Michael Keaton in talks to return as Batman

Started by Silver Nemesis, Mon, 22 Jun 2020, 19:07

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Why are the BOF guys acting like they're at a funeral?

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 25 Jun  2020, 11:18For what it's worth, I've seen another person online with an inside source – one that's been correct in the past – claiming that the deal is done and that Keaton's on board. This person is also claiming that one of Keaton's terms was that Tim Burton be hired to direct the Batman Beyond project.

Midnight's Edge's source, Mikey Sutton, is backing this up. He also claims the long-term plan is for the Batman Beyond movie to be a live action remake of Return of the Joker, with Tim Burton directing and Johnny Depp replacing Nicholson as the resurrected Joker.

Burton and Depp are not presently a lock, but numerous inside sources are claiming Keaton is. It sounds like AT&T want Keaton to lure in Burton, then Burton to bring in Depp.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 25 Jun  2020, 12:24And to be absolutely clear, I was critical of Elfman IN THE CONTEXT OF AFFLECK'S BATMAN. For Keaton? Go all out with that classic theme. That's where it belongs.

This is perfectly understandable. I regard Elfman's Batman theme as definitive, but I also appreciate that they'd already established a different theme for Affleck's Batman in BvS. That theme should have been used in Justice League. It would be like hiring Elliot Goldenthal to score Flashpoint and having him use the Schumacher theme instead of Elfman's.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 25 Jun  2020, 12:24But the more I think about it, the more the notion of Batman mentoring McGinnis or Batgirl might actually play strongly to Burton's preferences these days. If what we were talking about was yet another outing with Keaton as a driven avenger of the night in a nightmare fairy tale world, idk if Burton is that guy anymore. But Batman as a sorta mentor figure to a young person would be a good bridge between Burton's two worlds.

Interesting idea, I must say.
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 25 Jun  2020, 12:37
Generally speaking, I'm guessing being a mentor would be the hook that appeals to Keaton, offering him the point of difference to what he's already done with B89/BR. Some actors need that type of mental justification before committing to roles, especially after so much time has passed. What's new? Why is this interesting? I can see Keaton asking those types of questions. His Batman never had a Robin under his wing, despite plans for that to happen. He doesn't NEED this movie, but if the option is there, being a mentor represents 'unfinished business'.

Parent-child relationships are a common theme in much of Burton's 21st century output. His best film from the past two decades, Big Fish, was all about that subject. Ever since he became a father, an increasing number of his movies have also featured child or teen actors in lead roles. Batman Beyond might play to his strengths in this regard. Who knows? Maybe 2020 could mark the beginning of a new era for Burton. He was great in the first two decades of his career before declining in the second two. We're now at the beginning of a brand new decade. Perhaps he'll finally get his second wind.

Having Bruce mentor a young hero would also allow them to revisit Batman's own back story in flashbacks and fill in the gaps. Keaton praised Nolan for doing this in Batman Begins and said he wanted to do something similar in Batman III. Now they can. As Bruce is training his protégé, they could include flashbacks to his own training. They could show how he came to terms with his parents' deaths and decided to become Batman, interweaving parallel narratives from past and present to highlight the similarities between Bruce and his successor. I suspect this is what Keaton really wants to do.

He already played a similar badass mentor role in American Assassin (2017). I happened to watch this at the start of the year, and while it's a pretty average action movie, it's still worth seeing if you're a Keaton fan.

Thu, 25 Jun 2020, 21:43 #52 Last Edit: Thu, 25 Jun 2020, 21:48 by eledoremassis02
Interesting about Depp. TCould Flashpoint possibly be a days of future past thing where, like Logan, Bruce's whole timeline changes a bit but he's aware of the changes or maybe like in Justice League Unlimted

Brining in Depp as Joker (if true) is kind of interesting but I feel like some changes to the Burton Universe would have to happen (maybe a melding of Burton DCEU Batman into one new timeline?) Or Keaton playing an alternate Universe to his 89 counterpart? It will take some getting use too if they get Joker back and it not being Jack Nicolson (which I am ok with since he's retired) tho I kinda wanna see Leonardo Decaprio fill in for Jack

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 25 Jun  2020, 11:18
For what it's worth, I've seen another person online with an inside source – one that's been correct in the past – claiming that the deal is done and that Keaton's on board. This person is also claiming that one of Keaton's terms was that Tim Burton be hired to direct the Batman Beyond project.

