Kevin Conroy to play Bruce Wayne in Crisis on Infinite Earths (CW)

Started by Silver Nemesis, Sun, 4 Aug 2019, 18:38

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Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 11 Dec  2019, 04:19
I must say, the validation of Snyder's BVS conflict was unexpected, but welcome. It really adds an interesting nuance to BVS that if Batman had succeeded in killing Superman, he would've been swallowed by darkness. Conroy's Bruce had lost his soul and Affleck was playing more or less for the same stakes.

Very well done.
I don't think much of the crossover event in general, but Conroy's appearance was great. This is indeed what Batfleck would have became if he killed Superman in BvS. Someone who over time became so used to taking life that it became the norm, losing his soul and innate heroism. Conroy's Bruce is the character at perhaps his darkest, losing all hope for humanity and seeing it's not worth saving. A worn out body and entombed inside Wayne Manor for the rest of his days. It's only a brief cameo, but I do feel like this has added something worthwhile to the catalogue.

In case anyone missed it, the Conroy Batman drives the same model of Batmobile as the Burtonverse version.

How many different live-action Batmen drive the Furstmobile now?

•   The Burtonverse Earth-89 Batman
•   The Lois & Clark Batman
•   The OnStar Batman
•   The Conroy Earth-99 Batman

And whichever version of Batman this is meant to be (an alternate universe where Joe Dante directed the 1989 film instead of Burton and Roger Corman helmed the sequels?):

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Mon, 16 Dec  2019, 19:00
How many different live-action Batmen drive the Furstmobile now?

•   The Burtonverse Earth-89 Batman
•   The Lois & Clark Batman
•   The OnStar Batman
•   The Conroy Earth-99 Batman
Really says a lot about how iconic that design is, doesn't it? Nobody seems to want to dig the Schumacher Batmobiles or the Tumbler out of mothballs. But the B89 and Dozier Batmobiles keep getting called back into action.

Very telling.

I'm not saying nostalgia is the sole reason, because the designs really are fantastic and speak for themselves - but it does help. I'm hoping the Battinsonmobile is more classical in the Keaton and West mould. I think it's time, and I also think there's a decent chance of it happening.

Although Keaton was never approached to star in COIE, his blurry likeness was used for this concept art of the Bruce Wayne that Conroy played.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.
