Are you a fan of the dark & eerie vibe and the depressing look of Batman Returns

Started by Jack Napier, Mon, 1 Sep 2008, 21:27

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Maybe since nolan knew he was going to deal with terrorist stuff  in both he passed on nyc just to be safe?

Quote from: Catwoman on Fri,  5 Nov  2010, 06:54
Maybe since nolan knew he was going to deal with terrorist stuff  in both he passed on nyc just to be safe?
Doubt it. If Nolan wanted to shoot in NYC, he would've shot there.

I seem to remember Nolan saying in an interview that certain parts of Chicago reminded him of Gotham, that's why he chose it. :-\

Now, I?ll address the concept of Burton?s Gotham, but also touch upon the psyche Burton gave Batman. I read where some guy named Jett critiques what he calls ?A-hole Batman?. Here?s my take on that.

Bale?s Bruce states the following in a throwaway manner:

?A guy that dresses up as a bat clearly has issues.?

He of course is correct. But he himself is not a true believer of that, and he is not portrayed as that. He?s a sane action hero in SWAT getup.

Now, these quotes from Batman (1989) highlights how thing should be, in my opinion:

Vicki Vale: A lot of people think you're as dangerous as the Joker.
Batman: He's psychotic.
Vicki Vale: Some people say the same thing about you.
Batman: What people?
Vicki Vale: Well, I mean, let's face it. You're not exactly normal, are you?
Batman: It's not exactly a normal world, is it?

Firstly, Burton?s Gotham, the Gotham of the comics, is not a normal world. Nolan?s Chicago is. And therefore the idea of some bat suited guy walking around is silly. It sticks out like a sore thumb even if he tries to stay in the shadows. I mean, you don?t see this going on in Chicago or any other City for real, do you? It?s not a place that looks like that would take place.

Now, a gothic hell hole that has sprouted forth from the ground ? you?d fully expext gargoyles to come alive and walk at midnight. Batman is an extension of that.

Secondly, to dress up as a bat, you?d have to be pushed to the limit. That?s the final straw. To impersonate a bat, it?s behavior, habits and philosophy. Batarangs, batmobiles, etc. He is a force for good, but he has been tainted, if you will. I mean, he literally inspired evil aligned freaks to dress up and challenge him. Evidence enough.

Batman and the Joker are two sides of the same coin. And because of that, they have to have similarities. They were both driven to the brink. They just have different philosophies and actions. They don?t have a mutual connection for nothing.

By saying it?s not a normal world and not addressing his own self, he is also implying that indeed, what he is doing is not normal either. But he makes it normal, and to him it has become so ? and his reality. He?s got nothing to compare it to.

Bale?s Batman seems to be unaffected and balanced. And I don't buy that. I believe there has to be some form of cross-over.

Batman is the true personality, and that personality would surely dominate all else on his mind. If you vow to dress up as a bat, you are in consequence taking on a 24/7 commitment. You?re dark and mean when the sun goes down, and obsess, stress and investigate by day.

Even the most case hardened detectives burn out and become affected. Now that is realism. This is an individual, personal commitment. Nobody else truly understands what Bruce feels. And he can?t really communicate that fully to anyone bar Alfred. Being a distanced, silent loner is pretty much a given.

I just recently stumbled upon an interview with nolan in which he says that Gotham was always NY for him, so thats even more puzzling why they shot in Chicago

Quote from: GothamAlleys on Sat,  6 Nov  2010, 05:39
I just recently stumbled upon an interview with nolan in which he says that Gotham was always NY for him, so thats even more puzzling why they shot in Chicago
So he says one thing and does another? Bizarre.

If NYC is Gotham to him, anything else is second best, and not his true vision.

Heres exactly what he said

What we wound up doing, is that the way that we approached Gotham as an exaggeration of New York, an exaggeration of a modern American city was to look at interesting geographical features of different cities of the world. A lot from New York, some from Chicago, a lot from Tokyo because of elevated freeways and monorails.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue, 28 Sep  2010, 01:43
Quote from: GothamAlleys on Mon, 27 Sep  2010, 00:58
Plus, its best to view the movie in the winter, it gives it and additional kick I think
No doubt about it, it does aid the film's vibe. At night with the air conditioner on as low as it can go is an equally good substitute. Make sure you are shivering, too. Wear a t-shirt, shorts and no socks. Believe me, you'll be more emersed in the film. You will feel the atmosphere.

man, you could not of hit the nail on the head any more!!! ;D