Cobra Kai

Started by Silver Nemesis, Tue, 6 Mar 2018, 17:29

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Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 27 Aug  2020, 16:47
There's a very brief preview of season 3 right at the end of this vid.

Are we assuming that the guy who sweeps Daniel and stabs with the sai is Chozen? Idk who else it could be.

It has to be Chozen.

I can't imagine Daniel returning to Okinawa and not have Chozen and/or Kumiko return. Especially so with each season giving us familiar faces, along with the new.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Maybe it's only me, but the ending of season 1 reminded me a bit of the Joker reveal from Batman.

Good call.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: Azrael on Sun, 20 Sep  2020, 21:28
Maybe it's only me, but the ending of season 1 reminded me a bit of the Joker reveal from Batman.

I hadn't actually noticed this, but when you lay the shots out like that the two scenes do strongly resemble one another. Perhaps it was a deliberate homage?

Quote from: The Joker on Mon, 21 Sep  2020, 01:25
Good call.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 23 Sep  2020, 12:25
I hadn't actually noticed this, but when you lay the shots out like that the two scenes do strongly resemble one another. Perhaps it was a deliberate homage?

I watched S01 a while ago. When I noticed I searched interviews, fan discussions (in reddit etc), including the Cobra Kai discussion in this forum, didn't find anyone mentioning anything so I left it at that, no point in me appearing even more crazy. There's no official word on this being a homage but, have to admit, there is a similarity there (even watching the videos side by side).

Fall down a two story building, land on your back and... you're paralyzed for life, sorry. But at least the showrunners aren't running away from season 02. And more power to 'em for that.

I'm rly looking forward to this. Kreese is back and there's Kumiko, Chozen and maybe more. I guess Barnes is season 04?

Daniel sounds like he's suing for peace. Y'know, what he should've done back in season 01? Good on him for getting there in the end.

Are there four factions now? Or only three? You've got Cobra Kai led by Kreese, Johnny and Miguel, Miyagi-do led by Daniel and... Chozen? I mean, Chozen never came off like much of a joiner to me so I can't picture him aligning with Kreese.

Again, maybe I'm projecting depth where it's not intended. But this is the price of violence, even if it's self-defense. The cycle of violence keeps going and going. That was a consistent theme in the films and I say good on the showrunners and writers for picking that up back in season 01 and playing things out logically.

Can't wait. Cobra Kai Season 1 was such a pleasant surprise. Season 2 was a bit of a step down, but I'm still looking forward to this. Nice to see Danny and Johnny putting their differences aside to help others.

Man, this is going to be an interesting season.

Having Daniel going back to Okinawa, following the deaths of Miyagi and Sato, after so many years should be compelling. Especially in terms of reuniting Kumiko. Which I felt was much more of a actual romance for Daniel than Ali in KK1. Which came across more like simple infatuation/puppy love. In addition to finding out where Chozen's path went post-Karate Kid 2. Evidently, he never left Okinawa, or didn't stray too far away, so it's possible he might have made amends with his Uncle Sato at some point. Or did their relationship remained strained?

Also, the idea of both Daniel and Chozen leading Miyagi-do could get entertaining very quickly. Unlike the time where both Johnny and Kreese led Cobra-Kai in Season 2, there might not be any hidden agendas/schemes between Daniel/Chozen, except for a obvious distain for one another (and probably much more externally on Chozen's end). And perhaps Chozen having a need to be present during Miyagi-do training, as he feels Daniel isn't bringing enough 'honor' to Miyagi-do teachings.

Maybe we'll get that Mike Barnes cameo at the end of this season? He's one of those character's we've been anticipating the return of for awhile now, but I'm glad the series is taking it's time in having familiar faces return.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."