Batgirl (2022)

Started by johnnygobbs, Thu, 30 Mar 2017, 17:48

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Wed, 26 Jul 2023, 23:04 #150 Last Edit: Wed, 26 Jul 2023, 23:08 by eledoremassis02
she also goes into an evidence room and takes a Catwoman colw to make her Batgirl mask from

A film extra is suing WB for serious injuries she sustained during the filming of Batgirl:

Poor woman. She says she's still in immense pain ever since the accident, and says she's better off dead than going through tons of surgeries. The film getting scrapped must've made her further depressed, because it was all for nothing in the end.

I hope this lawsuit comes to pass and forces those Warner bastards to pay her for all the damages.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


The Drinker theorizes that the movie was wiped from the servers to prevent anyone from leaking it online.

I think I'm already on the record for being skeptical about that. But in case I'm not, then let me say that the insane liability that a leaker would face makes a leak very unlikely. Still, if that were to happen, the leaker(s) would get eternally blacklisted.

But honestly, that would be the least of their problems. It seems pretty obvious that WBD would unleash the lawyer kraken on anybody dumb enough to leak the thing. It wouldn't be pretty.

And for those reasons, leaking the entire film on a torrent site or something just doesn't seem as if it was ever very likely to happen.

No, I think WBD's motives were far more down to earth. Zack Snyder built a pretty powerful support base for releasing his version of JL by trickling out (usually b&w) stills from the movie. We all saw how that worked out.

By comparison, David Ayer has been a lot more restrained with releasing stills from his cut of Suicide Squad. But his efforts have not been in vain. His film has its fair share of supporters too.

And I think that's what somebody at WBD was trying to prevent. By quietly nuking the movie from their FTP (or whatever) server before making a big splashy announcement that the movie had been cancelled, they ensured that the Snyder/Ayer method of slowly leaking out images wouldn't be possible with Batgirl.

WBD probably believed that the outrage over canceling Batgirl would blow over with the news cycle. And that assessment appears to have been correct. Because when's the last time you heard anyone loudly demand the movie's release?

Even so, good find!

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 15 Nov  2023, 04:54By comparison, David Ayer has been a lot more restrained with releasing stills from his cut of Suicide Squad. But his efforts have not been in vain. His film has its fair share of supporters too.

He won't have those supporters for long if he keeps sucking up to Gunn and WBD.

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Wed, 15 Nov  2023, 07:51He won't have those supporters for long if he keeps sucking up to Gunn and WBD.
K dude, you REALLY need to get over this. The most valuable currency in Hollywood is ego. If you're not stroking the right egos, then whatever you're trying to do will not go forward. It looks like Ayer is playing the political game so that he can get what he wants. Which is the release of his version of the film.

Since Gunn himself directed Suicide Squad's warm reboot, Ayer is sort of navigating a political and professional minefield. There's literally nothing to gain from alienating Gunn. This should not be a complicated calculus for you to figure out.

In the final analysis, there are no good people in Hollywood. There are no role models. The best you can say is that some Hollywood people are less of a scumbag than others. So, pick your poison.

Wed, 15 Nov 2023, 10:46 #156 Last Edit: Wed, 15 Nov 2023, 12:12 by The Laughing Fish
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 15 Nov  2023, 09:15
Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Wed, 15 Nov  2023, 07:51He won't have those supporters for long if he keeps sucking up to Gunn and WBD.
K dude, you REALLY need to get over this.

No, sorry. The truth hurts. There's a difference between playing the political game, and being a blatant cheerleader with nothing to show for it. The least that Ayer could do is not to insult people's intelligence by publicly saying how everything is all fine, how certain antagonists are in fact good people, and how WBD is a completely different company from the previous regime.

Look, I'm not stupid. For the sake of professionalism, I don't expect Ayer to condemn these studio people publicly. But FFS, don't be kissing their asses on social media either. Especially since the company has been a PR disaster up to now. There's a reason the Ayer cut movement isn't as strong as it used to be, because Ayer's messages are alienating the support. Snyder had every right in the world to condemn the studio, but to his credit, he let his photography do the talking instead. His approach actually galvanised support for his cut.