  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

QuoteThere's a lot of speculation that the BB film will focus on Bruce mentoring Batgirl rather than McGinnis. If this is so, then which Batgirl should it be? Obviously it won't be Barbara Wilson, as she'll no longer be part of the Burtonverse (to be honest, that actually makes me a little sad). Some fans are saying it should be Bruce and Selina's daughter or granddaughter. In keeping with the Earth-Two comparisons, they could draw inspiration from the Pre-Crisis Helena Wayne. Or should they just base her on Barbara Gordon and make her the granddaughter of the late Commissioner Gordon?

I've had some thoughts about this, and man oh man, there's some potential story telling with that one. If they go with a Burtonized Helena Wayne (which I would generally prefer since I like that Earth-Two stuff and never really liked the Post-Crisis Bertinelli Huntress all that much), there could be some interesting drama there in terms of Helena's upbringing. Perhaps she's estranged from both her parents? The possibility that both Bruce and Selina had a very rocky, on-off again relationship certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility. People are not perfect, mistakes were made, and dysfunction was, unfortunately, always present. You could also have it where Helena considers Michael Gough's Alfred her "family" due to him being much more attentive to her as a child. Giving her a figure of stability before his eventual passing (which would be a call back to 1989 with Alfred being established as a warm fatherly figure thru dialogue.). Then there's the Batman Beyond scenario focusing upon Keaton's Batman (and maybe even Selina herself as well) addressing the mistakes they made in her upbringing and righting those wrongs....   

I'm typing this out pretty fast right now, but man, the potential is ripe with that one.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Thu, 25 Jun  2020, 21:43
Brining in Depp as Joker (if true) is kind of interesting but I feel like some changes to the Burton Universe would have to happen (maybe a melding of Burton DCEU Batman into one new timeline?) Or Keaton playing an alternate Universe to his 89 counterpart? It will take some getting use too if they get Joker back and it not being Jack Nicolson (which I am ok with since he's retired) tho I kinda wanna see Leonardo Decaprio fill in for Jack

I'm pretty much in the same boat. I recall reading some press interview that Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, Leo Dicaprio, and Martin Scorsese did for The Departed, and Jack came across like he had a lot of affinity for Leo. If I recall correctly, Leo was a bit late for the interview, and upon arriving, Jack welcomed him by exclaiming, "Leo, my boy!".

Nothing against Depp, and we all know one of Burton's favorite actors to work with is Johnny Depp, but right now I feel that Leo might be able to capture Jack's mannerisms, and quirks a bit better overall.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 25 Jun  2020, 15:08
Midnight's Edge's source, Mikey Sutton, is backing this up. He also claims the long-term plan is for the Batman Beyond movie to be a live action remake of Return of the Joker, with Tim Burton directing and Johnny Depp replacing Nicholson as the resurrected Joker.
I don't follow YouTubers, so can you say how credible these people are? What's their track record like?

This was last time:

QuoteNeither Tim Burton nor Michael Keaton had been signed up in advance for a sequel. Burton came on-board only after the script met all of his demands (he hadn't been entirely happy with Batman (1989)'s screenplay), while Keaton only agreed to do the second film after a serious hike in salary, and Burton's assurance that it would be mostly a stand-alone movie rather than a direct sequel.

You never know...

It's weird because I had seen Johnny Depp as the Joker talk on the net months back. I completely dismissed it.

