Which film is darker...B89 or BR?

Started by batass4880, Sun, 14 Sep 2008, 00:58

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Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 28 Sep  2008, 07:14
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Thu, 25 Sep  2008, 07:09
the overall look of BR is way way darker than 89, I know for fact from that Tim Burton video released a lil while back that Burton had ALOT of thing about 89 that he 100% did not like or agree with.
Indeed. Returns is my favourite Burton Batman film. I've put a BR avatar on my profile, just to get into the spirit of things on this forum.

thats the spirit and a very good idea!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

I think 89 was darker than Returns. It would be interesting if Burton did another film but I don't think keaton would do it now.


I'd say that B89 was darker in terms of subject matter (acid baths and conversations with corpses) but BR was darker in terms of theme and such (no heroes in Gotham, Batman has an at best hollow victory).

Mon, 3 Nov 2008, 17:17 #13 Last Edit: Mon, 3 Nov 2008, 17:19 by batsam
the fact that there were penguins with bombs on they're backs. That cheapened the tone of the movie for me.

i am glad most of us find that's  "cool and fun in a way no other than burton did in a batman movie " instead of cheap as this means that Burton succeeded in communicating the sense of that to us

It would be interesting if Burton did another film but I don't think keaton would do it now

as for Keaton in a new batman movie....maybe 10 years ago!!
i think keaton now is almost 60years....
he would appear as stallone in the new rambo  :-\
but still would accept that more than bale  :)

Ah, the direct approach. I admire that in a man with a mask

Quoteas for Keaton in a new batman movie....maybe 10 years ago!!

NO! don't say that, sure i know deep down Burton's Batman 3 or "The Greatest Movie Never Made" will remain unmade :-[,But i still have hope that one day it might come ;).

Quotethink keaton now is almost 60years....
he would appear as stallone in the new rambo 
but still would accept that more than bale

What was wrong with Rambo? it was way better then number 2 and 3. If we have leaned anything from Rocky Balboa, Rambo and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is that old dude's can always make an Awesome comeback :D.

Darn rights! Keaton would be prime age for a TDKR role. It would be awesome to have Nolan and Burton work on such a picture together with the Elfman score or something.

Keaton's aged pretty decently, he doesn't look older than 57 by any means, and he's kept in pretty fair shape. If I recall Bruce Wayne is about 60 in the comic version of TDKR.

It would be a dream come true, and it could make so much money for WB, everybody wins! Unfortunately the chances are slim indeed. We'll be lucky if we even get a second Beetlejuice.

WOW have Nolan, Burton and Keaton all work on it i never thought about that before.

Not sure how it would turn out with the different styles, but i'd do anything to see keaton wear the cape and cowl he was born to wear once more.

Yeah, and it's a very plausible idea in terms of its mechanics. I mean, Keaton looks fine, maybe have him bulk up a bit with a slightly higher protein diet + light weight training, and perhaps a couple of hair plugs if the producers find such things necessary. I mean, we are talking about an old BW, the image of bulk, boyish good looks, playboy style and mightiness won't be as harped on as it has been in the past.

Essentially, if WB could bring a culmination of enough names to such a project, it could work, and it could be amazing.

They could have as his normal size at the start, but then have him bulk up abit to show him training to be Batman again. He doesn't have to be huge, but if he could look like he did in Desprate Measures that would be awesome.

NO! don't say that, sure i know deep down Burton's Batman 3 or "The Greatest Movie Never Made" will remain unmade :-[,But i still have hope that one day it might come ;).

i have something to say , but i wont say it or i'll have someone or more than just one yelling at me of you!!  ???
but the B89 and BR could have done the same of what they did even without keaton "i like keaton don't get me wrong" with  baldwin or who you prefer!! so i would exclude WB calling back a 60 years guy to be batman  " for the good ol times memory "  not to mention that now we are in  the nolan universe that did almost ensure it's position  to direct future batman movies with it's success , leaving a 5-10% of a burton come back possibility,that could leave another very few chances to call keaton if burton will ever come back and keaton ever accepts his offer,in the mean time nolan is could make other batman movies leaving us instead of 60years old guy a 70 years one for a bruce wayne??.....be realistic !!

remember what bruce (keaton) in BR said? things change
well the same happened here!!! :-\

WOW have Nolan, Burton and Keaton all work on it i never thought about that before.

nolan have a realistic approach on the movie ,but for  Burton visuals are so important that if they don't line up with the real world he would not consider a problem!!

how on earth they could work together?
Ah, the direct approach. I admire that in a man with a mask