Michael Keaton in talks to return as Batman

Started by Silver Nemesis, Mon, 22 Jun 2020, 19:07

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The rumor mill has it that Wonder Woman and Aquaman will not be appearing in the Flash movie, further poo pooing the notion that this will be a strict Flashpoint adaptation. While it is far too early to speculate, considering that everything, including Michael Keaton's involvement, is a rumor at this point, I thought I might take a stab at the likely (most desired) scenario that will unfold in the picture.

The exclusion of Wonder Woman and Aquaman might signal that this will be a much tighter affair than DCs attempts of the past to hastily throw connectivity into its universe driven films. In fact, to error on the side of taught storytelling despite the scale a multiverse story seemingly necessitates might just be the ticket. And I'm trying not to be too biased here, but the inclusion of a previously established DC universe (especially the 'Keaton corner' of it) and doing it on the silver screen is, frankly, enough to establish that, yes, there is a multiverse, yes we (DC) are committed to doing this kind of thing, and still also allow the film to be an 'epic' 'event' on its own. There is no need to overstuff the movie with fan service and references when you're playing your biggest hand by literally having (quite possibly) the bulk of the film's narrative take place in Keatonland. To hint is one thing, but do we need to skip the foreplay and just climax for 2 hours? Do we need multiple appearances by other big DC names?

So, it might be possible that they take a steady approach to this. For instance, I see them taking a Thor 3 approach to the narrative IE Flash figures out his character arc while in Keatonland sidequest (is the actual quest), meanwhile, Asgard (STAR Labs?/separate supporting cast) deals with Hella (the villain or crisis at hand), then Flash returns to main DCEU to a spectacular finale having understood his place in the universe. And maybe the arch for Flash is understanding that while he might be naive in some ways, that he doesn't need a mentor, rather he is the aspirational figure that the DCEU is looking for, and its the original take, the first attempt at a grim superhero on the big screen who tells him that. And Batman arrives at that conclusion by realizing that his lone war led him down a path that irrevocably tarnished him and he must, now so very late in life, expand his world.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Thu, 23 Jul  2020, 16:23
While it is far too early to speculate, considering that everything, including Michael Keaton's involvement, is a rumor at this point, I thought I might take a stab at the likely (most desired) scenario that will unfold in the picture.
"Michael Keaton swooped in and took my gig," Morgan joked. "Naw, I think that's super cool. Ever since Zack Snyder walked away, my whole kind of bit in that world has walked away with him. However, there's always a chat going on. So, we'll see!"


If it's a choice between Keaton and Morgan... do I even need to say? I like Morgan as much as the next guy but come on. It's cool that he's being such a good sport about it tho.

Sun, 26 Jul 2020, 14:45 #104 Last Edit: Sun, 26 Jul 2020, 14:47 by Silver Nemesis
I've recently watched some of Billy Dee Williams' earlier films, and more than ever I really, really want to see him play Two-Face. I know he's 83, but it's not too late. He's already played him in The Lego Batman Movie, and I reckon he'd be up for reprising the role in Flashpoint (it would help cleanse him of The Rise of Skywalker). If they are bringing Keaton back, then BDW is at the top of my wish list right alongside Michelle Pfeiffer.

I think the best way of handling this might be to have a scene similar to the first chapter of The Dark Knight Returns, or the opening sequence from Batman Forever, where a mysterious villain has taken over a major building (City Hall or the courthouse would be perfect). This would be Batman's introductory scene, comparable to the scene of him chasing down Harley Quinn in the original Flashpoint comic. Throughout most of the sequence we'd hear BDW's voice while Two-Face remains hidden in shadow, with just his hand visible as he flips his coin.

Bat-Keats would stealthily take down his goons before finally confronting Two-Face himself. At this point we'd see Dent's unscarred features lit from the side as he lurks in the shadows aiming a gun at Batman. Eventually a searchlight or helicopter would pass over him and we'd finally see his scarred white side in all its gruesome glory.

Rather than have Bat-Keats beat him into submission, I'd have him reason with Dent and talk him down from the ledge, so to speak. He'd say something about them both being too old for this, pointing out that they've been fighting each other without resolution for almost thirty years, and this would prompt Dent to break down and surrender. You could then have BDW make one final cameo in the Batman Beyond movie where he's shown to have reformed and undergone reconstructive surgery, just like the Earth-Two version did. His activities between B89 and Flashpoint could subsequently be explored in a tie-in comic.

Williams is a good actor, and the incomplete nature of the Burtonverse Dent's character arc has always bothered me. The legacy of BDW's Dent was also severely tarnished by Tommy Lee Jones' version, but now there's a chance to go back and fix that. Draw a line of demarcation between the Burtonverse Dent and his Schumacherverse counterpart so that BDW can make the character his own. He could have the gravitas and menace of the Eckhart Two-Face combined with the psychological profile of the comic book version.

It's frustrating to think that a fourth major comic villain exists in the Burtonverse, but we never got to see him in his villainous state. Let's fix that. Even if it's just a cameo, such as I've described, I'd be perfectly happy. If he has a bigger role, even better. Either way, bring back Billy Dee Williams' Two-Face.

Nicholson's retired, Grissom, Shreck and Penguin are dead, and Catwoman is more of an antihero than a true bad guy, so if they want to bring back a Burtonverse villain to help reintroduce Keaton then Two-Face is the logical choice.

Quote"I think it's great," Danny DeVito said of Keaton's return to the role in a recent interview. "I think it's a great series and I think it's a wonderful story and it's a lot of fun and a lot of energy and I loved Oswald Cobblepot, and I love Tim Burton. We've done four or five movies together. I can't wait for him to come up with the next one, whatever we're gonna do together."

IF a deal has been agreed, I can't see why they wouldn't announce it during the Flashpoint panel. Even if it's just a short comment, or Keaton himself appearing in a prerecorded video. Fandome is the most excited I've been in a long time. ZSJL, Gotham Knights, The Batman, the GCPD spinoff and possibly Keaton's return confirmed? That's got to be the biggest Batman onslaught in history. I'll be watching it all in one go. We're in the calm before the storm period.

There are rumors making the rounds that not only will Val Kilmer appear for/in/during Fandome, he'll do so in full Batman costume, re: some type of announcement. Schumacher cut perhaps? But some people are suggesting he's appearing in Flashpoint because the Keaton deal fell through, thanks to the Internet.

Obviously, I want Keaton to return. And I want the Schumacher cut. And I guess I want Kilmer to be involved in Fandome.

But appearing in costume? Man, I hope that part is totally false. Because talk about humiliating for an actor.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 19 Aug  2020, 12:39
Obviously, I want Keaton to return. And I want the Schumacher cut. And I guess I want Kilmer to be involved in Fandome.

But appearing in costume? Man, I hope that part is totally false. Because talk about humiliating for an actor.

Not unless Kilmer really wants to do it. I can't imagine him doing Flashpoint in his condition though, even if he were to play a retired Bruce Wayne.

I'm at odds at what to think over Keaton. Him returning at any capacity always sounded too good to be true, but at the same time, I'd like to think that any speculation would've been sorted out by now. It would be disappointing to see all that talk leading up to DC FanDome, and then on the day it's revealed it's not happening.

We'll know on the day, I suppose.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

Kilmer in costume would be horrible considering his fragile physical state. The man can barely speak. Let's give him some respect, shall we?

I still think Keaton will end up being announced. I think the timeline about early talks was off. That's what all the insiders were saying. Keaton is a lock...I'll just keep saying that and my devotion will make it true. Keaton is a lock. Keaton is a lock. Keaton is a lock!