edit: Sat, 17 Jul 2021, 12:57 by Silver Nemesis
The Batcycle is another one of those things that I always imagined would have appeared in Burton's third Batman movie. Tim already presented his versions of the Batmobile, Batplane, Bat-Glider, Batmissile and Batboat in the first two films. The Batcycle was the next logical step. I'd still like to see Keaton's Batman use the Batcycle in The Flash movie, but if that's not possible then I'll settle for seeing it in the new comic.

The design looks good. It's consistent with the aesthetic of the movies and looks like something that could have evolved from a streamlined version of the Batmissile.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Sat, 17 Jul  2021, 12:54
The design looks good. It's consistent with the aesthetic of the movies and looks like something that could have evolved from a streamlined version of the Batmissile.
This is just a comic image, but already I prefer it to both Nolan and Reeves designs. This is a futuristic, sleek piece of technology. I don't think any of the other incarnations come near Keaton's vehicles, even if I think Snyder's Batmobile is technically the best in terms of suspension, speed, armor/aesthetic balance etc.

Sat, 17 Jul 2021, 17:11 #193 Last Edit: Sat, 17 Jul 2021, 17:22 by eledoremassis02
That cycle is very much in line and welcome addition to Keatons story! Was there ever a cycle for the Keaton toyline? I cannot recall one (which seems kind of odd), the closest I can find is this. It'll be fun to compare 2021 elements with their 90's toy tie-in counterparts

Who else is gonna be reading the movie comic adaptations in hype for the first issue of Batman'89 :D

I also wonder if any of these designs are going to be adapted in the flash?

In terms of homages to the Schumacher films, I hope we get a version of "he took the car" because that was 100% a Keaton scene

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sat, 17 Jul  2021, 18:08
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sat, 17 Jul  2021, 18:00


I got it as a Christmas present one year. 1991, I guess. It was actually a pretty decent little toy too. And it didn't bother me too much that the batcycle was nowhere to be found in B89. As a kid, I sort of rationalized it. "He has a Batcycle. We might not have seen it. But he has one." That TDK Collection had a pretty decent line of vehicles, actually. A helicopter, a batwing and a bat jet.

The Kenner TDK line rly was a major upgrade over the lackluster Toy Biz line. I thought so back then and I still think so.

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Sat, 17 Jul  2021, 17:11Who else is gonna be reading the movie comic adaptations in hype for the first issue of Batman'89 :D

I'm halfway through re-reading the Batman '89 adaptation right now. It's not been that long since I last read both it and the BR adaptation – maybe a year or two – but now is the perfect time to revisit them both.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sat, 17 Jul  2021, 18:00

I had this when I was a kid! ;D I don't remember the packaging, but I remember the toy itself vividly. The gun used to move when you dragged the wheels across a surface. I lost the side wings early on, and the shield at the front kept coming loose, but it was a great toy.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sun, 18 Jul  2021, 22:12

I'm guessing the 'B' stands for 'Blüdhaven'.