Michael Keaton in talks to return as Batman

Started by Silver Nemesis, Mon, 22 Jun 2020, 19:07

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I drew a cosplay Beyond idea that incorporated some Burton elements some years back did throw in some Schumacher sonar fins as I think those give a good beyond equivalent and a nice homage

I have to say, it's nice to see so many old site members returning over the past few days. It almost feels like the old band is getting back together. Then again, it's been an exciting week for Burton Batman fans. This thread was only created on Monday, and it's already got over 70 posts! If the news about Keaton returning pans out, then these boards will be more active than ever in the months and years to come.

Returning to what colors was saying about the filmmakers possibly killing off Bat-Keats, I'm wondering if they might have him die at the end of Flashpoint only to be resurrected when the two universes subsequently merge. I say this because the Flashpoint Batman was killed by Enchantress during the final battle in the original comic (later retconned).

They might have Bat-Keats sacrifice himself in the movie, then follow this with a touching scene where Barry discovers he's still alive in the rebooted timeline. I'd prefer it if they didn't do this, as it would mean the Bruce Wayne in the Batman Beyond film was technically a different version than the one in B89, BR and Flashpoint. But if they are following the recent trend of bringing back old heroes only to kill them off for cheap dramatic effect, then this would be a way of doing it while still allowing Keaton to return in later films.

Here's some concept art for what an updated Bat-Keats suit might look like. This first one is by digital artist Tiago Ribeiro.

These are by John Regan.

The more I think about how Bruce should look in these films, the more I think a hairpiece is unnecessary. The aging Earth-Two Batman was often drawn with a receding hairline, as was the Kingdom Come version.

I don't mind if he does wear a hairpiece, but I think his natural look is perfectly consistent with a Bruce Wayne of advancing years. Keaton's age is actually quite appropriate for the Flashpoint Batman. Even if they'd gone with the Jeffrey Dean Morgan Thomas Wayne – who was meant to be 35 when he was shot in 1981 – then he'd have been in his mid-seventies by the time of Flashpoint. So the Keaton Batman will actually be younger than Jeffrey Dean Morgan's version would have been.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 26 Jun  2020, 23:55If there was only one sequence with Keaton in costume, I'd go with his 'last night out'. Picking up a gun wouldn't be the reason. I think having heart problems and struggling in combat, but but still managing to overcoming his enemies, would be sufficient. The remote control Batmobile coming in to save him would work well. How about it driving him back to the cave ala TDK Returns?

This would be an important scene in setting up Batman Beyond, but I'm wondering if perhaps it would be better placed at the end of Flashpoint. If the reports are true, it sounds like Bruce will be in costume in Flashpoint but retired in Batman Beyond. Maybe he should experience his moment of physical weakness during the final battle against Reverse Flash. It's then that he realises he's getting too old for this job and calls it quits. The scene where he confronts his limitations would be a powerful dramatic moment in Flashpoint's finale, paving the way for Burton to hit the ground running with a retired Bruce at the beginning of Batman Beyond. Or should Bruce's sobering moment of realisation be saved for the start of Batman Beyond, similar to the first episode of the animated series?

Quote from: The Joker on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 01:35Truly awesome stuff! Yeah, I am another big fan of the Pre-Crisis Earth-Two continuity, and wish DC would release more stuff focusing on that history in trade collections. Specifically Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman 1970's/1980's adventures of Earth-Two. I would purchase those in a heart beat.

I don't know why they haven't done this already. It's an ongoing ambition of mine to collect every single issue of Daredevil ever published, and Marvel's Epic Collections are a huge help in achieving this goal. They each comprise about 450-500 pages and collect every appearance by a particular character between roughly a two-year span. You could probably collect all of the Silver and Bronze Age Earth-Two Batman stories in just one or two volumes that size. It would be a great way of introducing new readers to these classic and sadly forgotten stories, while giving old-timers like us some nice new editions to fit neatly in our collections.

