Are you a fan of the dark & eerie vibe and the depressing look of Batman Returns

Started by Jack Napier, Mon, 1 Sep 2008, 21:27

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Quote from: Catwoman on Fri,  6 Dec  2013, 17:16
it also creates seasonal depression.
Good point. Mainly because at Christmastime, it's about family. Bruce lives alone in a big, dark mansion with his elderly butler. There are undoubtedly people out in the world seeking happiness, but it eludes them. Bruce sought this in Selina, but it wasn't to be. At the end of the night, he has nothing else to hold onto except "merry Christmas Alfred."  Though still bearing no ill will to others.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat,  7 Dec  2013, 14:14
Quote from: Catwoman on Fri,  6 Dec  2013, 17:16
it also creates seasonal depression.
Good point. Mainly because at Christmastime, it's about family. Bruce lives alone in a big, dark mansion with his elderly butler. There are undoubtedly people out in the world seeking happiness, but it eludes them. Bruce sought this in Selina, but it wasn't to be. At the end of the night, he has nothing else to hold onto except "merry Christmas Alfred."  Though still bearing no ill will to others.
At least he's got Alfred, his surrogate father.  Some people have got no one.  He should stop behaving like a spoiled rich kid and count himself lucky.  At least he's got a roof over his head and a roaring fire to keep himself warm.  If he wasn't feeling sorry for himself all the time he could easily find a girlfriend to share his life with.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

QuoteAt least he's got Alfred, his surrogate father.  Some people have got no one.  He should stop behaving like a spoiled rich kid and count himself lucky.  At least he's got a roof over his head and a roaring fire to keep himself warm.  If he wasn't feeling sorry for himself all the time he could easily find a girlfriend to share his life with.
I agree which is why i love batman forever for making bruce be more happy with the life he has & stops feeling sorry for himself despite not getting chase at the end of the film but hey at least he still has alfred & dick his surrogate father & adopted son & it's the closet to having a family again right?
You ether die a trilogy or live long enough to see yourself become batman & robin

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Sat,  7 Dec  2013, 14:44
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat,  7 Dec  2013, 14:14
Quote from: Catwoman on Fri,  6 Dec  2013, 17:16
it also creates seasonal depression.
Good point. Mainly because at Christmastime, it's about family. Bruce lives alone in a big, dark mansion with his elderly butler. There are undoubtedly people out in the world seeking happiness, but it eludes them. Bruce sought this in Selina, but it wasn't to be. At the end of the night, he has nothing else to hold onto except "merry Christmas Alfred."  Though still bearing no ill will to others.
At least he's got Alfred, his surrogate father.  Some people have got no one.  He should stop behaving like a spoiled rich kid and count himself lucky.  At least he's got a roof over his head and a roaring fire to keep himself warm.  If he wasn't feeling sorry for himself all the time he could easily find a girlfriend to share his life with.

wow that is way unfair to our bats. spoiled rich kid? seriously? if i got a million vibes off keaton's batman that wasn't one of them. he was depressed. doesn't matter how much cash one has in their life. money doesn't buy happiness contrary to popular belief (it can help though lol). the poorest can be the happiest and the richest (especially those who watched their parents be murdered at 8 years old) can be the saddest. bruce (at least mikey's version) seems way too deep for just any girl too. he isn't plug and play like most men (ugh) so it isn't like repairing his loneliness is a matter of just going out, pointing to some girl, and saying "you're with me baby. get in the rolls."

and feeling sorry for himself? um, HELLO. his parents were murdered right in front of him when he was EIGHT YEARS OLD. if someone who sees their parents MURDERED when they are EIGHT and they aren't mr. happy go lucky, that isn't being sorry for themselves.

the vibe i got off bruce is that he would have been fine with a two-room shack as long as alfred was with him and enough money for them to live on and to continue being batman. it was never stated because tim didn't feel the need to spill everything for us and hold our hand through the entire movies but i bet he stayed there simply because it was his parents home and he felt close to them by being there. otherwise he would have left in a heartbeat.

i'll get off my soapbox now but holy crap dude!