Michael Keaton in talks to return as Batman

Started by Silver Nemesis, Mon, 22 Jun 2020, 19:07

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I could see the Depp thing going either way. Yeah, he's got some stink on him because of all that Amber Heard BS. But he's also been pretty well vindicated on that. As much as anybody can be anyway.

Speaking of her, who's to say that one of Depp's conditions won't be her getting fired? If he's vindictive (and who wouldn't be in his position?), he might take the role because they fire her and for no other reason. Never underestimate the power of spite. That same spite along with his career decline could mean that WB can get Depp for the Joker for relatively cheap too.

As to Miller, and speaking of firing, I know I'm an outsider here but is it really that big a problem to just can the guy? He's a weirdo from way back, beating up on pregnant women does the publicity department no favors and in the main it doesn't look like he'd be missed by very many people. Why not just recast and get it over with?

None of these casting issues are Gordian Knots. They each have rather elegant solutions on the table. That doesn't mean I'm right when I suggest firing everybody but that's the shortest distance between two points, esp for a legit company like AT&T that just wants to make some money and skip the politics and bad press. Depp is a potential minefield but the truth is on his side, apparently. The other two actors are easy enough to deal with.

A number of sites have been reporting the Johnny Depp/Batman Beyond rumour over the past few hours. Unlike the reports of Keaton's return, which were covered by major outlets such as Forbes, Variety and The Hollywood Reporter, the Depp rumour has so far been confined to smaller sites. Still, it's interesting to see the reactions it's provoking.

I've seen quite a few people online suggesting Australian filmmaker Leigh Whannell would be a good pick to direct Batman Beyond. Whannell co-created the Saw and Insidious franchises, and in more recent years he directed the critically-acclaimed films Upgrade (2018) and The Invisible Man (2020). He's a long time collaborator and old friend of James Wan's, and he even made a cameo in Aquaman. Seeing as Wan is heavily involved in the DCEU, the prospect of Whannell signing up seems very plausible. Coincidentally (or not...), he just tweeted the following about Batman 89 earlier this week.

You can see his original tweet and the responses it got here: https://twitter.com/LWhannell/status/1278184962303258624

How about Burton and Wan producing Batman Beyond with Whannell writing and directing?

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Sun, 28 Jun  2020, 21:34
Here's a question to everyone on the site – if you could pick five classic Batman villains to appear in a Burtonverse comic, each re-imagined in a Burtonesque style, which would you choose?

Riddler, Two-Face, Scarecrow, Clayface, Harley Quinn.

QuoteI've seen quite a few people online suggesting Australian filmmaker Leigh Whannell would be a good pick to direct Batman Beyond.

Being that I liked "The Invisible Man" quite a bit, I can't say I am totally against this notion. However, there would have to be, on Whannell's part, a high degree of care and consideration, as this would be a long-awaited return to the Burtonverse. A substantial undertaking indeed.

I am sure Tim Burton himself could guide him, as a co-collaborator/producer/consultant, but if Burton is campaigning to be more than, and actually wants to direct Batman Beyond, then my loyalties lie with him. Especially so if getting Burton as director, is THE key component that induces Keats to officially sign on. I am assuredly not against another director coming on, especially one that which will honor and expand upon Burton's take/vision, as that scenario was my initial thought. However, Burton/Keaton teaming up once again on Batman for a 3rd time, is something we've fantasized about for decades. It just depends on Burton's direct involvement is a persuasion that's ideally needed for Keaton, and if Burton himself is even interested in taking on a "Batman Beyond" project. We'll see.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I wonder if Dini or Timm could be consultant(s) for Beyond? Has Dini's script ever been leaked?

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Sun, 28 Jun  2020, 17:32
I try to rise above the fanboy wars, and yet I have such vivid memories of Bale fans trolling the IMDb back in the day. I remember this one guy who kept editing the B89 and BR FAQs to insert comments saying that the movies had nothing to do with the comics, and that Bruce Wayne should look like Christian Bale and not Michael Keaton. If Keaton and Burton do successfully return, it's going to be awfully tempting to turn the tables on those fans...

Ha. Could've fooled me, considering you lamented and chastised those who didn't like both Keaton and Bale.

Well, I for one, couldn't care less about one-sided fans. They don't matter. Particularly if they can't even admit that Ben Affleck was the closest resemblance to the comic character we've had to date. With the exception of Adam West, albeit from a bygone era.

Anyway, I read a claim that Batman Beyond is in "active development", but because of a lack of further details I won't bother sharing the article. One theory I read, however, assumed was that if Tim Burton were to get back in some capacity, he would likely be an Executive Producer. Which does make some sense because Burton's work tends to follow on Gothic and quirky 1950s-esque aesthetics as opposed to futuristic sci-fi. I remember his 2001 Planet of the Apes remake, which was rather forgettable, and wasn't really his kind of film anyway. A more goofy comedy like Mars Attacks! matches his sensibilities, but a hypothetical Batman Beyond adaptation won't resemble that.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

A childhood hero returning to his iconic role is not a cure for suicidal depression but, given the total unexpectedness of this (I had completely written off Keaton's name being associated with Batman, ever, again), it's the next best thing. It almost (almost) classifies as a good sign. Balance.

This, plus the whole AT&T/ Snyder Cut news a few weeks ago. And (not Bat-related) the (still unconfirmed) rumors of Disney possibly retconning the ST.

Let there be some Justice, even if it's only in pop culture.

One of the favourite discussion threads in this site.

Quote from: Azrael on Fri, 10 Jul  2020, 19:28
A childhood hero returning to his iconic role is not a cure for suicidal depression but, given the total unexpectedness of this (I had completely written off Keaton's name being associated with Batman, ever, again), it's the next best thing. It almost (almost) classifies as a good sign. Balance.
Great to see you back on the site, and hopefully long term. I've been to dark places and I'm regularly fighting those demons. I'm only a PM away if you ever need to talk about anything that's troubling you.

Fingers and toes crossed something does happen with Keaton - and if so, something substantial.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat, 11 Jul  2020, 11:21
Great to see you back on the site, and hopefully long term. I've been to dark places and I'm regularly fighting those demons. I'm only a PM away if you ever need to talk about anything that's troubling you.

Thanks, man, I really appreciate your words and your welcome. All-time low, all fronts, trying to pick up pieces, rebuild, that "Emergency Exit" still in the back of the mind and, yes, fighting "demons". I understand perfectly well what you mean about dark places and demons.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat, 11 Jul  2020, 11:21
Fingers and toes crossed something does happen with Keaton - and if so, something substantial.

The thread is full of great ideas, if just a few of them are a bit close to how it turns out (if it does happen), it will make every Keaton fan happy.

Quote from: Azrael on Fri, 10 Jul  2020, 19:28
A childhood hero returning to his iconic role is not a cure for suicidal depression but, given the total unexpectedness of this (I had completely written off Keaton's name being associated with Batman, ever, again), it's the next best thing. It almost (almost) classifies as a good sign. Balance.

This, plus the whole AT&T/ Snyder Cut news a few weeks ago. And (not Bat-related) the (still unconfirmed) rumors of Disney possibly retconning the ST.

Let there be some Justice, even if it's only in pop culture.

One of the favourite discussion threads in this site.

Hang in there, Az.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."