How many times have you seen B&R?

Started by batass4880, Tue, 16 Sep 2008, 01:50

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I've seen B&R three times. The first time was that horrible weekend when it came out. That would have been the only time except it came with the SE DVD's so I saw it again with the Schumacher commentary and another time without it when I was bored. Hopefully I will never see it again. >:(

Honestly? I saw it 4 times in theatres. Watched about 6 times on VHS, once on SE DVD. I have watched the special features quit afew times though.

3 times i can remember 1st was when it came out at the movies, 2nd time was wayyyy back when i was in year 10 history and last day of term and like 7 people showed up so our teacher put on a vhs of it...she must have really hated us, and last time was start of this year and frankly i don't want to watch it again for a good long time.

Once in the cinema.

Around 10 times on VHS (got a free TAS VHS with it - Cat & the Claw).  However I found that the PAL VHS had a lot of distortion in the sound especially in the bassy (not sure if that is the correct adjective) areas.  I took it back and had it replaced - sound was still the same.

Once on SE DVD (half with commentary).

I remember going crazy for that movie when it came out in 1997. I saw it twice in the theatres. I watched it well over 20 times from 1998-2001 until I got older and realized it was a terrible Batman movie. I haven't watched the special edition on DVD. But I did watch the special features. I saw the film on HBO about 3 months ago though.
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

I refused to watch it because I heard it was awful. Then one night it was on TV. And I was disgusted, embarressed and angry! What a terriable film to the Batman series! I couldn't believe it. It easily went down for me, as the worst film I had ever seen - the worst ever made. I swore I'd never watch It again.

Since in the last year my opinion of Forever had mellowed, I was sitting one night a few months ago and B&R was on. I thought, I'll give it another watch. And you know what, my opinion was still the same and I remembered why I swore not to watch the film ever again!
It is pure sh1te! lol

So twice, twice too many!

Ive seen it quite a few times actually, atleast 15 or 20!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Did anyone have a gut feeling that B&R was going to be the disaster that it was BEFORE it came out?

Before I first saw Forever, I thought that it was going to be terrible but to my surprise it was good(IMO) though not as good as the first two and it was definitely a big step down.

When B&R was on it's way out I thought that it was going to suck but I said to myself "remember Forever!" but I couldn't help but feel it was going to be stupid. The one line that really made me think it was going to be awful was when Batman said "This is exactly why Superman works alone!"

I know what you mean, i remember i saw the preview for Forever and thought this doesn't look to good but it turned out to be a good. And then i saw B&R and thought this looks bad, but hey Forever look bad but was good so this might be.....i was wrong.

Thats weird cause Im the opposite, when I saw the Forever trailer I thought it was going to be great, it was fresh, new and looked like a comic book on screen. The only problem I had was that Keaton was not playing Batman.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.