Quote from: The Joker on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 01:35One of these days, I'll get around and purchase Brave and the Bold #200. As that comic featured the final appearance of the Joker from Earth-Two. I've never seen any scans of this appearance, but he's said to appear much more elderly than his appearances in the Huntress backup stories that originally were published in the Wonder Woman volume 1 title (if anyone ever finds a scan of this, shoot it my way).

It's been over a decade since I last read that story, but here's the Earth-Two Joker's final appearance in The Brave and the Bold Vol 1 #200 (July 1983). He literally only appears on this one page, and I'm not quite sure why his hair is greying considering it was permanently dyed green. But here it is.

His hair was still entirely green during his previous appearance, when he was captured by Huntress and the Dick Grayson Batman in 'Last Laugh!' (Wonder Woman Vol 1 #283, September 1981). Perhaps he stopped colouring it green after Batman died?

Quote from: The Joker on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 01:35I am not really sure where this leaves the Joker/Harley relationship with Flashpoint. If Burton's continuity is THE Batman continuity within the DCEU, with Nicholson's Joker (having been deceased for some time now) established as THE Joker in the DCEU, then the notion of a Joker/Harley relationship, as we've seen it within the DCEU, is now null and void.

  Considering the age gap, and time frame, it wouldn't make any sense. The whole psychiatrist backstory wouldn't be present, as Nicholson's Joker was never institutionalized. Thus, they never developed a twisted relationship, as depicted in Suicide Squad. They never broke up, as depicted in Birds, cause Joker had been deceased for decades.

I hadn't even considered this problem, but now that you mention it I'm struggling to see how they could reconcile the two characters. Warner Bros will obviously want to keep Harley around due to her popularity, but if the characterisation of Depp's Joker follows that of Nicholson's then he'd probably just kill her like he did Alicia. He might keep her around for a short time until she stopped amusing him, but I can't see Nicholson's Joker maintaining a long-term sidekick. Not after what he did to poor Bob.

I suppose they could have it so that Robbie's Harley somehow remembers Leto's Joker after the two universes merge and resents Nicholson/Depp's Joker for usurping his place. Honestly though, I'd rather they just kept Harley separate from the Burton side of the DC universe. I don't particularly want to see her interact with Bat-Keaton, and I don't think she'd be very compatible with the Burton Joker. I'd rather Burton just did his own take on the Harley concept in the form of the Dee Dee twins in Batman Beyond, and let Robbie's Harley remain in her own corner of the DCEU.

Quote from: The Joker on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 01:35I suppose one way to reconcile Harley's mere existence in the DCEU is to retcon her as a once-obsessive fan girl. As I am sure Nicholson's Joker would have had numerous books written about him, documentaries, movies, ect due to being a prolific and terrifying mob boss in Gotham during his reign, but that obviously changes the Joker/Harley dynamic quite a bit. A dramatic change for sure, akin to how the cancelled "Batman Unchained" was going to depict Harley Quinn as Napier's daughter.

Something like this might be a good way of tying together Harley, the Red Triangle Gang and the Jokerz and contextualising all three as copycats in the wake of the Nicholson Joker's death.

Quote from: The Joker on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 01:35Actually, I think I would loose my s**t if there's a couple of scenes, or at the very least, one scene where Nicholson's voice literally comes out of Depp's Joker ("Ever Dance with the Devil by the Pale Moonlight?" being the most obvious choice). To further illustrate the angle of supernatural possession, and/or possibly to really wreck Bruce, in addition to further amusing himself, if the Batcave attack is adapted from BBROTJ.

Just thinking about that sends a shiver down my spine. Imagine Depp's Joker delivering the Devil-line instead of the "Your old eyes do not deceive you, Brucie" line in the original film. It's his way of signalling that he's the real Joker, the guy who killed Bruce's family, and now he's back to finish the job.