Ayer is better off not saying anything at this point because his approach isn't going to help him release his cut.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 15 Nov  2023, 09:15This should not be a complicated calculus for you to figure out.

Let me ask you something: if you look at how this company has been operating since it formed a year ago, do you honestly believe they're going to turn around and treat people like Ayer with courtesy and respect? I don't necessarily believe in the following narrative surrounding Coyote vs. Acme, but...if we're really led to believe the decision to overturn the shelving of that film wouldn't have happened if it weren't for industry creator backlash and boycott, then that film certainly would've joined Batgirl and Scoob. If the egos are THAT out of control in that industry and people have to take drastic measures to get what they want, then Ayer's feeble public attempts to get on good terms with the studio aren't going to work. Because studios like WBD have proven, time and time again, they are not friendly with the talent.

To be brutally honest with you, I think the opportunity for the Ayer cut is long gone. It has been seven years and two mergers since that theatrical cut came out, and for all the demand that people showed for that cut, the studio responses result in the fans being called "toxic" and "bots". Coming from a studio that's guilty of doing both things, that's rich.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 15 Nov  2023, 09:15In the final analysis, there are no good people in Hollywood. There are no role models. The best you can say is that some Hollywood people are less of a scumbag than others. So, pick your poison.

I wasn't born yesterday. I'm well aware that Hollywood is not the place to look up for role models, believe it or not. It demonstrated that many times by cherishing the likes of Weinstein and Polanski, and protecting the likes of Whedon and Gunn.

Nonetheless, I'd respect Ayer a lot more if he were to say "the Suicide Squad experience is a shame, but I've decided to move on with my career". Nowadays, I just don't have much sympathy for him desperately trying to appease that studio while lamenting how his cut never got to be seen. What's he going to do, keep saying this for the next seven years? At some point, you have to say enough with this charade, be honest, and move on.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Good find, SN.

Gosh, it sure is fortunate that Firefly waited for twenty years before trying to attack Gordon again.

Also, in any movie like this, you want your main hero to be the one who vanquishes the villain. Batgirl is the main hero. Firefly is the villain. So, Tony Bressi is the one who defeats Firefly? Whose brilliant idea was that?

Seems like the approach to take for a street level film like this would be to place an emphasis on stunts, fight choregraphy, practical effects and character dynamics. And it sounds like there's SOME of that. But not as much as you'd think. The way the movie is described, it sounds like the filmmakers were trying to do way too much with such a modest budget.

Because $90 million is not "big budget" anymore. Not in today's world. If WBD's goal is to make "big theatrical event films", then Batgirl isn't that at all.

When you come right down to it, I don't think this is a script that ever should've been given the green light to begin with.

I don't think WBD has any credibility to judge what's a big theatrical event after having a look at the sh*t they greenlit and allowed into theaters this year. Just when I thought the cringeworthy scenes I saw from The Flash weren't bad enough, there is a leaked post-credit scene of Ocean Master putting a cockroach into his hamburger and eating it in Aquaman 2. And during the movie, it appears that Arthur Curry gets urinated right in the mouth by his infant son. REALLY funny stuff, right?  ::)

It doesn't matter if WBD inherited movies from the previous Emmerich/Hamada era. Zaslav went on record in an earnings call last year vowing to make Black Adam and the rest of the 2023 slate better with more investment, as a means to justify Batgirl's shelving and outline his goal to "protect the DC brand". What's the result? Using Black Adam's underwhelming box office as an excuse to announce a shoddy attempt at a DC reboot, thus tanking the prospects of this year's movies even further, which were already badly affected by poor special effects and the continuous need to replicate the tired MCU comedy formula. So much for protecting the DC brand.

Now Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom will be the latest flop, barring some miracle. But even it that were to happen, it doesn't make the fact the enormous loss this moronic studio has incurred over the past year. They might as well have released Batgirl, because it's not like the concept they chose for The Flash deserved any more special treatment.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.
