LEGO Batman (Videogame)

Started by Azrael, Sat, 27 Sep 2008, 08:44

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Fri, 20 Jan 2012, 22:26 #40 Last Edit: Fri, 20 Jan 2012, 22:28 by SilentEnigma
Here's an official promo

It's great to see a sequel released. An additional thing which made the LEGO games so fun to play was the music, all of them (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Pirates) had music from the films. Not one of the movie-licenced LEGO games had original compositions (and this is for the better, I think we all agree). This worked even for gamers that don't pay much attention to the music - the games sounded authentic. Batman was not film-based, but it still had Elfman's score. I wonder what they'll do with the music for Batman 2. Will they use tracks from the DC animated shows? Will it be the first licenced LEGO game with original music? Do you think John Williams' themes for Superman (and Lex Luthor) will appear?

The fact they used William's Superman theme AND Elfman's Batman theme in the trailer has me VERY excited. Wonder what they'll use  for GL and Wonder Woman?
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

"Where does he get those unbreakable toys!" Can't wait for it, initially I feared it would be about JLA, but it looks like a Batman game with a few DC guests, and THE music is still here!

This looks great. Williams' Superman score + Elfman's Batman score = best superhero soundtrack ever!

Okay, so I've played the game. Pretty good overall, some annoying aspects as well.

Batman is dressed all in black and looks like a certain incarnation of the character that is pretty popular around here. The MASSIVE Gotham City setting has many giant (naked?) Lego statues reminiscent of Schumacher's films. Danny's music is used (even some Batman Returns this time!), while only The Superman march seems to be used from William's score. I don't know who wrote the original music used in the game, but it incorporates both themes to an interesting effect. There are some really unique levels this time around and there is a fun nod to the old Batman 66 movie that I won't give away here.

My only problems have to do with the aforementioned Gotham City environment. It's kind of obnoxious to traverse because it's so big. But the biggest gripe for me is having the lego characters talk. I liked the pantomime aspect of the earlier games and I hope the talking doesn't become the norm from now on.

Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Would you fancy doing a longer review for the website as a feature?

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun, 24 Jun  2012, 19:31
Would you fancy doing a longer review for the website as a feature?

if you can't find someone i wil.

Finished the first 10 levels, personally I don't mind the dialogue, they beefed up the storytelling aspect of it so it is more important. I like the fact that there's friction between batman and superman. The cut scenes have been greatly improved since the last game (which is not a shock, that oen came out in 2008). The flight is a fun aspect. I agree though I could do without the navigating through gotham, it's become a nuisance, i'd rather go straight to the levels. Driving the batmobile is fun though.