Theatre showings...

Started by Cocoboloboy, Fri, 5 Sep 2008, 15:53

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I think this is something all real bat-fans would be more than excited to see, and I am one of them.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: DarkVengeance on Sun,  7 Dec  2008, 07:06
I think this is something all real bat-fans would be more than excited to see, and I am one of them.
Without doubt, I hope to see both Burton films at the cinema. One day.

Hi guys, I'm new in here.
About Batman '89 in theaters in 2009, it would be an amazing experience for me, because I really would like to see Burton's first Bat-movie in the theaters (I'm only 16  :-\). My uncle have seen it in the premiere and he said it was awesome. I really would like to see this classic on the big screen, but who knows? Even TDK will return to the IMAX screen after only 7 months( ;D), what about 89 Bats on theaters again?  ;) Which better way to commemorate its 20th anniversary? 
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

A rerelease of '89 Batman in the Imax would be awesome. I hope that at least my local theater goes thru with showing it.

Yeah, a re-realese would be epic, in IMAX...  :P oh my god!
But let's keep the fingers crosses, WB sure has some plans for 89Bats, it's the 20th annyversary!  ;D
Oh, and a Hot Toys Keaton Batman would be good too... ::)
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

Quote from: GuedesGothamKnight on Sat, 17 Jan  2009, 16:57
Yeah, a re-realese would be epic, in IMAX...  :P oh my god!
But let's keep the fingers crosses, WB sure has some plans for 89Bats, it's the 20th annyversary!  ;D
Oh, and a Hot Toys Keaton Batman would be good too... ::)

I'd love it if HT would make a Keaton Batman . 8)

Watching this in a theater again... Nothing to add to what all of you just said, a part of childhood lived again... Lucky those that manage to do so, where I live it's very unlikely to catch up with such re-releases, they usually save this only for arthouse stuff. The US (of course) & the UK are incomparable when it comes to such things.. :(

Closer and closer to the anniversary date and I haven't heard any news of my local theater confirming that they'll be showing it. :'(

Surely somewhere nearby is going to run it.

Seeing Tim Burton's BATMAN, tonight on the BIG SCREEN!
I will take pictures. 
I will bring a gas-mask
I Will bring 1$ bills, with my face on them
I will be a partyman....

Party by the pale, moonlight!

Just returned from the theater downtown....

Seeing Tim Burton's BATMAN on the big screen, (and I mean this theater is beautifully old-fashioned and has an enormous screen), it was like seeing it for the first time.  From the gothic logo/opening, to the triumphant final shot.... Oh my.... like the DVD cases quote, "Speechless" (haha) I really, really was.  I'm 21 years old, and of course, never had the chance to see it during the original release, seeing it tonight made me feel like a little kid again. Sitting their, in this packed theater.... laughing at 'You're my number one...and I!' and 'Pass the salt' and 'Partyman' along with the packed theater... sigh... amazing. 

Another cool note: the movie was an original print, thus being, very grainy.  The grain, blotches here and there, gave the viewing a "Grindhouse" feel to it, just that little touch, made this 20 year old film even cooler. 

Wow, a dream come true.
I wish all of you Bat-Freaks could've been there....