Michael Keaton in talks to return as Batman

Started by Silver Nemesis, Mon, 22 Jun 2020, 19:07

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Quote from: Gotham Knight on Mon, 22 Mar  2021, 21:04
I was under the impression that he was already official. It may have been an afterthought to Affleck, but he was announced as returning and the Flash director acknowledged him. Very disconcerting to say the least.
So much groundwork seems to have been laid for Keaton's return. It would really mess things up if he bailed.

This isn't the first time Keaton had expressed uncertainty over appearing in The Flash, he wouldn't confirm his commitment on The Jimmy Kimmel Show late last year. Many people figured he was simply being coy, and probably still think so right now.

The problem is The Flash will start filming next month in the UK, which is one of the countries hit hardest by Coronavirus, as Keaton is anxious about. It makes no sense to still act so coy when production is right around the corner.

Read the full interview passage with Dateline makes me suspect he wants nothing to do with The Flash. Judge for yourselves:

DEADLINE: Reports have you putting on the Batsuit again for The Flash. Why?

KEATON: He asks, with three exclamation points and three question marks. Well, now that you put it that way, maybe you're right. Jesus, what am I thinking about?

DEADLINE: Oh, I'm not talking you out of it...cue the social media backlash against me.

KEATON: Well, now I'm nervous all of a sudden. No, now I'm thinking what a stupid freaking idea.

DEADLINE: It is going on 30 years. Men thicken over years. I am imagining you pulling out the suit and taking it to the dry cleaners to let it out so you can fit into it...

KEATON: That's hysterical. Yeah, like, there's a dry cleaner who handles everybody, all the superheroes. He's got a specialty business doing that. You show up and go...you return something and say, what is this? This is fu*king Spider-Man. This isn't mine. How come you gave me The Hulk's outfit?

DEADLINE: Worst, it's like in The Godfather when Don Corleone brings massacred son Santino's body to that coroner, saying, I need to work all your miracles. You bring that Batsuit in and say, man, you got to fit me in this damn thing. I need you to work all your magic.

KEATON: I don't know why I thought of this, but speaking of Italian, my favorite thing I'm watching now is that show on CNN with Stanley Tucci, who is in the film Worth with me. He's great in it and the show is my favorite thing to watch right now. We'll have to have a longer conversation about Worth, down the road. I don't know why I thought of it...

DEADLINE: To take the focus off you playing Batman again?

KEATON: That's right. No, you know what it is? I am needing a minute to think about it because I'm so fortunate and blessed, I got so much going on now. I'm really into work right now. I don't know why, but I am, and so, yeah, I mean, you know, to tell you the truth, somewhere on my iPad is an iteration of the whole Flash thing that I haven't had time yet...I called them and said, I have to be honest with you. I can't look at anything right now. I'm so deep into this thing I'm doing. Also, I'm prepping a thing I'm producing and getting ready to do down the road in the fall that I'll be in, and I feel responsible to that. So, yeah, there is that. I'm not being cute or coy. If I talked about it, I'll be just bullsh*tting you. I don't really know. I have to look at the last draft. To be honest with you, you know what worries me more than anything about all this stuff?


KEATON: It's Covid. I'm more concerned. I keep my eye more on the Covid situation in the UK than anything. That will determine everything, and so that's why I'm living outside the city here on 17 acres, staying away from everybody, because the Covid thing has got me really concerned. So, that's my first thing about all projects. I look at it and go, is this thing going to kill me, literally? And you know, if it doesn't, then we talk.

DEADLINE: So, we'll call the Batman reprise a strong possibility.


If WB and the Muschiettis had overpromised Keaton's return and he doesn't make it after all, expect another huge backlash. You can't hype up a potential return for a fan favourite for nearly a year, even going so far as to make concept art to get fans excited...when the actor probably hasn't even signed the dotted line yet!

Amateur hour. But let's wait and see what happens next.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue, 23 Mar  2021, 05:07
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Mon, 22 Mar  2021, 21:04
I was under the impression that he was already official. It may have been an afterthought to Affleck, but he was announced as returning and the Flash director acknowledged him. Very disconcerting to say the least.
So much groundwork seems to have been laid for Keaton's return. It would really mess things up if he bailed.

