30th year

Started by Catwoman, Sat, 23 Jun 2018, 20:03

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Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 25 Jan  2019, 13:33
It's my 30th Birthday in March, too. Not feeling good about it. In ten years I'll be 40. I can't wrap my head around that.

I'll be 7 years away come May. Suck it up buttercup.

^both of ya'll suck it up, I'm 40 already!   :D ;)

I'm 48, but I think I'm not the oldest here.....

I just turned 35 last year. Only 5 more years to 40. At some point you have to embrace it, it's going to happen regardless.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: DarkVengeance on Sat,  2 Feb  2019, 19:25
At some point you have to embrace it, it's going to happen regardless.

Exactly.  And when you do embrace it, there's (for lack of a better word) freedom in it.  And humour.   :D

Thu, 21 Feb 2019, 09:28 #15 Last Edit: Mon, 4 Mar 2019, 21:34 by BatmanFurst
Here's a question are there any elements for you guys that still haven't been topped by any Batman film since this one? I've got a few things.
1. Keaton as Batman
2. The Production Design in general. This includes Gotham, Batman's vehicles, and the Bat Cave
3. I just love the tone of this movie. I don't think any live action Batman film has been able to recapture that tone. The 89 film can be dark, but at the same time it's balanced with fun and adventure. Perfect tone for a Batman movie imo.
4. The Cinematography. Visually this is easily my favorite Batman film, and the lighting plays a big part in that. I still maintain that no one has captured Batman's image on film as well as Burton did with the 89 film. There's so many shots where it's Batman's silhouette, his face being obscured by shadow but his eyes are highlighted, or in other shots his eyes not being visible. There's so many variations on how Batman is presented and I absolutely love it.
5. Danny Elfman's amazing score. One of my all time favorites.

Quote from: BatmanFurst on Thu, 21 Feb  2019, 09:28
Here's a question are there any elements for you guys that still haven't been topped by any Batman film since this one? I've got a few things.
1. Keaton as Batman
2. The Production Design in general. This includes Gotham, Batman's vehicles, and the Bat Cave
3. I just love the tone of this movie. I don't think any live action Batman film has been able to recapture that tone. The 89 film can be dark, but at the same time it's balanced with fun and adventure. Perfect tone for a Batman movie imo.
4. The Cinematography. Visually this is easily my favorite Batman film, and the lighting plays a big part in that. I still maintain that no one has captured Batman's image on film as well as Burton did with the 89 film. There's so many shots where it's Batman's silhouette, his face being obscured by shadow but his eyes are highlighted, or in other shots his eyes not being visible. There's so many variations on how Batman is presented and I absolutely love it.

Pretty much all of this...nailed it!  Also, Danny Elfman's music to Burton's movies are my personal favourite(s).  I still get chills when I listen to that opening theme.

Quote from: KeatonisBatman on Mon,  4 Mar  2019, 08:58
Quote from: BatmanFurst on Thu, 21 Feb  2019, 09:28
Here's a question are there any elements for you guys that still haven't been topped by any Batman film since this one? I've got a few things.
1. Keaton as Batman
2. The Production Design in general. This includes Gotham, Batman's vehicles, and the Bat Cave
3. I just love the tone of this movie. I don't think any live action Batman film has been able to recapture that tone. The 89 film can be dark, but at the same time it's balanced with fun and adventure. Perfect tone for a Batman movie imo.
4. The Cinematography. Visually this is easily my favorite Batman film, and the lighting plays a big part in that. I still maintain that no one has captured Batman's image on film as well as Burton did with the 89 film. There's so many shots where it's Batman's silhouette, his face being obscured by shadow but his eyes are highlighted, or in other shots his eyes not being visible. There's so many variations on how Batman is presented and I absolutely love it.

Pretty much all of this...nailed it!  Also, Danny Elfman's music to Burton's movies are my personal favourite(s).  I still get chills when I listen to that opening theme.
Yes! I forgot to include that.

Mon, 4 Mar 2019, 23:37 #18 Last Edit: Mon, 4 Mar 2019, 23:41 by KeatonisBatman
Pretty much all of this...nailed it!  Also, Danny Elfman's music to Burton's movies are my personal favourite(s).  I still get chills when I listen to that opening theme.

