The Flash (2022)

Started by Silver Nemesis, Fri, 21 Aug 2020, 14:35

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Yeah it will be interesting if they build on the two Tim Burton-era suits and change or tweak them just a bit. I hope they don't go for the Affleck-heavily armored look, but they may do that... being older now he may be the sort of Kingdom Come Bruce Wayne where everybody knows he's Batman.

Quote from: KeatonisBatman on Thu, 22 Apr  2021, 05:45
Yeah it will be interesting if they build on the two Tim Burton-era suits and change or tweak them just a bit. I hope they don't go for the Affleck-heavily armored look, but they may do that... being older now he may be the sort of Kingdom Come Bruce Wayne where everybody knows he's Batman.

My guess is you might get both. The conceptual rendering they revealed at DC Fandom where Flash and Batman team up was dead on 89. Similarly, it has been noticed by eagle eyed viewers that in the teased photo of the Batmobile that Picture Vehicles LTD built for the film, it is going for a dead on 89 look, even ignoring the changes that Returns made to the car. My thinking, in conjunction with some of the rumors I heard, is that WB is ramping up nostalgia big time to sell this movie, and have gone so far as to promote the 89 world over Returns even in small details. 89 is the one people better remember and respect in the general audience.

If Keaton's involvement goes beyond a single set piece they'll add a new toy to the mix in the form of an armored batsuit I think. Either way, they want that nostalgia pop. You'll get a (perhaps overdose) of the classic.

But, that's the catch. It was rumored early on that Keaton was co headlining the picture, it now appears while he'll get more than a cameo, it was not nearly as significant as was once believed

Has Dave Lea said anything? I know he was wanting another Batman/Burton film and to come back as Keaton's double.

Tobey Maguire's main stunt double has returned for the new film, granted time hasn't passed as much but it would be cool to see him return.

Also, I wonder how much control Keaton has on his character, WB basically gave Burton free reign on Returns and he was pretty much eye to eye with Keaton and we know Affleck has a lot of issues with JL but I would suspect Keaton having some control baked in as this is one of those roles he's rather protective about.

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Fri, 23 Apr  2021, 13:35
Also, I wonder how much control Keaton has on his character, WB basically gave Burton free reign on Returns and he was pretty much eye to eye with Keaton and we know Affleck has a lot of issues with JL but I would suspect Keaton having some control baked in as this is one of those roles he's rather protective about.

Affleck faced a lot of problems during the transition of power going on at DC Films at the time. Joe Manganiello even said the solo Batman film was cancelled as soon as the Whedon reshoots took place. The reshoots soured the experience for everyone working on JL, and the misconduct that has been brought to light since has exacerbated the situation. It was one of, if not, THE driving factors that drove Affleck away from the role, until ZSJL and The Flash.

I'm not sure how much control Keaton can gain over his Batman now he has to deal with the current regime at WB. The way the studio is run nowadays, BR could never get made today. The cynic in me suspects Keaton could see this as a cash grab. It's too early to tell, but I don't trust the studio. At the same time, I don't want to think Keaton would return for something that's not going to be worthwhile.

I read this really good article on ScreenRant - of all places - about WB's negative PR involving Ray Fisher and ZSJL, and how it could signal the likelihood of them mismanaging the multiverse, not just The Flash. All I can say is WB forcing Snyder to cut Green Lantern out goes against their promotion of the multiverse at last year's DC FanDome, where directors are supposed to be given the freedom to tell their stories without being chained to a single continuity.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Fri, 30 Apr 2021, 17:38 #74 Last Edit: Fri, 30 Apr 2021, 18:17 by Gotham Knight
This was taken at Knebworth 2021!

Quote from: KeatonisBatman on Wed, 21 Apr  2021, 06:00
That just made my decade.  You know, in my senior yearbook way back in 97 (*cough cough*) I said it was my ambition to make it through university with good grades, figure out what I want to do in life, and see Michael Keaton don the bat-suit one more time.  So, I'm prettttttty sure you guys have me to thank for speaking this into existence nearly 25 years ago.  Wink wink, nudge nudge.  ha!

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

GK is posting all kinds of goodies these days. Knebworth coming back was possible given production being in the UK. But it's so good to know it's happening. We have no idea what they're planning but a gravestone outside that reads ALFRED PENNYWORTH would be a nice touch. Let's go guys. Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Sat, 1 May 2021, 01:55 #77 Last Edit: Sat, 1 May 2021, 01:59 by The Laughing Fish
According to this report, this is actually Burghley House, not Knebworth House.

Most reports say this is for The Flash, but I did see another report saying this is for the reboot. Meh.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Doesnt look like it (though I hope they use the interiors for consitancy.

Id does look like a decent mix of 89 and the Returns model

Never realized how detailed the old Batcave playsets were to the 89 mantion! Thats kind of crazy

It looks very similar, enough for people to think it was Knebworth. I did some digging and found out Knebworth needs more than 70,000 pounds worth of emergency repairs to fix serious cracking. That was reported in March 2021.