Never seen this photo before

Started by The Laughing Fish, Mon, 23 Sep 2019, 03:05

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I stumbled across this photo on The Academy's Twitter page commemorating Batman Day. It's taken from the the alley scene.

Has anybody seen this before, or is it rare? It's a great shot of Keaton posing in costume.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Hard to be sure but the lighting setup looks very similar to other photos taken from that alley set. Based on precisely nothing, I'll go ahead and assume that this picture was taken at the same time as other more well known alley pics.

What remains a mystery is why this photo is such a rarity. It shows off the production design of the film, implies Batman's awesomeness as a brawler and @$$-kicker and it also is a pretty good tease of his outfit, showing enough to whet one's appetite to see the movie but it doesn't give away the store. All in all, it's a pretty good publicity photo for use in magazines and the like.

I can only assume that other publicity photos were considered to be technically better overall so this one never got much use. And honestly, B89 is an embarrassment of riches in terms of visuals so I guess there was plenty to choose from.

Great photo though, no doubts there. Good find!

Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Mon, 23 Sep  2019, 03:05
I stumbled across this photo on The Academy's Twitter page commemorating Batman Day. It's taken from the the alley scene.

Has anybody seen this before, or is it rare? It's a great shot of Keaton posing in costume.
Nope never seen this one. Thanks for bringing it to attention.

LOVE that photo.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Has anybody else ever seen these Polaroid photos of the production before? These were at an auction last year. They're pretty cool!

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Mon,  2 Aug  2021, 12:50
Has anybody else ever seen these Polaroid photos of the production before? These were at an auction last year. They're pretty cool!

Jesus Marimba!

What a collection. 🤩👍😎

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I saw this photo of Jack Nicholson and Jerry Hall on the set of the Flugelheim Museum scene, and I had to save it.

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


"Nice outfit".  8)

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Looks like Keaton and Nicholson are either listening to instructions, or reviewing the cathedral footage on camera off-screen.

^This is a better pose than the other photo of Keaton leaning a little bit to the right.

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.