Depp's got a lankier physique than Nicholson had, which offers some interesting possibilities in terms of his costume and makeup. Burton might be able to make the new Joker more closely resemble his original design. I don't have a problem with the way Nicholson's Joker looked, but I've always thought Burton could have done something more idiosyncratic with his appearance, like he did for Catwoman and Penguin. Just look at Beetlejuice.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 11:29Ideally Keaton's suit would more or less resemble what he wore in the original two films. There can be modifications of course, but that's what the fans identity with. I'm open to a Kingdom Come type design, though - I'd just like to see those classic suits somewhere, even if just in storage.

I'd rather he wore a more classic Batsuit in Flashpoint before hanging up the cowl at the end of the film. Then, during the finale of one of the later films when he's already settled into his retired/mentor role, he could surprise the audience by donning the Kingdom Come armour to fight alongside the younger heroes one last time. Here's what the KC armour might look like on Keaton.

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 14:42
I drew a cosplay Beyond idea that incorporated some Burton elements some years back did throw in some Schumacher sonar fins as I think those give a good beyond equivalent and a nice homage

I'd like Keaton himself to wear a more traditional Batsuit in Flashpoint, but something like this would be perfect if they went the Terry McGinnis route in Batman Beyond.

As a more general statement, I have said time and again that AT&T is a real company. They're in business, not Hollywood politics and weirdness. They've got a one-two punch going right now with ZSJL and now Keaton likely coming back as Batman.

And the reason I'm saying all this is to point out that NOTHING is happening right now that couldn't have been been done by WB years ago. AT&T is definitely behind ZSJL and I bet they're behind Keaton and Batman Beyond too. They've probably done their homework on what would excite fans and they're trying to give that to us.

When these things get run like a business, it's amazing what can happen, yes?

Sat, 27 Jun 2020, 19:52 #73 Last Edit: Sat, 27 Jun 2020, 20:15 by eledoremassis02
Looking at Napier's profile paints an interesting history.

In (at least 1986) Jack was 38 years old, making him 41 in 89. He stands 5'11" Birthday appears to be 12/8/1948 

1963 - At age 15, probably his first run in, a warrant was issued on him for assault (it looks like he was he wasn't the only one involved) and the warrant went thru the  F.B.Is Gothams Office. So I'd assume this was mob-related even then.

5/29/75 - Charged with Assualt
2/16/78 - Charged with Kidnapping
11/6/80 - Homicide (Not proved)
9/14/86 - Jack went under a phycological profile lasting seven hours (Could have been this universes' Harleen Quinzel). It was concluded that he was intelligent but highly unstable. Educational Aptitudes: Science, Chemistry, and Art. It was concluded that Jack was "Highly Dangerous" and gave a recommendation, however, that part is cut off, but I'd assume it would have been to seek treatment at a facility (possibly Arkham).
12/4/86 - Extortion (it's a mear months after his evaluation so one can assume he either spent little time at Arkham or got off entirely)

These are ultimately prop fillers, but it is rather detailed and it would be awesome to work these into ROTJ/reworked to fit the new timeline/merge

And take this as you may, https://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/warner-bros-reportedly-jack-nicholsons-joker-flash/
If true, this could most definitely set up Depp being Robin/Future Joker. AND if true, I couldn't be more excited but I'll wait for an official announcement on really anything.

Like others, I haven't been this excited since...probably Batman Forever lol

Edit: As someone on youtube mentioned

"Batman Captures Joker"

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 19:52
Looking at Napier's profile paints an interesting history.

In (at least 1986) Jack was 38 years old, making him 41 in 89. He stands 5'11" Birthday appears to be 12/8/1948 

1963 - At age 15, probably his first run in, a warrant was issued on him for assault (it looks like he was he wasn't the only one involved) and the warrant went thru the  F.B.Is Gothams Office. So I'd assume this was mob-related even then.
That does introduce some discontinuity with Bruce's age. If we take Keaton's age literally, Bruce was 38 in B89. He appears to be about ten years old while Jack is 16 at the youngest when the Waynes are murdered. If Bruce was ten then his parents were shot in 1961 which, according to your screen shot, puts Jack at the age of 13. Even though he looks at least 16.


Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 11:29
Based on what colors and SN have said, I've concluded the words of these YouTubers have merit. With such a film, I don't think all of our desires can be fulfilled. Knox could be a real possibility, given Wahul's recent appearance. But even if people like Billy Dee Williams don't appear in the flesh, it would be great to have some kind of reference or background visual cameo to them. The past 30 years could be filled in with tie-in comics.

Yes. That's something I've thought about as well. Similar to the comic book Batcave, it's definitely not out of the question that Keaton's Batcave may have several trophies at this stage in his career. Perhaps a framed picture plaque  of Billy Dee's Harvey Dent from B89, with a scarred coin beside it (a promotional image of Billy Dee's Harvey could do the trick here)? A life size replica of a Penguin commando? Since there wasn't a giant Joker card used in B89, I guess there are other options. Unless they want to go with something like the giant Joker card being one of those things where we are to conclude existed, but not seen in B89. Possibly discovered in a secret Joker hideout at some point after the events of '89.  Other adventures could be alluded to as well, just by the presence of trophies in the background (Riddler, Mad Hatter, Scarecrow, ect). Possibilities are endless.

QuoteGreat minds think alike - a Nicholson voice cameo would be perfect. Even if it's not pure reality, but Bruce's own perception of the moment, or simple audience misdirection. Much like Christopher Lee's Saruman voice appearing at the beginning of Gandalf the White's return in The Two Towers.

Good point!

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 14:42
I drew a cosplay Beyond idea that incorporated some Burton elements some years back did throw in some Schumacher sonar fins as I think those give a good beyond equivalent and a nice homage


Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 16:06
I have to say, it's nice to see so many old site members returning over the past few days. It almost feels like the old band is getting back together. Then again, it's been an exciting week for Burton Batman fans. This thread was only created on Monday, and it's already got over 70 posts! If the news about Keaton returning pans out, then these boards will be more active than ever in the months and years to come.

As another poster stated in this thread, this news is like read meat for Burton Batman fans like us. This thread makes that abundantly clear.  ;)

QuoteI don't know why they haven't done this already. It's an ongoing ambition of mine to collect every single issue of Daredevil ever published, and Marvel's Epic Collections are a huge help in achieving this goal. They each comprise about 450-500 pages and collect every appearance by a particular character between roughly a two-year span. You could probably collect all of the Silver and Bronze Age Earth-Two Batman stories in just one or two volumes that size. It would be a great way of introducing new readers to these classic and sadly forgotten stories, while giving old-timers like us some nice new editions to fit neatly in our collections.

Yes indeed. Those Marvel Epics are pretty sweet, and are about the only thing I continually collect from Marvel these days. It would be nice, especially to coincide with Keaton's Batman, if DC would publish some Epic size volumes of the Earth-Two material. Probably not, but a fella can dream.

Quote from: The Joker on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 01:35
It's been over a decade since I last read that story, but here's the Earth-Two Joker's final appearance in The Brave and the Bold Vol 1 #200 (July 1983). He literally only appears on this one page, and I'm not quite sure why his hair is greying considering it was permanently dyed green. But here it is.

His hair was still entirely green during his previous appearance, when he was captured by Huntress and the Dick Grayson Batman in 'Last Laugh!' (Wonder Woman Vol 1 #283, September 1981). Perhaps he stopped colouring it green after Batman died?

THANK YOU FOR POSTING THAT! I've never seen that image before, and didn't realize his appearance was on just one page as you stated. From the summaries I've read, I could conclude it was a brief appearance, but I really didn't have any idea what he stated in the comic itself. Yeah, Earth-Two Joker looks quite a bit older than he did in the Huntress story (that's collected in the Huntress Dark Knight Daughter tpb). Looks like he aged pretty rapidly following his defeat by Huntress and Earth-Two Robin for sure.

Quote from: The Joker on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 01:35
I hadn't even considered this problem, but now that you mention it I'm struggling to see how they could reconcile the two characters. Warner Bros will obviously want to keep Harley around due to her popularity, but if the characterisation of Depp's Joker follows that of Nicholson's then he'd probably just kill her like he did Alicia. He might keep her around for a short time until she stopped amusing him, but I can't see Nicholson's Joker maintaining a long-term sidekick. Not after what he did to poor Bob.