Here's one article from March 5, 2020 after a quick search:

Kevin Smith spoke about Depp earlier this year, too:

It's logical they assumed the talk was about Pattinson's trilogy. I mean, who of a sane mind would ever think Tim Burton and Michael Keaton would be plotting a comeback? Say what you want about Depp, but he's a Burton regular, and IF he appeared it would undoubtedly be a Tim Burton film. Imagine if the Joker came back in zombie spirit transferral or something of that nature. I'm totally up for these ideas.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 25 Jun  2020, 15:08
Having Bruce mentor a young hero would also allow them to revisit Batman's own back story in flashbacks and fill in the gaps. Keaton praised Nolan for doing this in Batman Begins and said he wanted to do something similar in Batman III. Now they can. As Bruce is training his protégé, they could include flashbacks to his own training. They could show how he came to terms with his parents' deaths and decided to become Batman, interweaving parallel narratives from past and present to highlight the similarities between Bruce and his successor. I suspect this is what Keaton really wants to do.
So true.

A Return of the Joker adaption could also touch upon unused concepts from Batman Returns, such as villains invading the Batcave. That happening against an older BatKeaton would be more palatable and believable.

Since we're talking about Batman Beyond rumours, some scooper reckons AT&T wants to get it made and release it on HBO Max to take advantage of "90s nostalgia".


Interestingly, Marlon Wayans has signed a contract with HBO Max for multiple projects. Imagine if he got the chance to finally play Robin. He may be pushing 50, but if IIRC, the Crisis on Infinite Earths comics had an older Earth 2 Robin.

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

Fri, 26 Jun 2020, 01:52 #57 Last Edit: Fri, 26 Jun 2020, 02:37 by thecolorsblend
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Thu, 25 Jun  2020, 14:40
Why are the BOF guys acting like they're at a funeral?
It's kind of their thing. Jett defined the culture of that page a long time ago. Regarding Batman Returns, Jett said (paraphrased) "That just ain't Batman". Because anything that falls outside his narrow, shallow experience with the character is obviously "wrong" or something. The guy exemplified the NPC meme before there ever was an NPC meme.

Every fandom has a completely unbearable contingent. Jett leads that contingent of Batman fans. As is his right, he has staffed his website and forum accordingly. I have as much bad history with that guy as anybody. And, might I say, more bad history than most. So I don't pretend to be objective here. But I've gotten more peeks behind the BOF curtain than I ever wanted and it's not a pretty picture.

If this is a DCEU project I think it makes more sense to be on the big screen.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Thu, 25 Jun  2020, 14:40
Why are the BOF guys acting like they're at a funeral?
Ha. I know what you mean. Some people went so hard all in with Nolan. Everyone here knows the competitive juice between the two camps, especially in those days. I think it died down in recent years, but what happens now? It's just so mind warping that the game seems to have flipped completely the other way. I like lots of Batman interpretations, but if true, this is now OUR time.

TDK Returns and B89 changed Batman forever. I now have the Definitive History of the Dark Knight book (which Keaton provides the foreword to) and thankfully it really stresses that point. Without that era the brand wouldn't be what it is now - period. It was a golden era. Burton inspired BTAS – it would be fitting in a full circle way if Return of the Joker inspires a new Keaton Batman movie.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 25 Jun  2020, 22:34
I don't follow YouTubers, so can you say how credible these people are? What's their track record like?
Midnight's Edge has been pretty solid. I think they made their bones with Trank's Fant4stic but they aired more reports and spoilers about TROS than just about anybody else. The culture of that channel is mostly fact-based reporting where rumors are blatantly labeled as rumors. It tends to attract disenfranchised fans who resent being shown the door in whatever their fandom of choice was. All in all, Midnight's Edge is one of the best fan-focused YouTube channels going these days.

As to Sutton, he reported that Snyder was coming back to JL last year. And nobody believed him. Needless to say, his stock has risen considerably since the ZSJL announcement. So far, I don't have much experience with him but every report I've seen attributed to him has come true.