The Flash (2022)

Started by Silver Nemesis, Fri, 21 Aug 2020, 14:35

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Some more pics. Apparently they were filming a chase scene.

Here are some storyboards. If only we could magnify these...

I think we're going to be seeing our first pic of Bat-Keaton any day now. I'd rather it was an official image than a set pic like these, but I suppose that's up to WB.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Mon, 26 Jul  2021, 16:12
Grain of salt scoop again.

The villain in this scoop is said to be...

...The Flash, or more specifically Earth-89 Flash (played by Miller) who is trying to kill all other Flashes and I'm also hearing that Batffleck may survive.

A fan theory I've heard – and it is just a fan theory – is that Barry himself might somehow become Reverse Flash. The studio has failed to lay the necessary groundwork for Eobard Thawne and his rivalry with the Flash, which is the foundation of the Flashpoint storyline. At this stage, having an alternate version of Barry take his place in the narrative might be their best option.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Mon, 26 Jul  2021, 16:12
Grain of salt scoop again.

The villain in this scoop is said to be...

...The Flash, or more specifically Earth-89 Flash (played by Miller) who is trying to kill all other Flashes and I'm also hearing that Batffleck may survive.
I'm hoping so. The dream would be getting an emotional conclusion for Batfleck while keeping him (and the possibility of further stories) alive. WB cut the cord on Snyder's original plan, which included Batman eventually sacrificing himself. We'll see just how reluctant the studio are to kill Batman. Having a replacement lined up shouldn't matter, because to the viewing public Batman is Batman, and in the multiverse every incarnation is important.

I was excited with Keaton's presence. But these new photos are the icing on the cake.

If the newly revealed Keatoncycle appeared in life action that would probably be my overall pick. But I really like this. I looked at the original concept art for the Batfleckcycle, and The Flash design is better. I prefer the heavy duty weight of what we see here, and generally think it better reflects the established Batfleck aesthetic. A big example being the protruding rear of the seat evoking the low fins of the Batfleckmobile. The front wheels are enclosed which is a smart tactical choice. We've got some cannons on the side too, which are absolutely essential. I prefer this to the bare bones Batpod as it's befitting of an established Batman. I also like what we've seen with the Pattinsoncycle.

And some Batfleck fan art.

A Youtuber has claimed Batfleck and Keaton team up in the finale. They also claim to know who the mystery character is. Clooney could appear very briefly but I'd like the main meal to be Chris O'Donnell. One, it would allow Batfleck and Keaton to reflect upon their own boy wonders. Batfleck's was killed, and who knows what happens to Wayans.

Two, it allows three of the main eras to mingle at one time. Bale's Batman is very much a self contained thing, so his absence wouldn't be jarring. Affleck is the incumbent in a transition film, so he has to be there. Apart from that the focus is on the original timeline. Three, Chris is the mainstay of both Schumacher films and the fans like him. I certainly see the upsides here.

J.K. Simmons is back as Gordon in Batgirl. If you're an Affleck fan looks like you'll be getting your wish. If you're a Keaton fan, well poo.

Flash costume on set. CG crazy.