Trivia Thread

Started by Paul (ral), Sun, 7 Sep 2008, 11:42

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Post any trivia for Batman 89 here

I'll start.

The tourists at the start "Harold!" were actual married couple Garrick Hagon and Liza Ross.  Garrick Hagon also played Biggs Darklighter, friend of Luke Skywalker, in Star Wars.

I was really surprised by the amount of actors that starred in both Tim Burton's and George Lucas' movies over the years. Thanks to this site for pointing that out:

Now, I really wonder if Tim Burton and George Lucas actually know each other personally?

Tim Burton cast him in the title role of Batman (1989) because he thought that Keaton was the only actor who could believably portray someone who has the kind of darkly obsessive personality that the character has. There was a great deal of fan anger over his selection, forcing the studio to release an advance trailer both to show that Keaton could do the role well and that the movie would not be a campy parody like the TV show "Batman" (1966).

Michael Keaton's salary for Batman was $5,000,000

I read somthing interesting yesterday, In both Batman and Batman Returns Michael Keaton did most of his own driving in the Batmobile scenes.

Now that just plain cool 8).

Mon, 20 Oct 2008, 04:38 #4 Last Edit: Thu, 11 Dec 2008, 05:22 by batass4880

At the very beginning of the movie when the father tourist says "I know where we are!" and they walk into that alley, there is a Pepsi can on the right hand part of the screen. It is in the cut when you see that bum/wino harassing that woman, if I remember correctly. I noticed this when I watched the movie on my CPU monitor. This was obviously a mistake considering that there was to be no product placement in a film that is supposed to be timeless, not to mention that there was a promotion with Coca-Cola for the film.

Quote from: batass4880 on Mon, 20 Oct  2008, 04:38
At the very beginning of the movie when the father tourist says "I know where we are!" and they walk into that alley, there is a Pepsi can on the right hand part of the screen. It is in the cut when you see that bum/wino harassing that woman, if I remember correctly. I noticed this when I watched the movie on my CPU monitor. This was obviously a mistake considering that there was to be no product placement in a film that is supposed to be timeless, not to mention that there was a promotion with Coca-Cola for the film.

I never noticed that before, cool find Ill have to check that one out!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: batass4880 on Mon, 20 Oct  2008, 04:38
At the very beginning of the movie when the father tourist says "I know where we are!" and they walk into that alley, there is a Pepsi can on the right hand part of the screen.

haha - it is there! standing all by itself.

HA! Is it like a easter egg or just someone that forgot there drink?.

I'm pretty sure that either someone forgot their drink or it was an unintentional prop, considering that it was in an alley full of garbage and blended in very well.

I can't believe Coke did not pick up on that! They should have used a Coke can considering that they wanted to keep it as timeless as possible. The Coke design has not changed much over the past 120 years.

I stand corrected though...The only other "product placement" that I can think of is the AMEX card.

Heh. Thats interesting about the soda can. Ill have to watch for that next time I put it on.