Are you a fan of the dark & eerie vibe and the depressing look of Batman Returns

Started by Jack Napier, Mon, 1 Sep 2008, 21:27

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Returns is the only film in the world that makes me completely zone out into my own little world each time i watch it. i dont think ill ever get the same feeling from watching a film again, its got to be my favourite of all time!!

Quote from: dale01 on Tue,  9 Nov  2010, 00:48
Returns is the only film in the world that makes me completely zone out into my own little world each time i watch it. i dont think ill ever get the same feeling from watching a film again, its got to be my favourite of all time!!
The only other film I can become immersed in (apart from B89) is the original Jurassic Park. Might be because I watched it religiously as a child, but to me, that has lots of atmosphere. Tropical storms: rain pelting down, hearing dinosaur noises but not seeing them. I have a great deal of respect for The Lost World - and think it gets close to that vibe. But the original is a master class of tone setting and atmosphere. And it's very hard to replicate that.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat,  6 Nov  2010, 07:09
Quote from: GothamAlleys on Sat,  6 Nov  2010, 05:39
I just recently stumbled upon an interview with nolan in which he says that Gotham was always NY for him, so thats even more puzzling why they shot in Chicago
So he says one thing and does another? Bizarre.

If NYC is Gotham to him, anything else is second best, and not his true vision.

Just found his reason for setting in Chicago

Why is Chicago, not New York, your Gotham?
Well, I grew up partly in Chicago. And when Nathan Crowley, my production designer, first set up here in my garage, putting together composites of what Gotham might be, we started imagining a city with all these layers, with bridges and subterranean streets and tall skyscrapers. And at a certain point I said to him, "I know where this is. This is Chicago."

The dark vibe is great.  It is Noir, which is Expressionism.  I just did a class paper on both.
The hopeful future Mrs. Cobblepot?

All the Batman films (except Nolan's, which is far too realistic in this aspect, imo) make me somehow escape my own little world, but the gritty, dark world of Burton's is the only Bat-world I find myself *wanting* to escape to.  While probably less depressing, Schumacher's Gothams are a little too "neon" for my taste.

The Nolan series doesn?t spark my imagination in the same way as Burton. With Nolan, what you see is what you get. Nothing is left to the mind. It?s all hammered out in dialogue.

If you want to escape into Batman's world in a modern context, play Arkham Asylum. Because you won't get that experience with Nolan. Rocksteady showed the world how it is done.

it also creates seasonal depression.

some poor sap right at the holidays: oh, it's christmastime. i'm going to watch something nice and fun. oh, here's a batman movie *pops in batman returns*

two hours later, same poor sap: hello, is this the suicide prevention hotline?


that was an amazing read. thanks unsilentenigma.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri,  5 Nov  2010, 14:35

Firstly, Burton?s Gotham, the Gotham of the comics, is not a normal world. Nolan?s Chicago is. And therefore the idea of some bat suited guy walking around is silly. It sticks out like a sore thumb even if he tries to stay in the shadows. I mean, you don?t see this going on in Chicago or any other City for real, do you? It?s not a place that looks like that would take place.

this is why i find myself constantly liking the nolan trilogy less and less and less. it's all....wrong. it isn't batman.