True. Nicholson's Joker seemed infatuated with Vicki Vale, right up until the scene he offered to "lend her a hand" as a gag. However, it's not like the Joker hasn't attempted to kill Harley before, but she continually would come back to him. Harley would be a different breed of infatuation or mad love for the Joker. Not being constantly drugged out like Alicia appeared to be, or just plain terrified of him like Vicki.

QuoteI suppose they could have it so that Robbie's Harley somehow remembers Leto's Joker after the two universes merge and resents Nicholson/Depp's Joker for usurping his place. Honestly though, I'd rather they just kept Harley separate from the Burton side of the DC universe. I don't particularly want to see her interact with Bat-Keaton, and I don't think she'd be very compatible with the Burton Joker. I'd rather Burton just did his own take on the Harley concept in the form of the Dee Dee twins in Batman Beyond, and let Robbie's Harley remain in her own corner of the DCEU.

I agree. I don't know, perhaps the DCEU can go with the 3 Jokers idea that's been floating around for years now. If/When it's considered a successful story and explanation or not ...

QuoteJust thinking about that sends a shiver down my spine. Imagine Depp's Joker delivering the Devil-line instead of the "Your old eyes do not deceive you, Brucie" line in the original film. It's his way of signalling that he's the real Joker, the guy who killed Bruce's family, and now he's back to finish the job.

Yes! Exactly my thoughts. I could even envision Depp's Joker paraphrasing Jack's Joker by telling Bruce something like, "I've been dead once already, well ... what is it now, twice? They are both equally liberating!" I don't know, something like that.

QuoteDepp's got a lankier physique than Nicholson had, which offers some interesting possibilities in terms of his costume and makeup. Burton might be able to make the new Joker more closely resemble his original design. I don't have a problem with the way Nicholson's Joker looked, but I've always thought Burton could have done something more idiosyncratic with his appearance, like he did for Catwoman and Penguin. Just look at Beetlejuice.

Yes, TDK mentioned this in a previous post as well.

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 19:52
Looking at Napier's profile paints an interesting history.

In (at least 1986) Jack was 38 years old, making him 41 in 89. He stands 5'11" Birthday appears to be 12/8/1948

Ok. So he's a Sagittarius too? I had no idea.   

Quote1963 - At age 15, probably his first run in, a warrant was issued on him for assault (it looks like he was he wasn't the only one involved) and the warrant went thru the  F.B.Is Gothams Office. So I'd assume this was mob-related even then.

5/29/75 - Charged with Assualt
2/16/78 - Charged with Kidnapping
11/6/80 - Homicide (Not proved)
9/14/86 - Jack went under a phycological profile lasting seven hours (Could have been this universes' Harleen Quinzel). It was concluded that he was intelligent but highly unstable. Educational Aptitudes: Science, Chemistry, and Art. It was concluded that Jack was "Highly Dangerous" and gave a recommendation, however, that part is cut off, but I'd assume it would have been to seek treatment at a facility (possibly Arkham).
12/4/86 - Extortion (it's a mear months after his evaluation so one can assume he either spent little time at Arkham or got off entirely)

These are ultimately prop fillers, but it is rather detailed and it would be awesome to work these into ROTJ/reworked to fit the new timeline/merge

And take this as you may, https://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/warner-bros-reportedly-jack-nicholsons-joker-flash/
If true, this could most definitely set up Depp being Robin/Future Joker. AND if true, I couldn't be more excited but I'll wait for an official announcement on really anything.