Agreed, especially considering that the unspoken, yet somehow screamed at you fan-service piece they did on the Flash panel at DC FANDOM was little else than hype for Keaton's return. Any goodwill for the movie seemed dependent on Keaton coming back. Which, in conjunction with the giant announcement that Keaton and Affleck were in, seems to have jumped the gun. Kinda stupid for all concerned. Now, you have a studio that's essentially made promises that they can't keep because it is now painfully obvious that the talent had not signed on the line that was dotted. And I also have to agree with something stated above...that Keaton now seems not interested in doing this at all. Really not interested.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Tue, 23 Mar  2021, 15:03
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue, 23 Mar  2021, 05:07
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Mon, 22 Mar  2021, 21:04
I was under the impression that he was already official. It may have been an afterthought to Affleck, but he was announced as returning and the Flash director acknowledged him. Very disconcerting to say the least.
So much groundwork seems to have been laid for Keaton's return. It would really mess things up if he bailed.

Agreed, especially considering that the unspoken, yet somehow screamed at you fan-service piece they did on the Flash panel at DC FANDOM was little else than hype for Keaton's return. Any goodwill for the movie seemed dependent on Keaton coming back. Which, in conjunction with the giant announcement that Keaton and Affleck were in, seems to have jumped the gun. Kinda stupid for all concerned. Now, you have a studio that's essentially made promises that they can't keep because it is now painfully obvious that the talent had not signed on the line that was dotted. And I also have to agree with something stated above...that Keaton now seems not interested in doing this at all. Really not interested.
I'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen. Keaton is like this with sequels. Is he holding out for more money? Maybe not. I feel he has artistic integrity. It seems he even had to wrap his head around appearing in Batman Returns, feeling he would only be providing an imitation of a previous performance.

I think it's healthy to have scepticism about these types of projects. Is it the right thing to do? Mark Hamill and the old gang went down the rabbit hole and look what happened. If Keaton does sign the on the dotted line, that will carry a lot of weight for me in knowing he deems it worth his time, and legacy in the role. Because if he does return, this will be how he's largely remembered. You're only as good as your last project. 

I don't want to curse the outcome, but I still think he'll come sign on. The studio have long term plans hinging on it. The dread game can make people do wild things. I believe if they assure him their flu protocols are airtight he'll make the trip over to the UK. Any script changes he wanted could be accommodated.

And if not, we have the B89 comic series.

I'm guessing Keaton has signed on, but probably has a clause in his contract that allows him to drop out without getting sued if he deems the conditions unsafe. Just as many travel companies are currently offering cancellation cover because of COVID-19, I imagine actors are probably negotiating escape clauses in their contracts to protect themselves against litigation. In fairness to Keaton, he is turning 70 this year, which already places him well within the at-risk category, and he might also have some underlying health issues that increase his vulnerability. So he's wise to play it safe.

As far as the COVID-19 situation in the UK goes, I'd say the next couple of months would be a comparatively good time to shoot a movie here. Our vaccination campaign is far in advance of the rest of Europe (over 40% of the UK's adult population, myself included, have received their first dose of the vaccine, while in most of the other European countries the figure is about 12%) and our daily death toll has dropped dramatically. Earlier this year we were averaging over one and a half thousand deaths per day, but now it's down to double digits. A third wave is incoming, but it's not expected to hit us for a while yet.

I visited Leavesden Studios back in 2016, and it's not located in the centre of a busy city like London. It's actually on the outskirts of Watford, with plenty of fields and open country close by. It's only a few miles away from where the Batman '89 stately Wayne Manor scenes were shot. Keaton's age places him fairly high on the vaccine priority list, so if he hasn't received his first shot already he should be getting it soon. As long as he observes the usual safety precautions, he should be fine. But I understand his concerns and he's sensible to be cautious.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 24 Mar  2021, 20:21
I'm guessing Keaton has signed on, but probably has a clause in his contract that allows him to drop out without getting sued if he deems the conditions unsafe.
In their article about Ron Livingston replacing Billy Crudup as Henry Allen due to scheduling conflicts, Variety still says "The cast also includes Ben Affleck as Batman and Michael Keaton as Batman (from another dimension, as one does)."

According to Grace Randolph:

I hear #MichaelKeaton is gonna do #TheFlash after all!


Cause he's #Batman, dammit

Will cover when it becomes official.

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 24 Mar  2021, 20:21
I visited Leavesden Studios back in 2016, and it's not located in the centre of a busy city like London. It's actually on the outskirts of Watford, with plenty of fields and open country close by. It's only a few miles away from where the Batman '89 stately Wayne Manor scenes were shot.
Hopefully they're returning to that location given the close proximity. It's dawning on me just how insanely awesome it's going to be revisiting the B89 universe, regardless of anything else that's going on. The Burtonmobile is also teased to return. Which would be expected, but I'm still relieved.

The same design but a few new toys would be a nice touch.


I'm bumping this thread for its one-year anniversary. A year ago today the first reports broke of Keaton's return. Some said it was too good to be true, but here we are, twelve months later, and it's definitely happening.

I just wanted to mark the occasion. ;D