What Is The Best Prince Song In Batman?

Started by Kamdan, Tue, 12 Aug 2008, 04:28

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I know that most people who are fans of Batman '89 aren't too crazy about the Prince songs used in the film, but I have always enjoyed them. I have a soft spot for them because they played them at my school dances. The main three were Partyman, Trust and Scandalous. The Future, Electric Chair & Vicki Waiting were also featured, but were barely heard in the film. It's hard to pick a favorite for me, so I was wondering what everyone else thinks.

Partyman would be my favorite. Trust would be #2. I never disliked Prince's songs in Batman myself. I think they fit the mood of the scenes they were used in.

Partyman is probably the most memorable, folowed by Trust. However my personal fave from the soundtrack is Electric Chair, then Batdance!lol

My Favorite would have to be "Scandalous".

I am Vengence,I Am The Night....

 I love all the record, but my favorite is "The Future"

partyman is my fave too, everytime i listen to it I always think about the joker dancing
My balloons. Those are my balloons. HE STOLE MY BALLOONS!