Quote from: BatmanFurst on Thu, 21 Feb  2019, 09:28
Here's a question are there any elements for you guys that still haven't been topped by any Batman film since this one? I've got a few things.
1. Keaton as Batman
2. The Production Design in general. This includes Gotham, Batman's vehicles, and the Bat Cave
3. I just love the tone of this movie. I don't think any live action Batman film has been able to recapture that tone. The 89 film can be dark, but at the same time it's balanced with fun and adventure. Perfect tone for a Batman movie imo.
4. The Cinematography. Visually this is easily my favorite Batman film, and the lighting plays a big part in that. I still maintain that no one has captured Batman's image on film as well as Burton did with the 89 film. There's so many shots where it's Batman's silhouette, his face being obscured by shadow but his eyes are highlighted, or in other shots his eyes not being visible. There's so many variations on how Batman is presented and I absolutely love it.

Sorry I meant to expound on this a bit more last night.  There are certain elements to ALL the Batman films that I liked over the year.  I did enjoy Val Kilmer as Batman (at times)... Jim Carrey's Riddler is quite fun.  Batman & Robin, well, it is what it is... I hated it when I saw it in the theatre, but now I can watch it purely for the belly laughs.

Nolan's trilogy was quite different from what Burton did as it seemed more grounded in the "real" world.  I really liked how he handled all the villains in the series, especially Bane and Two-Face.  But I have never been partial to Christian Bale's performance, which to me is rather stale, and at times almost "dialed in" and even tedious to watch.

Finally... I guess I have to say I can't even rate Affleck as Batman.  I've just got nothing really nice to say about it at all, so best not to say anything.  ;)

Quote from: KeatonisBatman on Mon,  4 Mar  2019, 23:37
Pretty much all of this...nailed it!  Also, Danny Elfman's music to Burton's movies are my personal favourite(s).  I still get chills when I listen to that opening theme.

Quote from: BatmanFurst on Thu, 21 Feb  2019, 09:28
Here's a question are there any elements for you guys that still haven't been topped by any Batman film since this one? I've got a few things.
1. Keaton as Batman
2. The Production Design in general. This includes Gotham, Batman's vehicles, and the Bat Cave
3. I just love the tone of this movie. I don't think any live action Batman film has been able to recapture that tone. The 89 film can be dark, but at the same time it's balanced with fun and adventure. Perfect tone for a Batman movie imo.
4. The Cinematography. Visually this is easily my favorite Batman film, and the lighting plays a big part in that. I still maintain that no one has captured Batman's image on film as well as Burton did with the 89 film. There's so many shots where it's Batman's silhouette, his face being obscured by shadow but his eyes are highlighted, or in other shots his eyes not being visible. There's so many variations on how Batman is presented and I absolutely love it.

Sorry I meant to expound on this a bit more last night.  There are certain elements to ALL the Batman films that I liked over the year.  I did enjoy Val Kilmer as Batman (at times)... Jim Carrey's Riddler is quite fun.  Batman & Robin, well, it is what it is... I hated it when I saw it in the theatre, but now I can watch it purely for the belly laughs.

Nolan's trilogy was quite different from what Burton did as it seemed more grounded in the "real" world.  I really liked how he handled all the villains in the series, especially Bane and Two-Face.  But I have never been partial to Christian Bale's performance, which to me is rather stale, and at times almost "dialed in" and even tedious to watch.

Finally... I guess I have to say I can't even rate Affleck as Batman.  I've just got nothing really nice to say about it at all, so best not to say anything.  ;)
I saw Batman & Robin when I was a kid and absolutely loved it. Tbh I liked it more than Batman Forever, and Returns at the time. I eventually saw the 89 Batman on VHS when I was 10, and that dethroned my love for all of the other live action Batman films because it was so radically different from all of them. It was interesting to see the 90's Batman sequels first then see the 89 Batman last. It just highlighted how much better that film is to its successors. I remember finding it refreshing that Batman didn't change into a different suit in the third act.