Like others, I haven't been this excited since...probably Batman Forever lol

Edit: As someone on youtube mentioned

"Batman Captures Joker"

Appreciate you posting this.  8)

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 16:56
As a more general statement, I have said time and again that AT&T is a real company. They're in business, not Hollywood politics and weirdness. They've got a one-two punch going right now with ZSJL and now Keaton likely coming back as Batman.
It's hard for anything else to compete with 30 years of nostalgia. I see a Keaton return being the biggest thing in the franchise since he first appeared on the scene in 1989. Dream are becoming realities, and I'm glad to be alive to see all this happen, and not just for Batman. Look at how much has come together in such a short space of time. Stuff I never seriously thought would happen, ZSJL included:

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 24 Oct  2019, 02:50
I literally got back into the series again about four months before the M4 announcement, so the timing couldn't have been any better. To understand my point of view, this is on equal footing with a hypothetical Michael Keaton return.

Anything with the Burton Batman cast will be given heightened attention from now on.

I saw Michelle post this recently of her training and took a screenshot.

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 19:52
Edit: As someone on youtube mentioned

"Batman Captures Joker"
Which suggests a Nicholson Joker resurrection has already happened.

Quote from: The Joker on Sat, 27 Jun  2020, 22:17
Yes! Exactly my thoughts. I could even envision Depp's Joker paraphrasing Jack's Joker by telling Bruce something like, "I've been dead once already, well ... what is it now, twice? They are both equally liberating!" I don't know, something like that.
Perfect. Or even the Depp Joker saying, "wait til they get a load of me".

I'd like to know if Keaton's potential return is a part of long-term planning for the Flash film, or is it a result of major rewrites?

All I know is The Flash was supposed to undergo preliminary stunt work before production would begin later this year, but then COVID-19 screwed everything up.


The rumours say its nowhere near a done deal and could go either way. So, if Keaton wasn't initially meant to be in The Flash, could the pandemic have given Muschietti and the studio the chance to consider making changes to the script? If COVID-19 never happened, would we be getting this story?

This is where it gets confusing. On the other hand, CinemaBlend's Sean O'Connell may have hinted Keaton's Batman had been planned all along:

Quote from: Sean O'Connell
We were in London for @birdsofpreywb, and randomly ran into [Flash director] Andy Muschietti outside our hotel. We chatted, and he mentioned working on #Flashpoint.

I asked him is Jeffrey Dean would return.

He smiled and said, "We actually have a different idea."


And then there is this little nugget I already mentioned in this thread a week ago:

Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Tue, 23 Jun  2020, 12:16
You can say I'm reading too much into this, but I've checked all the GIFs promoting the upcoming DC FanDome event on DC Comics' Twitter page. Interestingly, B89 is the only old film highlighted for this event.


I have mixed emotions about all of this. First of all, I still don't trust the source of this news, and second of all, I strongly doubt Keaton, at his age, will retroactively become the new DCEU Batman. If anything, and assuming that this does come to fruition, The Flash will explore the multiverse, as Miller already did in CW's Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Plus, Miller did confirm that the film will explore the multiverse during an interview back in November 2018. Of course, a lot may have changed since then, but it would make sense given his recent cameo on the CW.

We shall see.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Fri, 26 Jun  2020, 15:10And yes, Bruce is unmasking to reveal his secret identity to Selina in that last panel, just like he does in the film.
The Autobiography Of Bruce Wayne is one of the greatest Batman tales of all time. I first read it totally ignorant of Earth-2 so I didn't understand the stuff about Bruce and Selina dying and the poignancy that was meant to have for readers more familiar with Earth-2. And I think that's one reason why the final page works so well. Selina's death happens off-panel in the story and Bruce's own death is implied at the end and I really dug the ambiguous note of it. There's finality but not much that's specific. And, with a better understanding of Earth-2 now, I think the ambiguous ending that I originally took from that story is better than Earth-2 Batman's actual death.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Fri, 26 Jun  2020, 15:10
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 26 Jun  2020, 01:52Jett defined the culture of that page a long time ago. Regarding Batman Returns, Jett said (paraphrased) "That just ain't Batman".
In fairness to Jett, I think he stopped saying that not long after I posted the comic-to-screen comparisons with Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper back in 2008. This could be my ego talking, but I'm pretty sure I was the first fan to dredge up that otherwise long-forgotten comic and make a big deal about the similarities. After the scans I uploaded started circulating, Jett did acknowledge the similarities in one of his articles or podcasts. I forget which it was now, but I recall him specifically namedropping HSK very soon after we posted one of the comic-to-screen features. It was either the Batman Returns one (https://www.batman-online.com/features/2009/1/2/possible-influences-of-comics-on-tim-burtons-batman-returns) or the Pfeiffer's Cat article (https://www.batman-online.com/features/2012/5/29/comic-analysis-michelle-pfeiffer-catwoman). I forget which. But I remember he stopped saying "Batman Returns is not Batman" and started saying "I still hate the movie, but I acknowledge it takes elements from the comics and is a legitimate interpretation". Which is a slight improvement.
I am (or I was) credited as a contributor to this site. In part, that's because I threw in a few additions to your B89/comics thread. Maybe BR too? Tough to remember. Anyway, all or most of that stuff had been posted earlier to BOFF circa 2005? 2006? Something like that, you're on the right track. We're talking about message board posts from like 15 years ago so who knows but my recollection of it is that several members, including Jett, mostly rejected those images because reasons.

