Matrix 4 Coming Soon

Started by thecolorsblend, Tue, 20 Aug 2019, 23:08

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"The Matrix Resurrections grossed $40.5 million in the United States and Canada, and $118.7 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $159.2 million against a budget of $190 million."

So the last Matrix movie grossed just $40.5 million in the U.S.? I didn't realize (or simply forgot) it did that bad, but alright. Did "Resurrections" do very well on home media/HBO Max or something? If Matrix had a pretty decent merchandising machine behind it with toys, and shirts (ect) I guess I could somewhat understand the thinking here, but there's really nothing to speak of on that front either. That machine came and went back in 2003.

As for another Matrix? Ehhh ... F it. Why not? lol Despite this being a 'curious' project Warners wants to financially explore, and MR being incredibly dull, it's not something I would be completely uninterested in (damn my nostalgia). The budget sincerely needs to be adjusted though. Severely.

I guess not all hope is lost with Keaton and "Batman Beyond" with Warners after all if something like this is being advanced.  :D
"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I'm also at the point of being okay if the franchise continues without Keanu and Carrie-Anne, if that's what happens. There are many great stories that have been told, and can be told, without them. The Animatrix and comics are proof of that. But at the same time I'm not saying no if they're in the script.

Tue, 9 Apr 2024, 02:42 #122 Last Edit: Tue, 9 Apr 2024, 02:43 by thecolorsblend
Would've popped in sooner but I've been out of town on a work trip for the last week.

Anyway, there's a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth over the lack of Wachowski involvement in this. And, um, am I the only one who remembers people griping for the last twenty years about every single Matrix sequel that's ever been made?

But since we're on the subject anyway, I also seem to recall Star Wars fans getting called "toxic" for objecting to new Star Wars movies being made without George Lucas's involvement.

So, which is it? Do fans have the right to bemoan the original creator(s) choosing not to be involved? Or is it okay for fans to voice concerns and criticisms?

All I'm asking is that whatever standard we choose for this, let's at least make sure it gets applied evenly to everybody, mmkay? If Star Wars fans are evil for reacting like they did, then surely Matrix fans are as well, right? But if those Matrix fans are legit, then I have to wonder what anybody ever had against Star Wars fans.

Will Reeves and Moss return? I have no idea. But it seems to me like both of them need SOMEthing in their careers. I'm not prepared to discount their involvement. But if they refuse to participate, then I would attribute that to loyalty to the Wachowskis.

A film set some time after Revolutions with Laurence Fishburne in the lead role would bring down the house, especially after his absence in film four. Depicting what they tell us about in Ressurections - Morpheus believing the truce will hold but the Oracle saying trouble is brewing. Show his death and the final destruction of Zion, with the establishment of IO. Plus expand upon the Machines that rebelled and joined the humans. They could reference Neo, saying people believe he will return one day. But none of them ever live to see it.

There's potential for a good good movie with that content, and with room to expand from there with new characters while respecting where the canon eventually leads. 60 years is a lot of time to play with. They could keep Resurrections as The End, with Neo and Trinity alive and basically gods who can control the fabric of the Matrix as they see fit. But I'm also open minded about a pure continuation from Resurrections.

Some interesting points made by the youtuber's video, and of course I'd be more than happy with Monica Bellucci returning! However, if a hypothetical "Matrix 5" actually goes into production, I really can't envision whatever this pitch for another Matrix sequel was (and it MUST have been one hell of a pitch!), regarding events in "Resurrections" all that much, if really at all. Sure, maybe some sort of passing reference or whatever, but that's about it given it's exceptionally poor reception.

If anything, I have to assume this pitch is something of a rebound to the first "Matrix", which is considered a modern classic. With possibly select character's from "Reloaded" and "Revolutions" returning in some capacity. It's conceivable there's something palpable with something like that. Incorporate what worked, take the very best characters, and forget the rest.

Make a comeback that's actually worthy of something like the Matrix this time.
"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I suppose my way of seeing things is the original film is a classic of sci-fi. But aside from the pitch perfect Hero's Journey that Neo goes on, the first film incorporates a variety of influences. A general sci-fi genre, a cyberpunk style, occasional noir aesthetics, wire-fu and probably other cinematic influences that I'm forgetting. A bit of body horror too, I would suggest.

The second and third either work for you or they don't. But either way, there's no denying that they suffered for abandoning the mood and atmosphere of the original.

The fourth one... yeah.

So, what's left for a fifth one? Resurrection was somewhat a retread of the first one. But not totally. I suppose you could do a more nostalgia-minded film for those of us with fond memories of 1999. But this franchise seems to be creatively spent. And it's arguable how much of its potential was ever fully realized.

For comparison, say whatever you want about the Terminator franchise. But between various films, TV shows and comic books, that rather limited concept was FULLY explored. Perhaps to its own detriment. But fully explored nevertheless.

After all this time and only one bona fide classic movie, I think it's only fair to ask if the time for The Matrix has come and gone.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Mon, 27 May  2024, 04:00After all this time and only one bona fide classic movie, I think it's only fair to ask if the time for The Matrix has come and gone.

Perfectly justified question to ask, and I thought we pretty much got our answer following "Resurrections", but I guess with Hollywood, anything is possible these days. Especially with franchises with name recognition.
"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

1999 article discussing the 'web exclusive' Matrix stories that would debut soon after the success of the original film.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."