Derek Meddings FX book

Started by Paul (ral), Sat, 13 Sep 2008, 09:54

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Anyone getting a copy of this?

All orders placed through will be entered into a draw to win a signed copy of the book by Sir Roger Moore.


Superman I & II - Goldeneye - Batman
Supergirl - Santa Claus: The Movie - Live and Let Die - The Neverending Story
Moonraker - The Spy Who Loved Me

After his career in the film industry took flight with Gerry Anderson in 1957, Derek Meddings proceeded to head the effects team and design every major vehicle for the hit British television series, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and UFO. When the Anderson studio closed in 1970, Derek moved into movies and headed the effects on over 20 motion pictures.
His effects accolades include; six James Bond films from Roger Moore's Live and Let Die to Pierce Brosnan's Goldeneye, Batman, Supergirl, Santa Claus: The Movie and The Neverending Story. Derek Meddings also headed the miniature effects on the first two Superman films and won an Oscar? for his achievements on Superman: The Movie.
'Special Effects Superman' is a tribute to Derek Meddings and his amazing career. The book will include over 400 'on set' photographs from the Meddings family collection and contributions from those who worked with Derek throughout his career, including a foreword by Sir Roger Moore.

To pre-order your copy now, visit:

Binding: Hardback
Extent: 160 pages
Dimensions: 290mm x 250mm
UK retail price: ?25

The book is scheduled for release on 2nd October 2008.

Ordered mine, I'll let you know if it's worth it when it comes.
"Excuse me. You ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?"

yeah, I'm gonna get a copy myself - I suspect there will be some good B89 photos in it.

Got mine today. I'm a huge fan of miniature so I love it. There are ten pages devoted to Batman, bu tmost of those are taken up with large pictures. Not a lot of detail. Those ten pages feature thirteen pictures. One double page spread of Gotham City after Batman releases the Balloons from the Batwing. One huge picture of Meddings and Paul Wilson in front of the Gotham miniatures. Four pictures of Derek attending to the Axis miniature. Two photos of the Cathedral miniature, one of a Gotham building and one of the crew working on the Gotham opening shot. A full page shot of the crew working on the 6 foot Batwing, a smaller shot of the Batwing and a close shot of the miniature Batman in the cockpit.
"Excuse me. You ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?"

I'm waiting on mine.  Those pictures sound great.

I am really looking forward to the Superman, Supergirl and Santa Claus photos too.

Bigger sections on all those movies than Batman. You'll be pleased.
"Excuse me. You ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?"

Got my hands on the book today.  I had a quick flick through and I am well pleased.

For anyone that is a fan of old school filmmaking - get yours now!

The Batman content decent is it?

It's pretty good - some Batwing shots I hadn't seen and more photos taken around the same time as this

As PJ rightly points out, there is more content for Superman, Supergirl, Santa Claus, James Bond and Thunderbirds.

Quote from: raleagh on Mon, 29 Sep  2008, 09:50
some Batwing shots I hadn't seen
Cool. Can you describe the still?