Bale and Nolan were pretty much the zeitgeist of Batman at that time, as you know. And I couldn't escape the suspicion that a big proportion of those nay-sayers were nay-saying on almost ideological grounds. I thought the similarities between the films in question and those comic panels were so stark as to be undeniable. But the BOFF cohort didn't necessarily agree with that.

So imagine my surprise at what you wrote above about CWHSK. Perhaps facts matter after all?

I must say, I wasn't aware of Jett's softening position. You must understand that I haven't traded messages with him in at least 10'ish years. And I wouldn't say our final series of communications with each other were enjoyable events. As I recall, my ouster at BOFF coincided with the dismissal of certain other members as well. And at least one mod who had a well-deserved rep for even-handed moderation. One of the unfortunate casualties in the purge was a member called JazzFan2014 (2814? 2184? Something like that). He was an erudite and well-read member who frequently contributed thoughtful posts and meaningful insights. I think his posts were a little more rare but they tended to have greater authority for that same reason. He got purged a long with a bunch of us and I haven't seen him pop up anyplace else since. A shame.

I suppose a lot of growth can happen during ten years. If you played any role in softening Jett's position on these matters then congratulations are in order for you. And for him as well, I guess.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 26 Jun  2020, 02:34Ha. I know what you mean. Some people went so hard all in with Nolan. Everyone here knows the competitive juice between the two camps, especially in those days. I think it died down in recent years, but what happens now? It's just so mind warping that the game seems to have flipped completely the other way. I like lots of Batman interpretations, but if true, this is now OUR time.
An ironclad rule of fandom, especially these days, is Be Careful Who You Laugh At. Because things can change at the drop of a hat. A fan might be triumphant today and mournful tomorrow. So we should think twice about laughing at other fans' tears. Because justice is coming for all of us sooner or later so you better watch tf out.

I think certain Nolan fans are learning this lesson right now. Painfully. And publicly.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Fri, 26 Jun  2020, 15:10
Nolan fans circa 2005: "I get it. The Burton films were part of your childhood and you love Keaton's Batman for nostalgic reasons. But you've got to let go of the past and accept that Bale is the new Batman."

Burton fans circa 2021: "I get it. The Nolan films were part of your childhood and you love Bale's Batman for nostalgic reasons. But you've got to let go of the past and accept that Keaton is the new Batman."
I'm often told that I'm one of the most sarcastic, cold-hearted man that some people have ever met. That's not always said with disapproval either, btw.

But even I think the sentiment above twists the knife.

Keep it coming, this is good stuff. :D

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sun, 28 Jun  2020, 04:38
I'm often told that I'm one of the most sarcastic, cold-hearted man that some people have ever met. That's not always said with disapproval either, btw.

But even I think the sentiment above twists the knife.

Keep it coming, this is good stuff. :D
If I say that's a huge compliment, then you're gonna think of me as a Norman Bates, Ted Bundy type...
...and then you might not let me kiss you.