Batman Beyond with Michael Keaton

Started by johnnygobbs, Mon, 21 Oct 2019, 00:30

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QuoteAs Warner Bros. continues to work out how best to relaunch the Batman movie franchise in an exciting new way, DC fans have already had the perfect idea for years now: just produce a live-action adaptation of everyone's favorite animated series Batman Beyond. And better yet, get Michael Keaton back as the older Bruce, as it could tie into the fondly-remembered Tim Burton Batman movies. Surely that'd be a license to print money, right?

Well, we've got some good news, as sources close to We Got This Covered – the same ones who told us The CW was developing an Arrow spinoff for Katherine McNamara back in March, Viola Davis was returning for The Suicide Squad and that Tom Welling was going to show up in "Crisis on Infinite Earths," all of which were eventually confirmed – have informed us that inspired by the success of Joker, WB is now looking to do more standalone, dark and mature DC movies. And one project they'd like to make happen is a live-action Batman Beyond with Keaton in the lead role.

For those unfamiliar with Batman Beyond, it was a beloved TV show that aired from 1999 to 2001 and saw a Bruce Wayne who'd hung up the cape and cowl and was living a lonely existence in his mansion. Everything changed for him, though, when high-schooler Terry McGinnis stumbled into the Batcave and swiped a prototype Batsuit. It wasn't long before he became the Batman of the future and an elderly Bruce Wayne found himself as his mentor.

Of course, none of this is set in stone yet and there's every chance that the project won't ever materialize. But with the wild success Joker's seen so far, it'd make sense that WB would want to explore more DC projects in a similar vein and a Batman Beyond movie with Keaton in the lead would without a doubt be a monster hit for them. Bigger than even the aforementioned Joaquin Phoenix-starring film.

I'm not sure how accurate this rumour is, but assuming there is any truth to it, and Michael Keaton is even remotely interested in resuming the part of Batman, I cautiously welcome a Batman Beyond film starring Kearon, but only on the basis that it is directed by Tim Burton.  If it is to be in the same continuity as Batman '89 and Batman Returns, I'm not sure I'd like to see another filmmaker, especially one who didn't respect those classics, take the helm.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

I'd usually dismiss this, and while doubt levels are still high, I'm not so sure I can.

Keaton is set to appear at a comic convention and he has also written the foreword to the new Batman hardcover book. His role as the Vulture in Homecoming is more proof he's more open to this stuff. This is my own indulgence, but with the passing of Adam West, perhaps he has loosened up further about his place in the franchise? He always says he IS Batman.

JOKER's legacy being standalone films unconnected to other continuity would be fantastic. Do we really need to wait for an era to end before we can do something else? I don't think so. We are all intelligent enough to know if something is separate from the Pattinson or Affleck timelines.

Keaton's return would be the biggest Batman event in...well...ever.

It'll probably go nowhere. But if the thought bubble is out there, that's a start.

Keaton has always been my favourite live action Batman, he's the reason I'm a fan, but I used to think that the aging Bruce Wayne of Batman Beyond requires an actor physically closer to the one depicted in the animated series - big, physically imposing, like an old warrior. But, having seen Keaton in Homecoming, being intimidating without any costume, just that look, yes, he would rock it. (If they did it, if they asked him, if he accepted. A lot of IFs)

Quote from: Azrael on Mon, 21 Oct  2019, 11:18
Keaton has always been my favourite live action Batman, he's the reason I'm a fan, but I used to think that the aging Bruce Wayne of Batman Beyond requires an actor physically closer to the one depicted in the animated series - big, physically imposing, like an old warrior. But, having seen Keaton in Homecoming, being intimidating without any costume, just that look, yes, he would rock it. (If they did it, if they asked him, if he accepted. A lot of IFs)
I think the Beyond concept suits Keaton because it is psychologically based. Old man Bruce is all about brooding, and B89/BR Bruce is homebody who sits alone in the dark. Keaton wouldn't need to do any intensive training, which surely would appeal to him, and given the time jump, verbal and visual references can hint at the adventures we didn't get to see.

For a 68 years old guy he does look good. I think it would be believable if Keaton retired from crimefighting say 10 or 15 years ago. Michael Gough is dead. Pat Hingle is dead. Beyond with Keaton allows a third IN CONTINUITY Burtonverse film without complications. Their absence doesn't become a burden but rather an asset that is acknowledged and embraced.

I dig the world of BR, but I would like a brand new, futuristic aesthetic for Gotham. Wayne Manor and the Batcave also redesigned. They did it for B89 and BR, so I don't see why it would be a problem for a third film. As for villains...a Jokerz gang being inspired by Nicholson would be wild. Each Burton film had a clown gang, and this would allow a legacy element while having a brand new lead villain for Terry to face.

If a third Keaton film was greenlit, I think any unfinished business pain from the 90s would largely disappear in an instant. If WB are in the business of making money they will make this happen. 

I agree with TDK's above post. I would love to see this.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue, 22 Oct  2019, 06:17If WB are in the business of making money they will make this happen. 

Don't hold your breath. That pathetic excuse of a studio is filled with weasels and jackasses.

I would like to see Keaton one more time as Bruce Wayne though. The idea of a live action BB appeals to me much more now, compared to the crap that Warner Butchers is serving us.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Quote from: Edd Grayson on Tue, 22 Oct  2019, 13:15
I agree with TDK's above post. I would love to see this.

Me too, but I doubt it will ever happen. I think Kevin Conroy playing old Bruce Wayne in the upcoming Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover is the closest thing to a BB movie we'll ever get.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Agreed too. I don't have my hopes up, but I'd love as much as anyone to see Keaton play Wayne for one last time. Yes, if they did it right and if they picked the right lead as McGinnis, it would be a licence for WB to print money, and the beginning of a new franchise.

I found this Photoshop mockup of Keaton's face as old man Bruce put together with the original animated version.

I don't understand why his chin looks so cartoonishly long.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


The likelihood of this project happening is now looking very likely, thanks to Keaton making his return to the role. Which leads me to writing the following.

According to Mikey Sutton from, he reveals that not only does the studio believe in the proposed movie's box office potential, he says...get this...they want Jared Leto to play the Joker.

I say bullsh*t to the part about Jared Leto. Warner Butchers may pick and choose which actors they want from Snyder/Ayer's continuity, but I highly doubt they'd want to get Leto back. In a way, the studio would be vindicating Snyder after he got Leto to reprise the role in ZSJL, and that's something they definitely do not want to do. I do think Leto can play a hypothetical Return of the Joker-type role, but I don't believe this rumour one bit. Besides, if Leto ever reprises his role again, I'd rather it's only for restoring the Snyderverse along with the release of the Ayer cut. Not play  another version of himself in the multiverse.

Sutton has been pretty bold with his supposed scoops lately, even going so far to say Cavill's Superman will make his return as cameos in The Flash and Black Adam and AT&T have pressured the studio to identify ZSJL as canon in The Flash movie. The more he talks, the more he is opening himself to further scrutiny and putting his credibility on the line.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.
